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Chapter 1593 The biggest hidden danger of immortality species


Sarlayan looked at the smiling soldier thoughtfully: "Has your memory been completely restored?"

"So be it."

The soldier sighed with emotion: "Let's not mention the insignificant details. I have recalled all the more important things."

Human memory is like this.

Except for a very few people with extraordinary talents, few people can remember what they ate on a specific day a few years ago and what ordinary daily life they experienced.

Under normal circumstances, while the human brain is remembering recent events, it will also selectively forget the less important things that have been experienced before, trying to eliminate junk information as much as possible and improve the "operation efficiency" of the brain.

A very small number of individuals can recall every big and small event they have experienced in detail. This situation is called hyperamnesia in the world where the barrage is located.

Strictly speaking, hyperamnesia is not a disease, but a very rare medical anomaly that usually has no impact on the patient's natural lifespan.

However, because patients with hyperamnesia have difficulty forgetting what happened in the past, they cannot use time to heal the psychological trauma they have suffered like ordinary people.

This will inevitably put an extra burden on the hearts of patients with hypermemia, making them more susceptible to some psychological diseases, such as depression, mania, etc.

The soldier doesn't have hyperamnesia, so it's natural that he can't recall those miscellaneous daily things.

This will involve another problem that the immortal species will face sooner or later. The barrage will borrow a term they got from other channels and call it "wear and tear".

Short-lived species like humans and orcs only have a lifespan of about a hundred years, and their lifetime is just a glimpse in the eyes of long-lived species like high elves.

However, in fact, precisely because of their short life span, short-lived species often live a wonderful life in a limited time.

An elder had warned Sarlayan a long time ago not to push himself too hard, but to learn to enjoy life and find ways to relieve stress.

Not all the elders' warnings are correct, but many things are indeed gained from their own experience.

In terms of brain structure, there is no essential difference between high elves and humans. The information that the immortal species' brain can store is still limited.

This is one of the reasons why the life attitude of high elves is completely different from that of humans.

If immortal species cherish every day they spend like humans do, perhaps in "just" a few hundred years, their brains will be filled with all kinds of messy information.

Yes, just like the hyperamnesia patients mentioned earlier.

This kind of mental pressure will increase day by day as time goes by. This is the concept of wear and tear mentioned by the barrage.

In order to relieve stress, high elves choose to indulge in pleasure, forget about less important things, and use pleasure to relieve the increasing mental pressure.

The same is true for the Nightborne. They and the high elves adopt almost the same method of relieving stress. Anyway, they just party all day long.

The night elves who once had the blessing of the world tree Nordrassil have a more clever way. They can actively forget some less important memories in the dream world.

All joking aside, if Sarlayan keeps maintaining this high-intensity work rhythm, he will be extremely bored with the responsibilities he shoulders in two to three hundred years at most due to his rebellious psychology.

This is one of the symptoms of the concept of wear and tear, a psychological illness that is inevitable.

As his experience grew, Sarlayan gradually became aware of this problem, which was one of the reasons why he took the initiative to delegate power on less important matters.

Although he has not mentioned it to anyone yet, Saraian already has a vague plan for his future.

After the many crises in Azeroth have passed smoothly, he plans to take his family and leave Quel'Thalas to live in seclusion, and take a long rest to calm down the large amount of mental stress accumulated in his early years.

But at least so far, Sarlayan can't safely leave those unresolved crises behind and leave.

Since being created by the Firstborn, the War Master has spent a long time that Sarlayan could not imagine. His experience is far beyond the reach of a young man like Sarlayan who is not yet a hundred years old.

Therefore, the experienced military leader can tell that Sarlayan has been wary of him to a certain extent ever since he recognized his clone tens of thousands of years ago.

At the time, the clone of the war master was baffled by this unwarranted warning, but later he vaguely realized where Sarlayan's wariness came from.

Since Sarlayan has the ability to travel through time and space, then... who stipulates that he can only travel to the past?

Is it possible that this kid from Azeroth accidentally saw some of the decisions his future self might make?

One's own family knows one's own affairs.

When Zoval launched the rebellion, the soldier actually felt very regretful.

Because he had long had the idea of ​​changing the decaying shadow world, but he was not as radical as Zoval.

To this day, the soldier still doesn't know what kind of world-ending crisis Zoval saw in a certain corner of the future.

It is precisely in order to understand this point that the soldier sent his clones to various planets and planes in the multiverse to find the answer.

In the end, the soldier who used countless clones to travel across most of the universe discovered two major hidden dangers that could threaten the survival of the universe.

One of them is the Burning Legion, founded by the fallen titan Sargeras.

If this group of chaotic lunatics are allowed to continue to wreak havoc, sooner or later the entire universe will be completely "purified" by the blazing evil flames, as Sargeras' slogan mentioned.

Following the clue of the fall of Sargeras and continuing to trace the source in reverse, the war leader discovered a terrifying creature that shocked him even more - the Lord of the Void.

The War Lord has long stood at the apex of one of the six original forces in the universe. In terms of position, he is on the same level as the Titans of the Pantheon.

No other being could be above him except the Firstborn... at least in theory.

Zoval has been trying to track down information about the Firstborn, and why has the soldier master never done anything about it?

According to the information that the war leader can find at this stage, there are at least four of the six original forces, including the Titans of the Pantheon, the Eternals of the Shadow Realm, the true gods such as Elune on the life side, and the original Naaru on the holy light side. The birth of leaders is inseparable from the first birth.

The chaotic side has not found relevant information to prove it yet, but it should be more or less involved with the First Born.

And the shadow side is even more heavyweight.

Whether the original Shadow Side is related to the First Born is no longer possible. The soldier master can at least be sure that the species of Lord of the Void has absolutely nothing to do with the First Born.

In the words of the military leader, the Lord of the Void is a cancerous substance spawned by the dark side of the universe.

The reason why this conclusion can be reached is due to the high-level void creatures captured and studied by the warrior master's clone in ancient Azeroth.

The war leader with a sense of crisis once had the idea of ​​​​cooperating with Zoval. It was precisely because of his inner hesitation that Denathrius calculated on him, who had always been brave and resourceful.

Although the war leader has not delved deeply into the power of time, based on his experience, he at least has an understanding of the rules of time.

Even in the same world, due to different choices of certain nodes, many completely different timelines may emerge in the future.

The soldier boldly guessed that Sarlayan might have seen a scene in a certain timeline where he cooperated with Zoval to bring chaos to the Shadow Realm and even the entire universe.

At least at this point in time, the war leader has completely given up the idea of ​​​​coddling with Zoval's extreme radical faction. He wants to cooperate with Sarlayan to explore another path of change in the Shadow Realm that is more suitable for the current situation.

Before that, he must first dispel Sharlayan's defensiveness towards him and have a frank and frank talk with the patron of the Azeroth Star Soul.

"What? Are you surprised that I would bring this up straight to the point?"

The soldier smiled and waved his hand to Sarlayan, who looked stunned and wary: "Anyway, I have lived for so many years, and some things can still be seen."

"Without the unnecessary pleasantries and testing, let's get straight to the point, Son of Azeroth."

The soldier leader put away the smile on his face and said solemnly to Sarlayan: "In your opinion, what kind of reform is the right path in your mind?"

Sarlay was stunned for a moment before subconsciously questioning: "...Huh?"

‘Should I ask this question? ’

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