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Chapter 1591 The Black Dragon Princess’ Complaint

Sarlayan's prediction based on the current situation was correct. Denathius, who originally thought he could easily capture Oribos, was in a very bad mood at this time. He had realized that he had been plotted against.

But now that it was over, he could only bite the bullet and continue to struggle.

If Denathrius guessed correctly, his lair, Revendres, would most likely have been turned upside down by enemies who had already planned it.

The manpower he left alone may not be enough to sustain the enemy's full attack.

Denathrius, who personally participated in the battle, understood his current predicament better than Sarlayan who was watching.

Lemonia's ability to entangle Gristia in a short period of time was already an extraordinary performance, mainly due to the opponent's clumsy adaptability.

This stalemate is only temporary.

Even if Denathrius could withstand the pressure of the enemy's one-on-two attack, the henchmen he brought over would not be able to maintain the situation for a long time with their inferior numbers.

Not to mention that both Gristea and the Winter Queen have the support of an entire country. The longer time passes, the more unfavorable the situation will be for Denathrius.

It is true that Ascension Bastion and Ardenweald still have many internal problems, but they are still much better than Revendreth, which has been beaten to pieces by the rebels.

Denathrius calculated an account during the battle. If a country's maximum war potential is 10, then the manpower that Ardenweald and Ascension Bastion can mobilize should be 7 and 6 respectively.

And Revendreth... Even if the Venthyr who stayed at Nathria Castle held on during the enemy's onslaught, Denathrius didn't think they would be able to spare any effort to reinforce him.

At this point, there is actually only one way in front of Denathrius, which is to give up everything he runs in Revendreth and be forced to flee into the Maw and fully surrender to Zoval.

He knew with his buttocks that Denathrius, who was used to having fun, would never want to enter the abyss with extremely harsh environment before reaching the end of his rope.

Not to mention whether he can continue to live an extremely luxurious life in the Abyss, the battle for the right to speak with Zoval is a big problem.

Denathrius had been secretly planning for so many years, and he definitely did not want to take the initiative to make a wedding dress for Zoval. The arrogant emperor planned to become the ruler of the Shadow Realm himself.

The team of thieves who broke into Oribos failed to deliver good news. Denathrius' expectations could only be lowered little by little, and his mood became increasingly depressed.

"Hold on a little longer, Lemonia. If there is still no news from Ineva after attacking behind enemy lines... we can only prepare for the worst."

"Yes, my lord."

After a simple communication through the connected consciousness, both Denathius and Lemonia felt a little heavy.

Both the arrogant master and servant have realized that the situation is slipping to the worst side, and it may soon be time to make a decision.

At the same time, Sarlayan and the soldier finally broke out of the Well of Souls.

Sarlayan calmly spread his dragon wings in mid-air to stabilize his posture.

In the previous one-on-one duel with Zoval, the warrior master once again squandered all the power of his soul that had not recovered much.

At this moment, he could still feel waves of collapse, and his posture was quite awkward when he landed.

Although Onyxia and Stradama gave the team of demigod thieves headed by Inerva a huge "surprise" through deliberate calculations and unintentional calculations, after all, they were only two people and were still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Stradama is not good at frontal combat. In the process of fighting against the remaining demigod-level thieves, including Lady Inerva Darkvein, Onyxia relied on her strong defense to bear the heavy burden. part of the pressure.

It has to be said that Inerva's team is, after all, elite intelligence personnel trained by Denathius who invested a lot of resources.

Even if they are caught off guard, the few surviving elites still have the ability to turn the tide of the battle.

After all, this was Onyxia's first time fighting together with Stradama. There was basically no tacit understanding, and she couldn't exert the 1+1=2 combat effectiveness.

At the critical moment, Valeera, who was in charge of coordinating and managing intelligence at the central level, rushed over in time and barely managed to put the situation back together.

These two hidden forces were in a stalemate near the Well of Souls, and neither could do anything to the other.

The sudden return of Sarlayan and the soldier master broke the balance of the situation at the scene. Sarlayan, who spread his wings and floated in mid-air, immediately launched an attack on Inerva and others without hesitation.

After temporarily driving back the demigod-level thieves with a powerful and heavy giant blow, Sarlayan fell back to the ground and blocked the panting soldier master sitting cross-legged on the ground behind him. He glanced at Onik with the corner of his eye. Shia and Valeela.

"How are you doing? Can you still hold on?"

Valeela, who joined the battle later, was pretty good. As a thief, she rarely faced the enemy's attacks head-on. In most cases, she used her flexible body skills and spatial abilities to dodge, leaving almost no scars on her body.

Onyxia was in a worse situation. She was bulky and had many scales on her body that had been lifted off by the enemy. The bloody flesh under the scales could still be seen.

Fortunately, for the Black Dragon Princess who holds the power of the earth, these injuries are just superficial injuries, and they will not cause any damage to her muscles or bones, but she just looks miserable.

"You are finally back!"

Since she had to guard the Well of Souls to ensure that enemy attacks would not interfere with Sarlayan's return, Onyxia could only stay here like she was squatting in a pit, passively receiving many of the enemy's attacks.

The Black Dragon Princess, who had suppressed her anger, no longer suppressed her anger, and complained to Sarlayan on the battlefield without any concealment: "Quick! Avenge me, none of these guys who hurt me can let go!"

Sarlayan shook his head helplessly: "Okay, I'll try my best... Little Squirrel, you go back and continue to coordinate the intelligence. Leave this to me."

Valeera nodded wordlessly and disappeared from the battlefield silently.

Sarlayan turned his gaze to look at the leader of the enemy's thieves team, who was facing a formidable enemy: "The eagle dog raised by Denathius? You guys can't do it, but that's the end of it."

After the efforts of the three Onyxias, including Inerva himself, there are still 4 elite thieves left on the enemy side, each of which is of considerable strength.

Sarlayan didn't just say harsh words randomly, he could already feel that the soldier master behind him was quietly gathering strength.

Although the overdraft is quite serious, the soldier master is still a true god-level Eternal.

He was unable to personally help in this battle, but there was nothing wrong with providing some support from behind.

As the military commander of the Shadow Realm, the War Master is not only extremely powerful personally, he is also proficient in all kinds of legion-level gain and debuff spells, both positive and strange.

The buffs are for your own people, and the debuffs are for the enemies.

Just when Inerva wanted to laugh at Sarlayan for overestimating his own capabilities, the restraints imposed by the soldier master who had recovered a little strength pressed on them.


The shoulders of the four demigod-level thieves were forced to sink at the same time, and the huge pressure severely limited their mobility.

On the contrary, Sharlayan and Onyxia, who returned to human form after no longer needing to guard the Well of Souls, received a set of powerful buffs.

Onyxia, who got rid of the bulky dragon body and was determined to regain her position, was the first to rise up.

With the multiple BUFFs blessed by the war master, Onyxia completely gave up her defense, rushed in front of the slow-moving thieves team, and slammed the dragon claws that had only undergone partial changes.

The four of Inerva escaped from the attack range of the giant claw at the critical moment, but Sharlayan and Onyxia, who followed closely behind, arrived in time with a tacit understanding.


Warraghar's double swords, which had already been unsheathed, used whirlwind slashing skills to bring the two thieves into attack range.

Although the two men reacted quickly and raised their weapons to block, it was obviously not a wise choice for a thief to compete with a warrior.


Although they avoided the tragic situation of being cut in half, the two thieves who were forced to fight head-on were carried away by Sarlayan's strange power as expected.

Before they could adjust their posture in mid-air, two bottles of colorful alchemical potions had already hit them.


After a violent chemical reaction, the souls of these two unlucky thieves dissolved visibly to the naked eye, and they were forcibly mutated into two ooze monsters of different colors.

"Ah this..."

The corner of Sarlayan's mouth twitched: "Although I know that Stradama is a friendly party, the effect of this potion... is really a bit overwhelming."

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