Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1594 The real mastermind?

Sarlayan didn't know what kind of messy information the war leader had made up on his own. He always felt like he was chatting across servers with this big boss.

In the view of the soldier, Sarlayan has the power of time, and he subconsciously thinks that Sarlayan can travel between the past and future timelines according to his own needs.

This left Sarlayan speechless.

He has indeed mastered the power of time after activating the blood of the bronze dragon, but at this stage, Sarlayan's development of the power of time is far from enough to allow him to freely travel through time and space.

Moreover, to put it another way, even if he really had that ability, Sarlayan would never abuse the power of time.

Nozdormu and Elisande had learned from the past, and he didn't want to turn himself into a crazy person because he knew too many branches of time.

Sarlayan has never believed in fatalism. The direction the future will take can only be decided by those living in the present.

And Sharlayan has proven countless times that the future of Azeroth is by no means static.

With the help of Danmaku, the development of his timeline has long been very different from the original history known to Danmaku. This is the best proof to refute fatalism.

Therefore, even if he really had the ability to travel through time and space, Sarlayan would not use it to peek into the future.

At most, they will only travel to different eras with the idea of ​​taking a vacation or increasing their knowledge, and will not make any changes to the situation at that time.

Those who play with time will eventually be played with by time. Nozdormu and Elisande are both victims of this theory.

Aman'Thul, the father of the gods in the Pantheon, knew it very well. He clearly had the power of time that far exceeded that of Nozdormu, but he never intended to use this power to peek into the future or change the past.

Otherwise, this universe would have been in chaos long ago.

Although Sarlayan is not clear about the thinking logic of the soldier master for the time being, he has indeed wanted to figure out the soldier master's true intention hidden under the surface for a long time, and now he has finally succeeded.

Putting aside his doubts for the time being, Sarlayan responded solemnly: "To be honest, I don't know which reform path is correct...or maybe there is no completely correct path at all."

"Reform is not a treat, it must be practiced to gain true knowledge."

The soldier smiled bitterly and rubbed his brow: "I understand this truth, but it is precisely because the reform of the Shadow Realm will offend the interests of many people and even lead to bloody conflicts that I want to seek a relatively stable reform. the road."

"You also know that two of the five Eternals in the Shadow Realm have jumped back."

"Faced with Zoval and Denathrius teaming up, even I am not sure of victory."

"Therefore, I hope to activate the vitality of the Shadow Realm through reforms before officially launching an attack on the Maw, and further enhance the war potential of the four major kingdoms."

Sarlayan nodded: "Your idea is correct in the general direction. I still have some experience in reform."

"But I will say something ugly beforehand. Due to different worldviews and different demands of the people, you cannot apply the experience I shared with you to the Shadow Realm."

"As the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice. How to grasp the degree of reform... can only be measured by yourself as a local."

After an in-depth and detailed discussion with the war master, Sarlayan finally understood the true thoughts of the Eternal, who was suspected by countless barrages, hidden under the innocent appearance.

That’s not to say it’s all for nothing, but the military leader is indeed not as majestic and upright as he appears in the plot in the original history. He has his own set of thinking logic.

From a macro perspective, the war master, like Zoval, hopes to eliminate the outdated ancient rules of the Shadow Realm through drastic reforms and give this ancient world of the dead new vitality through modern transformation.

However, the warrior master is not as extreme as Zoval. He is so extreme that he even plans to use the power hidden in the Holy Tomb of the First Born to rewrite the basic rules of the Shadow Realm... and even the entire universe from the source.

Somehow, Sarlayan always felt that Zoval was deceived by someone.

Would the average person flip the table in hysterics on the spot after suffering a small loss?

No way.

But Zoval's approach is indeed very similar to Saryan's metaphor. His thinking mode is completely inconsistent with the logical rules of normal people, as if he skipped many calculation processes and directly reached the final conclusion.

Moreover, this conclusion is wrong.

The war leader was not completely unable to understand Zoval's grief, anger and radicalism, because he had summoned the Eternals many times to discuss reforms before completely rebelling.

But every time, Zoval's passionate proposals were firmly rejected by the Winter Queen, who only wanted to fish and maintain the status quo, and the stubborn and conservative eldest daughter Gristia.


This cunning guy can only play both sides, seemingly supporting a certain party, but in fact he has not taken any actual action at all.

The soldier supported Zoval's reform proposal in principle, but on the specific implementation plan, the two had huge differences due to different ideas.

However, until the time came when Zoval insisted on going his own way, the leader of the army still thought that he was a comrade with whom he could communicate.

After all, the truth always becomes clearer with more arguments. He really didn't expect that Zoval, who had no support, would be so extreme.

"Hmm..." After understanding the position and thoughts of the soldier master, Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Is it possible that Denathrius has been encouraging Zoval behind his back?"

"You also know that Denathrius is ambitious and wants to become the de facto master of the entire Shadow Realm... and even the multiverse."

"In his view, only troubled waters can fish, and a harmonious Shadow Realm is not in his interest."

"Well..." the soldier murmured and stroked his beard: "It's not impossible. It can even be said that there must be Denathius' instigation behind Zoval's rebellion."

"But I think the key to Zoval's fall is not Denathrius. That fool who thinks he is shrewd is most likely a pawn that was induced and used by a mysterious existence."

"A mysterious existence." Sarlayan looked at the soldier leader with piercing eyes, "So, who do you think this mysterious existence is?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure."

The soldier spread his hands helplessly: "After Zoval's rebellion, I sent a large number of clones to various planets in the universe to try to find relevant clues, but I was never able to grasp the key point."

"Let me tell you my guess."

The soldier held out a finger solemnly: "At first, I doubted the Burning Legion of the fallen Titan Sargeras."

"However, after a period of close observation, I have temporarily eliminated the Burning Legion from suspicion."

"The reason is simple, they are not qualified."

"Uh~" Sarlayan asked in confusion: "Why is it not qualified? In its heyday, the Burning Legion had Kil'jaeden as wise and Archimonde and Sargeras as brave. The entire physical universe could compete with them. Very few."

The soldier nodded in agreement with Sarlayan's statement: "Indeed, from the surface, the Burning Legion is indeed the biggest hidden danger endangering the security of the universe, not even one."

"Kil'jaeden the Deceiver is indeed very resourceful, but due to lack of intelligence, he has long been played by Nathrezim and Denathrius without knowing it."

"From this perspective, the seemingly arrogant Burning Legion is just a pawn in the hands of others."

"If you say so..."

Sarlayan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly considered the source of Sargeras's corruption in reverse.

"Lord of the Void?"

"Ha~" A meaningful smile appeared on the soldier's face: "As expected, you also know about this mysterious ethnic group, so our discussion can be more in-depth."

"I suspect that the Lords of the Void have been hiding behind the scenes to control the many turmoils in the physical universe. They are the culprits of all chaos."

Sarlayan frowned and asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

"I also believe that the Lord of the Void's plan is not trivial, but guessing alone cannot give a convincing answer, nor can we convince like-minded people to firmly follow us forward."

"That's the problem." The soldier smiled wryly and shrugged: "Until now, I have not discovered any substantial relationship between the Lord of the Void and Zoval."

"After being subdued by Zoval and Denathrius, I raised this question to him in private, but he denied my doubts without hesitation at the time."

"That is to say..." Sarlayan pondered for a moment before coming to a conclusion: "At least Zoval himself does not think that he is being used."

"Perhaps the breakthrough is not with Zoval. Denathrius, who thinks he can control everything, is the key to breaking the situation."

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