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Chapter 1588 The miserable Frostmourne

The soldier leader has not yet been able to fully recover his memory at this moment.

However, as all the prison equipment that restrained him was released, the soldier's mind was gradually recalling some fragments of events that had happened in the past.

The historical truth told by Sarlayan promoted the recovery of his memory. This is why the soldier deliberately pretended not to wake up yet and continued to receive information. He did not want to interrupt Sarlayan's description.


Now that Wei Nali had seen through it, the soldier leader could no longer pretend. He coughed and sat up from the ground. He smiled bitterly and apologized to the two people in front of him: "I'm sorry, I just..."

"Okay." Sarlayan waved his hand nonchalantly: "No need to explain, it's not important anyway."

"As Wei Nali said, let's discuss how to escape from the warden's pursuit first."

Sarlayan looked solemnly at the tortured and thin face of the soldier master: "Long time no see, your Excellency, soldier master."

"You may not be able to remember when you met me yet, so you can put this question aside for now."

"What I want to know is, how strong are you now? Are you sure you can hold off the warden in a short time?"

"I am not sure."

The soldier raised his skinny hands and rubbed his temples: "My memory is still recovering slowly. Perhaps more intense stimulation can help speed up memory recovery, but I'm not sure I can stop Zoval in my current state. how long."

It can be seen from the words used by the soldier master. Regardless of other things, under the catalyst of the story told by Sarlayan before, at least he has remembered part of the memory related to the warden.

“Time is of the essence, so I’ll keep the story short.”

Sarlayan raised his hand sternly and pointed at the teleportation monument outside the shelter: "According to the Shadow Realm, I am the Abyss Walker in the ancient legend. I can use the boundary monument outside to open the teleportation gate to Oribos. .”

"However, this boundary monument has not been used for many years. It will take a certain amount of time to activate it again. I am not yet sure how long it will take."

"Once the boundary monument starts charging, the warden will definitely notice the movement here immediately, and he will most likely leave his other subordinates and rush over immediately."

Although the soldier's memory has not yet fully recovered, his logical thinking ability has basically recovered, and he quickly understood the meaning of Sarlayan's words.

"Abyss Walker...forget it, let's put this topic aside for now."

"In other words, I need to hold Zoval back before the portal is fully opened... To be honest, I don't have much confidence. My current state is really not ideal."

Sarlayan was not surprised by this. When he checked the three prison tools before, he discovered some clues. They had been continuously extracting the power from the soldier master, and they would be completely absorbed after a slight recovery.

It has been less than half an hour since Sarlayan rescued the soldier master. Even if the soldier master's recovery ability is amazing, it will not be possible for him to recover to the strength that can compete with Zoval in just half an hour.

"Regarding this, I made some preparations in advance...then."

Sarlayan threw the Frostmourne scabbard hanging around his waist to the soldier without any hesitation.

After subconsciously reaching out to catch the weapon, the soldier's face underwent some subtle changes.

"I still have a vague impression of this sword, as if it was forged by me myself. I remember it's called...the Sword of Sorrow?"

Sarlayan nodded: "Frostmourne, the prototype sword of the Sorrow Sword series, has the special ability to absorb souls. The souls absorbed can be used to strengthen the weapon itself, and can also feed it back when necessary. Holder.”

"I see...I understand."

Sarlayan had already said this, and the soldier master immediately reacted.

Under Frostmourne's constantly vibrating protests, the War Master reversely extracted all the soul power it had absorbed after entering the Shadow Realm and injected it into his own body.

For the soldier master's bottomless energy pool, the little soul power that Frostmourne had reserved was just a drop in the bucket.

But right now the soldier is only using it for temporary emergencies, and this strength should be enough for him to hold on for several minutes.

After absorbing the soul power stored in Frostmourne, the soldier's condition has obviously recovered, at least he no longer has to take a few breaths to speak as before.

As for Frostmourne's protest... Sarlayan said, "What do you want me to do?" Anyway, he had no particular obsession with Frostmourne, and he had no intention of keeping it with him for long-term use from the beginning.

Moreover, Frostmourne only exploded for a short time based on the character setting of the Artifact Spirit.

The War Master is a true forger of the Sorrow Sword. Even though he is far from returning to his peak strength, it is still not difficult to deal with a mere artifact spirit.

After all, this thing was originally made and set up by him.

"Sword of Sorrow..." After holding Frostmourne in silence for a while, the soldier nodded thoughtfully: I have recovered some of the memories related to it. "

"This sword is perfect for dealing with souls. It should be able to narrow the current strength gap between me and Zoval."

Sharlayan took Frostmourne with him, just in case.

When the time comes to have to fight the Warden, you might be able to catch him off guard with the Sword of Sorrow.

The second is to let Frostmourne act as a power bank to restore some strength to the weak leader before the war begins.

Sarlayan never does anything pointless.

The reason why he used Frostmourne to absorb the souls of those sinners while making difficult progress in the Sinner's Forge was not simply to satisfy Frostmourne's thirst for souls, but had other purposes.

In barrage terms, today's military leader is like a humanoid computer that is performing a slow self-examination. When specific data is scanned, a part of the memory related to it can be restored first.

As the forger of Frostmourne, the War Master knows its characteristics and usage better than anyone else.

If Zoval is not cautious enough, there is a high probability that the soldier master can give him a big "surprise" with this magic sword that attacks souls.

While Sarlayan and others were discussing their next plan, the warden was not idle either. Undead soldiers pouring out from Torghast were scouring the entire Maw.

Thanks to the misleading information that Willy Nally left behind before fleeing the scene, the Warden's soldiers are prioritizing the rocky area in the northern part of the Beast's Secret Path.

This small move can buy the three of Sarlayan more time. Even if the warden feels the fluctuation of the boundary monument and rushes over, his army will not be able to catch up with him.

Sharlayan's plan was to lure the confident Warden into pursuing him alone, and then the Warmaster, who had recovered some of his strength and was holding the Sword of Sorrow, would hold him back, giving Sharlayan a chance to activate the portal to escape the Maw. .

The plan went smoothly.

While the warden's army was still busy in the northern part of the Secret Path of the Beast, Zoval himself, who came to the front to supervise the work, suddenly raised his brows and turned his head to look in the direction of the Destruction Castle in confusion.

At this time, the Fortress of Destruction was basically an empty shell. Under the order of the warden, almost all the soldiers in the fortress came out and were exploring the west and south of the Beast's Secret Realm on a large scale.

At this moment, a pillar of light soaring into the sky was rising rapidly upwards. It seemed that it would only take ten minutes to break through the barrier between the Maw and Oribos and connect to the Eternal City on the other side of the dark cloud.

Although the warden didn't know the origin of this beam of light, he immediately guessed that this vision must be related to the soldier master who escaped from the prison.

"I'll go first, Dormazan, you lead the army to catch up as soon as possible."

Zoval's confidant - Soul Breaker Dormazan immediately saluted and accepted the order: "Yes! All troops, assemble!"

Ignoring the shouts of orders behind him, the warden took long strides and rushed towards the place where the light pillar rose as quickly as possible.

There is no way, the Maw has a forbidden air rule. After leaving Torghast, his home stadium, Zoval, who does not have the power of space, can only use this stupid method to move forward.

On the other side, Sarlayan pressed his right hand on the activated boundary monument with a serious expression, which was absorbing his magic power at an extremely fast speed.

With the injection of a large amount of magic power, the light pillar rising into the sky continues to extend upwards, and it is expected that it will take about ten minutes to connect to Oribos.

The timid Wei Nali did not come out with the two combatants. She did not intend to take the risk and follow them to escape from the Abyss immediately.

Anyway, it has been confirmed that Sarlayan can open the portal connecting the Maw and Oribos, and Wei Nali is not in a hurry after taking the reassurance.

She believed that the leader of the army was not someone who would not fight back after suffering a loss. In other words, the master of Maldraxxus would return with his army sooner or later.

Rather than taking the huge risk of being discovered when the soldier leader and warden are fighting head-on, it is better to wait patiently for a while. This is the wise way for a businessman to protect himself.


The warrior master guarding Sharlayan with Frostmourne in hand suddenly lowered his body weight and assumed a fighting posture.

"Salayan, remember to give me a reminder when the portal is officially opened to prevent me from getting too excited."

"Will I leave a surprise for Zoval before escaping from this hellish place? It will be considered as repaying him for his 'care' over the years."

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