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Chapter 1589 A real man never looks back to see the results

As time goes by, the memory of the soldier master is gradually recovering. The further back, the faster the memory recovery will be.

Due to the stimulation of the current situation, the soldier master has recalled many memories related to Zoval, and of course he will remember his "meticulous care" over the years.

The soldier's ideals are very full, but the reality is very skinny.

In his current state, it is impossible to defeat Zoval head-on in a one-on-one battle, and he can only use strange moves to leave him with a little memory.

It just so happened that the Sword of Sorrow was originally a magic sword forged under the coercion of the warden. It was perfect to use it to injure Zoval himself. It could also be regarded as a cycle of cause and effect and retribution.

Out of confidence in his own strength, the warden temporarily put down the large troops that could not keep up with his speed, and went deep alone to try to catch the soldier leader who was in poor condition.

There is a huge difference in strength between Zoval and the Soldier Master, who are both at the top. Among all the Eternals in the Shadow Realm, the brave and resourceful Soldier Master is undoubtedly the one who hinders the Warden's plan the most.

Therefore, Zoval would never let the soldier escape from his control under any circumstances, and must capture him back to prison before he recovers his memory and strength.

After receiving the assurance from the war master, Sarlayan gritted his teeth and chose to believe him, focusing all his attention on opening the portal.

The light beam connecting the sky and the earth continued to extend upward without stopping. It would take a few minutes at most to break through the sky of the Maw Abyss and establish contact with Oribos on the other side of the clouds.

At this time, the warden finally arrived near the boundary monument. Wei Nali, who was hiding in the dark, wisely retracted her head that was sticking out to watch the excitement.

Her small frame could not withstand the aftermath of the Eternals fighting each other.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Zoval immediately saw Sarlayan who was activating the boundary monument with all his strength. He couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes.

"Is this..."

Zoval has made his home in the Maw for many years. Not long after he broke free from the shackles of the War Master and regained his freedom, he walked around the Maw to observe the environment and discovered this nameless stone monument that had long been filled with dust.

Zoval tried various methods at that time, but was still unable to elicit any reaction from the stone tablet.

Over time, the warden, who was determined to unify all the forces of the Maw, forgot about this unimportant matter.

Seeing this stone tablet again after many years, Zoval, who had already learned a lot of secret information about the Firstborn, had an idea flash in his mind, and he immediately realized the true purpose of this stone tablet, and the thoughts of Sarlayan who was resonating with it. identity.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that Zoval recognized the origin of Sarlayan, he was more concerned about the long-standing legend in the Shadow Realm - the Maw Walker.

To escape from the Abyss, the power of the Abyss Walker is indispensable.

For countless years, Zoval and Denathrius have never given up looking for the Abyss Walker, but they have never been able to obtain any clues related to it.

The legend that he had been searching for for many years now appeared in front of him, and even the determined Zoval could not help but feel a little dazed.

The mission given by Sarlayan to the soldier master was not to defeat or injure the warden. Essentially, he just wanted him to delay as much time as possible.

Since the warden was temporarily sluggish and did not take action immediately, the soldier master who was well aware of his own situation did not impulsively initiate an attack.

The warden's dazed state did not last long. After coming to his senses, he glanced meaningfully at the soldier leader who was so skinny after years of captivity and torture.

"Old friend, why can you always easily get things that I have been looking for for a long time? Is this the so-called favor of fate?"


As a veteran on the battlefield and the military commander of the Shadow Realm, the Soldier Master is not an elegant and easy-going person.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

After listening to Zoval's sinister words, the already angry soldier master spit out fragrance as expected.

"Destiny? Go to hell with fate! You and I both know that no one can figure out such things as fate. Instead of believing in the illusory so-called fate, I prefer to believe that man can conquer nature!"


Although the soldier's physical condition was very bad, he was not inferior in terms of momentum. He pointed at Zoval with a sword that sounded like a bell and said decisively: "Zoval! Why is the Abyss Walker standing on the opposite side of you? In your heart In fact, we already have the answer!”

"It's nothing more than the right way to get a lot of help and the wrong way to get little help!"

"Hmph!" Zoval snorted contemptuously: "It's these boring clichés again."

"This self-contained universe has long been morbid. Only by making positive changes can we avoid the disaster that is destined to come in the future."

The soldier retorted without showing any signs of weakness: "I admit that it is indeed time for the Shadow Realm to make changes, but it should never be in the extremely radical way you want to adopt!"

Zoval shook his head helplessly: "It's useless to talk more. You and I both know that we can't convince each other with words."

"That's right."

The time that can be delayed with words only ends here. The soldier who was already ready for battle said in a deep voice: "In this world, only the person with the biggest fist can have the greatest say. Let me see what you have learned over the years." What progress!"

"Hmph! What a shameless statement."

While the soldier master turned into an afterimage, his voice continued to ring at the scene.

"Based on your current state? Don't make me laugh!"


Sarlayan, who was concentrating on activating the portal, ignored the battle taking place behind him, but the intensity of the battle could be roughly predicted by the impact generated when the two men's swords intersected.

In short, that was not a level of combat that Sharlayan could participate in right now.

Behind Sarlayan, who could not see it, the soldier leader fell into a disadvantage not long after the battle began.

In just one minute, the warrior master holding Frostmourne collided with Zoval holding the warhammer hundreds of times.

Since his strength was far from being restored, the soldier very rationally chose to fight on the defensive, waiting to attack. This was also in line with his and Sarlayan's intention of stalling for time.

The warden could also guess the intention of the soldier leader. After glancing at the beam of light that was about to break through the sky with the corner of his eye, he decisively increased the intensity of his attack.

Having worked together for many years, the soldier master and Zoval knew each other well.

However, the soldier master that the warden knew was still stuck in the high-spirited era before he was imprisoned.

Although the years of imprisonment caused a lot of damage to the soldier master, it also tempered his will in disguise.

Zoval, who thought he could easily win the victory, became more and more anxious as he fought. Seeing that the portal was about to be constructed, the war master still stubbornly refused to retreat, so that he could never find a chance to touch the mysterious Maw. Walker.


Zoval, who was anxious in his heart, decided to decide the outcome with one blow. After another collision of weapons to knock back the weak warrior master, he raised the skull warhammer in his hand high and began to accumulate power.

The soldier leader seemed to be completely at a disadvantage, but at this moment, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"This is what I've been waiting for!"

The warrior master braced his injured body and raised the magic sword in his hand to point it at Zoval, who was preparing to charge up a powerful move: "Frostmourne, release your power!"


After receiving direct orders from the creator, a large number of undigested souls swarmed out of Frostmourne.

Most of these souls came from Arthas who killed his own people during the civil war in Lordaeron. Due to the unbearable death, most of the nobles and soldiers of Lordaeron who were mercilessly killed by him have not yet succumbed to the magic sword. will.

Anyway, it can't be digested for the time being, so the soldier leader simply released all these innocent souls at once.

Tens of thousands of wronged souls spewed out, and the souls that subconsciously screamed loudly greatly interfered with Zoval's vision and perception.

The soldier master lurking behind a large number of innocent souls moved his position silently. By the time Zoval was exhausted and forced all the innocent souls around him to retreat, the soldier master had already disappeared from his sight.

At this time, Zoval could finally clearly see the back of Sarlayan, who was still concentrating on connecting to the portal.

However, at this time, he had no intention of capturing Sarlayan. The chill coming from behind made Zoval subconsciously try to roll to the left.

However, it was too late to react now.


Along with a crisp sound of swords, Zovar's unarmored back was torn open by Frostmourne, and a slender tear was opened, and the blue soul power spurted out from the wound.

"Soldier! The portal has been opened! Come to me immediately!"

After linking the portal to Oribos, Sarlayan, who had no time to care about the movement behind him, immediately alerted the soldier master.

The soldier who made a successful attack did not have time to check the results, and returned to Sarlayan's side in one step.


When Zoval, who had injured his back, came to his senses, the Abyss Walker and the soldier master were no longer visible at the scene, and only the last harsh words left by the soldier master could be heard.

"Zovar, this wound is my return gift to you. I look forward to meeting you again."

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