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Chapter 1581 Torghast, Tower of Sinful Souls

Before the Maw Walkers appeared, the fact that no one could escape from the Maw was not just an empty talk, but an ironclad fact.

Sarlayan is not interested in learning more about Wei Nali's past, but the reason why she was banished to the Maw must be related to the struggle for power within the Wei Consortium.

Sharlayan, who has the blessing of the Star Soul and can freely enter and exit the Maw, cannot truly empathize with Wei Nali.

However, through simple empathy, we can deduce that for a prisoner who has been imprisoned in a hell full of danger and suffering for countless years, what she longs for most is undoubtedly freedom.

Returning Will Nali's freedom is just a piece of cake for Sarlayan, who has the privilege of entering and exiting the Maw, but for Will Nali, who has been seeking freedom for countless years but cannot get it, it is priceless. treasure.

The conditions proposed by Sarlayan instantly penetrated Wei Nali's psychological defense, but the cunning businessman suppressed his inner restlessness at this critical moment and still showed a calm attitude.

"Oh? Freedom? That is really an expensive bargaining chip, but how can I confirm that you are really the legendary Abyss Walker?"

Sarlayan had some idea of ​​Wei Nali's character and temper through the information provided by the barrage before setting off.

According to the barrage, Wei Nali looks quite cold and unapproachable on the surface, but she is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Compared with those profiteers who have no bottom line, she at least understands the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, and indeed provided a lot of important help to the foot man on his journey to the Abyss.

As for Wei Nali's private thoughts, Sarlayan didn't care much. Anyway, he just wanted to escape from the abyss and take revenge on the senior executives of the consortium who kicked him into hell.

Now that he knew Wei Nali's details in advance, Sarlayan didn't want to waste too much time on negotiations.

He told Wei Nali his trump cards in detail, and took her to the teleportation boundary monument not far outside the shelter. He took some risks and established a less than 10-minute connection with the boundary monument. A second of resonance.

When passing by this boundary monument before, Sarlayan had already carefully tried it once, confirming that he could indeed activate this nameless stone monument that was already covered with dust.

The population of the Maw is very mobile, and few souls can persist in this ghost place for more than a hundred years.

In today's Abyss, the only person who still knows the function of the boundary monument, apart from the talisman carver who has lost his memory, is probably the only one left, the former arbitrator - Zoval.

Sarlayan's movements were very cautious. He did not fully activate the teleportation ability of the boundary monument, but only tentatively established the most basic connection with it.

Witnessing the mysterious runes that flickered on the boundary monument with her own eyes, and using special props to prop up a small-scale shadow curtain, Wei Nali finally felt reassured.

After returning to the shelter without anyone noticing, Wei Nali finally began to officially discuss with Sarlayan how to avoid the surveillance of the Warden's Eye and sneak into Torghast quietly.

"Torghast is the most dangerous place in the Maw. According to legend, it was built from scratch by the warden himself to imprison and torture those sinners who once brought harm to the material universe."

Wei Nali spread her hands and gave an uncertain statement: "To be honest, I am still not sure whether this statement is correct. It is also possible that Torghast existed before the arrival of the warden."

"This issue has nothing to do with our mission objectives, so let's put it aside for now."

"All in all, it was under the management of the Warden that Torghast became an important landmark in the Maw."

"For countless years, the Warden has been sitting in the dominion sanctuary at the deepest part of the Tower of Sinful Souls. Some powerful sinners have been impressed by his unparalleled strength, and have either voluntarily or been forced to join his command."

Wei Nali warned earnestly: "Mr. Deep Shadow, I don't know what your strength is, but I guess you are no match for the warden."

"Even if you can defeat the prisoners he recruited one-on-one, the noise caused by the battle will alert the warden. Once he takes action personally, everything will be over."

"Therefore, we must keep a low profile as much as possible during the infiltration operation and must not be discovered by the warden and his senior subordinates."

Wei Nali clicked lightly on the map she drew by herself: "As you can see, the lands of Torghast and the Maw are connected by several thick chains. I believe you will not be stupid enough to follow the map. The chain forced him to run up.”

"Here, northeast of the Beast Pass, there is a portal that leads directly to the interior of Torghast. It is our first target."

"Well..." After listening to Wei Nali's long speech, Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "There should be many warden's soldiers guarding this portal, right?"

"If you want to use the portal, you will inevitably have a conflict with the warden's guards. Doesn't this conflict with your strategy of keeping a low profile as much as possible?"

Wei Nali chuckled meaningfully: "The situation is opening up, my friend."

"It is true that as you said, the warden has placed many guards near the portal, but it is not impossible to break through."

"For countless years, because the Eye of the Warden has been monitoring the entire Maw, and there has never been a powerful force in the Maw that can resist the authority of the Warden, the vigilance of these guards is seriously insufficient."

"As long as we can find a way to lure them away, we can sneak into Torghast quietly without alerting anyone."

Sarlayan looked at Wei Nali dancing with interest: "Since you have said this, it means you have already thought of a way to distract them, right?"

Wei Nali pretended to be calm and nodded: "You are very wise. It seems that we will cooperate happily."

"In order to ensure your retreat, I will not follow you into Torghast personally. Leave the task of distracting the guards to me."

"Right, catch this."

Wei Nali raised her hand and threw a strange rune stone towards Sarlayan.

"The spatial structure inside Torghast is very strange. When you climb up the tower, you may go all the way underground. Don't be fooled by the misguided portals in the tower."

"The last time I sneaked into Torghast to 'restock', I accidentally discovered a secret space with an unknown purpose."

"After repeated confirmations, it is basically certain that the prison space is different from any regular cell in the Tower of Sinful Souls. It is completely independent from the prison area. I suspect that it was specially customized by the warden for a certain big shot."

Wei Nali smiled self-deprecatingly: "Although I am a bit clever, I am self-aware of my own abilities. I am not qualified to explore that secret space."

"If the talisman you are talking about is really important, then there is a high probability that he will be imprisoned in the secret space that I have not explored."

"As the saying goes, thieves never escape. Although I haven't personally entered it to explore, I still recorded its coordinates with rune stones."

"Look, isn't this useful?"

Sarlayan tossed the rune stone in his hand: "So, how should I use this rune stone?"

Wei Nali shrugged and said: "It's very simple, just crush it after entering the central hall of the Tower of Sinful Souls, and the portal to the secret space will open automatically."

"The central hall has teleportation gates leading to various points in the Tower of Sinful Souls. Generally speaking, that place is the teleportation hub of the entire Torghast."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. Before using the rune stone, you'd better make sure that no one is paying attention nearby, so as not to be discovered and take a backtrack."

Sarlayan solemnly put away the rune stone and nodded: "I will pay attention."

"The next question is, after rescuing the Talisman Carver, how should I escape from Torghast?"

"Go back the way we came."

Wei Nali raised a translucent finger and said seriously: "You'd better control the rescue time within half an hour. I can't guarantee that I can lure away those portal guards for a long time."

"If it takes more than half an hour... you will have to carry that burden all the way out of the siege. Trust me, you don't want to do that."

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