Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1590 The Pig Teammate Who Can’t Turn Around


Zoval, who was covering his sword wound with his hand, still had a look of pain on his face. Frostmourne's special soul attack was no joke.

Even the powerful warden could not resist the magic sword's enhanced special attack, especially since this sword was struck with all his strength by a soldier who was not much inferior to him in strength.

Not long after, Dormazan arrived with an army, and everyone looked at the warden in surprise, who was still kneeling on one knee.

In the minds of most people in the Maw Abyss, the Warden is the invincible supreme god. They have never seen this big boss in such a mess.

"No need to make a fuss."

After sorting out the soul power that was messed up by Frostmourne in his body, Zoval finally stood up again and said in a deep voice to his shocked subordinates: "The person who hurt me is a soldier of the Eternal One with me. host."

"I admit that this time I was tricked by him. Next time we meet, I will definitely repay this injury twice as much!"

After stabilizing the morale of the army with a brief speech, Zoval looked at Dormazan solemnly: "How is the situation in Torghast? Are there any other prisoners who took advantage of the chaos to escape?"

Dormazan replied respectfully: "According to the latest information provided by Leznar who stayed at the Tower of Sinful Souls, more than a dozen prisoners escaped while taking advantage of the turmoil in Torghast, including the one you value very much. People from Azeroth.”

Zoval frowned slightly: "Alsace...forget it, let's leave it like this for now."

"These guys don't have the help of the Abyss Walkers. As long as they stay in the Abyss, I believe you will be able to recapture these prisoners sooner or later."

Dormazan immediately beat his chest and saluted: "We will live up to your expectations, please leave this task to us!"

Sarlayan, who escaped from the Abyss with his soldier master, did not know that he had created some butterfly effects.

The portal connecting Maw Abyss and Oribos... is not actually a real portal.

To be precise, this thing is more like a positioning transfer device within the same country, but the transfer speed is very fast, and it looks like teleportation.

In fact, Sarlayan and the soldier master entered the pillar of light rising into the sky, and were pushed upward at super high speeds like an elevator car.

At the same time, the light pillar connecting the Abyss Boundary Monument began to disappear rapidly after losing the infusion of Sarlayan's power, but the speed of disappearing upward was a little slower than the rising speed of Sarlayan and the two.

During the rapid ascent, Sarlayan and the soldier master witnessed with their own eyes the dividing point between the Maw and Oribos.

One second the sky was filled with heavy clouds, and the next second the sky surrounding them turned into blue sky and white clouds.

However, the military leader at this time was not in the mood to appreciate this long-lost beautiful scenery.

As soon as they returned to the territory of Oribos, the gorgeous magic light and shadow in the sky attracted the attention of Sarlayan and the soldier master.

"This is……"

Because he was still advancing rapidly, the soldier master and Sarlayan were unable to communicate through words. He could only observe the battlefield and analyze the situation through his own eyes.

"Denathius, the Winter Queen, and Gristia?"

The place with the loudest fighting noise was undoubtedly the true god-level battlefield between Denathrius and his two female colleagues.

Previously, due to limited conditions, Sarlayan was not able to witness the brief battle between the soldier master and the warden.

This time, he finally had the opportunity to see how the true god-level bosses fought.

Judging from the situation, the three Eternals seemed to have been fighting for a while. They skipped the initial temptation and began to fight with real swords and guns.

Since there is no true god-level boss in Azeroth at this stage, this experience of watching the game is very valuable for Sharlayan, Valeela and Onyxia, and may give them a better understanding of the future. Have a clearer understanding of the road.

Of course, Onyxia should not be able to use this insight for the time being, because the bottleneck that prevents almost all dragons from continuing to rise is still restricting her.

As mentioned before, demigods can only adapt and guide the rules to develop the powers that best suit them.

After entering the realm of true gods, they themselves become the spokesmen of the rules, and can even forcibly modify some rules within their scope of power when necessary.

Denathrius' power is relatively unpopular, and Sarlayan has some partial understanding of it through the information provided by Prince Renathor and barrage netizens.

Denathrius's power is called Crime and Punishment. As long as he is guilty, his spells will cause a large amount of additional damage. The deeper the sin, the stronger the special attack effect will be.

What? You said that the sinless saint would be Denathrius's natural enemy?

That would be naive.

As mentioned above, the true god can bend the rules within a certain range and steer the battle in a direction that is beneficial to him, and Denathrius is no exception.

Even if there is a saint who is not guilty at all, Denathrius can forcefully change the rules to make him guilty.

【What is this? God said let there be light, so there was light? 】

[That’s pretty much what it means. He is a true god after all. 】

[But to use a more appropriate metaphor...Joeljos in the world view of the moon next door is more in line with this concept. If I say you are a dragon, you must be a dragon. 】

[Is it right to forcefully assign characteristics and then perform a super powerful special attack? This is a bit shameless. 】

【if not? After all, Denathius is also the third-in-command of the Eternals. How can he get along without two brushes? 】

The Winter Queen's power is more clear than Denathrius's, and the trees blooming for no reason on the battlefield in the sky are a clear example.

As we all know, Oribos is a city in the sky that reaches neither the heaven nor the earth, and there is no trace of soil in the entire country.

However, the Winter Queen was stunned to modify the rules in the air to create a dense forest. In this forest full of bleak atmosphere in autumn and winter, the Winter Queen at home can exert her greatest strength. She is the same person as Denathrius. The main force of the battle.

Yes, ontology.

The eldest daughter Gristia was now entangled with Lemonia, the swordswoman of Denathius, and for a while she was unable to escape the obstruction of this wise magic sword.

[I know the eldest daughter is very good, but she’s not so good that she can’t even defeat Denathrius’ weapons, right? Could this guy be letting off steam? 】

"No, that's not the case."

Sarlayan, who was still rising at a high speed, thoughtfully denied the barrage's statement: "If you look carefully, Gristia's power seems to be unable to exert its effect on Lemonia. This is why she was temporarily held back. root cause."

As the master of the Ascension Fortress, Gristia's power, known as the Archon, is relatively popular, and its power is called Law.

Gristia can place great restrictions on anyone who violates the law and prohibits the opponent's various abilities according to the rules.

However, the question arises, Lemonia is just a sword, how should the laws for swords be formulated?

It's not that Gristea can't forcibly judge Lemonia to have violated the law like Denathius, but her stubborn brain that can't turn around hasn't figured out what kind of law should be used to restrict this magic sword.

[Ah, this... is indeed a recognized pig teammate, he is so good that it makes people cry. 】

[In the final analysis, it is still a problem of lack of experience. The eldest daughter did not react quickly enough when encountering unexpected situations. 】

[The Shadow Realm has been at peace for too long. Even if the sky falls, there will still be warrior masters to hold it up first. I suspect that Gristia has not had many opportunities for actual combat since its birth and can only talk on paper. 】

[Do you expect the tour guide to be on the front line of the battlefield? If she really needs to rush forward, it means that the situation in the Shadow Realm is already extremely dangerous. 】

Although the Winter Queen often fishes for fish, her strength is still online. The battle with Denathrius was back and forth, allowing Sarlayan and others to experience the power hedging of the true god level.

Gristia... let her fight Lemonia first to gain more experience in actual combat.

On the high-end battlefield, Denathius briefly managed to defeat two enemies one against two.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as Gristia's mind changes, Sword Lady Lemonia will soon be defeated.

By deliberate arithmetic or not, the elite troops stationed at Oribos had a clear numerical advantage, but morale was relatively low because of Denathrius's preemptive and inciting remarks.

After roughly observing the battlefield situation, Sarlayan made a bold conclusion: "The current stalemate is only temporary. If Denathrius cannot break through the Winter Queen's defense in a short time...his failure will only be a matter of time. "

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