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Chapter 1592 The Emperor’s clever plan to calm the world

After temporarily putting aside his unnecessary emotions, Sarlayan wielded his two swords and suppressed Inerva and her last remaining subordinate.

If we talk about hard power alone, Lady Ineva, who was carefully trained by Denathrius, is no worse than Sarlayan.

However, the rear support from the leader of the army caused a clear gap in the combat performance of the two sides. In just a few rounds of fighting, Inerva began to feel unable to resist.

Now that the situation has reversed, Sarlayan's side has turned into a large force against a small number. The two Inevas, who were already in a bad state, looked ashen. They had already predicted their own ending.

In fact, there is really no suspense in this battle, which is like chopping up melons and vegetables.

After easily killing the last of Inerva's subordinates, Sarlayan, who was still unsatisfied, withdrew from the battle and left the opportunity for revenge to Onyxia herself.

Not to mention the Black Dragon Princess who was still playing with her prey, Sarlayan retracted his swords and walked up to the soldier who looked like he was suffering from kidney failure, and briefly checked the state of his soul and body.

"The spell can be withdrawn. I believe Aoni can defeat the opponent with her own strength."

"Huh ~"

With the soul power in his body stretched thin, the soldier leader withdrew his spell from Shan Ruliu and said to Sarlayan with a wry smile: "My little friend, it is really unseemly for you to see me in such a mess twice in a row."

"This title..." Sarlayan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked thoughtfully, "Do you remember it?"


The soldier tapped his forehead with his finger: "I recalled the memories related to you, the traveler through time and space, and we finally met again."

Sarlayan smiled and spread his hands: "So, how is your memory recovering?"

"About 50% to 60%." The soldier sighed and said, "I only remembered some things that are closely related to the current situation. A lot of messy information is still hidden in the fog."

"I've never had a chance to ask before."

The soldier leader asked uneasily: "What happened to Maldraxxus after I left? Nothing major happened, right?"

"Well..." Sarlayan hesitated before giving an answer: "It's a long story. Although some twists and turns did occur, overall the problem is not big. It is nothing more than a civil strife."

The corner of the soldier's mouth couldn't help but twitch: "Is the civil unrest okay? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Don't worry, let's solve the immediate problem first."

Taking a final glance at Onyxia, who had completely gained the upper hand, Sarlayan set his sights on the True God battlefield in the distance.

"Do you still have the energy to keep Denathrius?"

The soldier shook his head decisively: "Unfortunately, I am powerless. Let's just let him go. It will be just in time to deal with this traitor and Zoval together."

Although Zoval acted in extreme ways, he acted with the idea of ​​saving the multiverse after all.

The soldier didn't agree with his overly radical strategy, but he at least agreed with some of Zoval's ideas.

Compared with Zoval, Denathius is just a pure villain, and all his plans are to satisfy his desire for power.

Compared to Zoval, who was straightforward, the soldier hated this despicable villain who stabbed him in the back at a critical moment.

If he had the ability, he would also like to kill Denathrius on the spot, but unfortunately, conditions do not allow him.

Still unable to wait for the news from Ineva, Denathrius finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

He waved back Lemonia, who was already at the end of her crossbow, and the majestic anima in her body burst out at once, slashing out a wide-ranging blood-red sword energy at the Winter Queen and Gristia.

The two female Eternals temporarily gave up their attack and defended themselves as if facing a formidable enemy. However, when they came into contact with the sword energy, they realized that they had been fooled.

This sword energy doesn't have much power at all, it just looks flashy, and its real purpose is just to cover up Denathrius' whereabouts.

The blood-colored fog that spread quickly at the scene obscured the vision of everyone present. Even the two Eternals could not see through this dense fog that spread extremely quickly.

Sarlayan and others who were near the Well of Souls were also affected by the bloody mist. Seeing that something was wrong, Onyxia gave up her fun and killed Inerva with one claw, who had no power to fight back, and immediately jumped back Sada around Sarean.

"What happened? Who caused these blood mist?"

"Denasius...just stand still."

After capturing the coordinates of the War Master and Stradama through his powerful perception ability, Sarlayan took the initiative to close his eyes to enlarge the range of perception.

He could clearly feel that an incomparably powerful energy source was rapidly approaching him...or the Well of Souls.

Fortunately, this layer of bloody mist does not just block the enemy's sight unilaterally. Even Denathrius, the master of the spell, will be affected to a certain extent.

It was precisely for this reason that he did not notice that the soldier leader, who was blocked behind by Sarlayan and Onyxia and whose breath was very weak, led the remaining men into the Well of Souls and headed straight for the Maw. Go.

After confirming that the auras of Denathius and others were gone, Sarlayan used the power of nature to summon strong winds to disperse the thick fog at the scene.

"The Abyss... ha~ Without the help of the Abyss Walker, that ghost place is really inaccessible."

The development of this trip to the Shadow Realm was somewhat different from Sharlayan's expectations, but overall the situation was improving.

As Denathrius leads his henchmen to escape into the Abyss, the masterless Revendreth will inevitably face a power reshuffle.

The leader of the rebel army, Prince Renathor, will naturally become the new generation of Revendreth master, and the stonesmiths who hold a large number of stone descendants will also be reused by the new king. After all, this is the beginning of the Dragon King. achievement.

Without Denathrius behind his back, the Shadow Realm should be peaceful for a long time before getting ready to invade the Maw and start the final battle with Zoval and Denathrius.

With the returning war master formulating a rigorous counterattack plan, Sharlayan can safely turn his attention back to Azeroth and fully respond to the coming elemental tide.

Sarlayan originally wanted to take advantage of the return of the War Lord to resign as Acting Marquis of Creator, but the War Lord who returned to Maldraxxus meaningfully persuaded him to continue acting temporarily until Baron Durotan had the strength to take over. Retreat.

Sarlayan was not sure what the war master was planning, but before he could completely put down the turmoil caused by Zoval and Denathrius, he really needed a channel to keep in touch with the Shadow Realm.

Moreover, as Sarlayan's deputy and the agent who executes his remote orders, Durotan is indeed not strong enough. Now he is more than enough to serve as a baron, but he still has a long way to go before becoming a marquis.

With a wise and courageous military leader in charge of the overall situation, the hidden dangers in Ardenweald, Revendreth and Ascension Bastion should be eliminated one by one.

Before leaving the Shadow Realm and returning to Azeroth, the Warmaster, who had recovered somewhat, invited Sharlayan to the Warmaster's seat in Maldraxxus for a detailed discussion.

The War Lord's Seat was the War Lord's former office area. Before leaving Maldraxxus to go to Revendreth to check the situation, the War Lord, who had a premonition that the trip would not go well, left a message in advance just in case.

Only by gathering the runes of the five secret courtyards can the throne of the War Master be opened and the warning he specially left behind can be heard.

The last time Sarlayan came to the Shadow Realm, he broke the seal of the War Lord's Seat. When he came here again after a few years, the scene in the War Lord's office was very different from before. First of all, the light became much brighter.

"Please take a seat, distinguished guests from Azeroth."

The soldier master, who was dealing with the backlog of official duties, noticed the arrival of the three Sarlayans, but he continued to write rapidly without raising his head.

At this time, the soldier's attire was completely different from the embarrassment he had just escaped from the prison. He had already changed into his old attire, looking full of majesty.

But what makes Sarlayan want to complain is that the soldier master, a guy with strong hand-to-hand combat ability, shamelessly dressed up as a spell caster, wearing a mage robe, and a staff placed horizontally on the weapon rack behind him. .

If he hadn't personally experienced the energy aftermath caused by the intersection between him and Zoval's blade, Sharlayan would have been confused by his mage-like appearance just like Valeera and Onyxia.

After getting rid of the tail of the official document in his hand, the soldier finally raised his head from behind the desk. He understood Sarlayan's unspoken thoughts at a glance and shook his head with a smile.

"Don't look at me like that. Although my fighting ability is very strong, I always think that I am still essentially a spell caster."

"Haha~" Sarlayan curled up his lips with a sly smile: "I believe you, Your Excellency, Soldier Master."

You can see from Sarlayan's expression that he was perfunctory. Although the soldier leader was helpless, he didn't want to dwell on this issue again and again.

"Forget it, it's not important."

"I invite you here, firstly, to return Frostmourne, and secondly..."

The soldier stared into Sarlayan's eyes with interest: "My little friend, although you took great risks to rescue me from the Maw, you seem to have always been wary of me."

"This opportunity is rare. We might as well open up and clarify the misunderstandings to prevent these misunderstandings from affecting the subsequent cooperation between Shadow Realm and Azeroth. What do you think?"

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