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Chapter 1595 It can be done once and never again

Some clues can be seen from the original historical and future information provided by the barrage. Zoval has an overall view, but not much, at least not compared to Denathius, who started planning tens of thousands of years ago.

In Sarlayan's view, Zoval inadvertently glimpsed a corner of the future, and then fell into a daze for the ending that was "destined" to come.

In order to avoid the ending he saw, Zoval did not hesitate to break with his brothers and sisters who had worked together for many years, and insisted on implementing his radical ideas to the end.

There is a saying that Sarlayan did not see a truly logical overall view in Zoval's series of actions. He was nothing more than a poor man who was frightened into hysterics by the terrible vision of the future.

Sound familiar?

In the final analysis, Zoval's experience is quite similar to that of Elisande and Nozdormu. They were both blinded by the so-called future presented by the out-of-control power of time and space. As a result, they made a lot of things that cannot be understood by ordinary people. Understandable stupid behavior.

So the question is, why do we run into problems every time it comes to peeking into the future?

Sarlayan also once thought that this was just because these people who spied on time were not good at learning and their interpretation of the timeline and the future was not adequate.

But an old saying mentioned by the barrage suddenly woke up Sarlayan - only three things can happen.

Once can be said to be a coincidence, twice can be said to be accidental, three times he fell down in the same place... no matter what, he should have felt something was wrong.

In response to this issue, Sarlayan had an in-depth discussion with the soldier leader out of suspicion and verification.

"Have you been blinded by the illusion of the future that you 'accidentally' spied on..."

The military leader touched his chin thoughtfully: "Do you suspect that these events related to the 'future' are deliberately misled by someone behind the scenes?"

Sarlayan nodded solemnly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, and people who can achieve such a 'great deed'..."

"Definitely not much."

The soldier's expression also became serious: "You need to at least reach the realm of a true god to distort the rules of time on such a large scale, allowing specific individuals to receive a corner of the future that has been maliciously tampered with."

As soon as this conclusion came out, Sarlayan and the soldier leader fell silent.

"So..." After a while, the soldier took the initiative to break the silence: "Denasius can't be the mastermind behind this. I know him very well, and that guy doesn't have the power of time."

Even if we look at the entire universe, there are definitely not many people who can control the power of time.

The soldier who has used his clones to travel across most of the universe is considered to have extensive knowledge. During his long interstellar travels, he has only known two or three individuals who have the power of time.

Sarlayan is one of them.

Through the ratio of time power to other powers, the soldier came to the conclusion that the ability to manipulate time is also very rare in the entire universe.

In the knowledge of the well-connected military leader, the only person who has the ability to distort the rules of time on such a large scale seems to be the father of the gods who stands at the apex of order - Aman'Thul.

However, more questions also arise with this conclusion that is not sure whether it is correct or not.

Aman'Thul was defeated by Sargeras tens of thousands of years ago, and his soul was captured and imprisoned on Argus.

Moreover, Aman'Thul is a defender of order recognized by the entire universe. According to the nine-square grid of the camp, he is a completely orderly and kind person.

It is unlikely that such a person is behind these small actions that harm the entire universe...unless Aman'Thul has another face hidden beneath the surface.

But this speculation is too much of a conspiracy theory.

To put it bluntly, even if Aman'Thul really had a motive for committing the crime, he would not have had the time to commit the crime while imprisoned in Antorus.

"Then there's only one answer left."

The soldier rubbed his brows with a headache: "According to my many visits and investigations in the early years, the Lord of the Void is a powerful species that travels outside the material universe. They have the status of true gods since their birth."

"In order to intervene in the material world, the Lord of the Void set out to create the light and darkness known as the cancer of all realms... So what? In short, it is the thing commonly known as the Ancient God."

Sarlayan added speechlessly: "They are light and dark sensitive parasitic symbionts. This is the scientific name given to them by the Pantheon based on their living habits... It is indeed a mouthful."

The soldier waved his hand nonchalantly: "Don't worry about these details, as long as you know what I'm talking about."

"In short, through these parasites that steal the nutrients of the planet, the Lord of the Void spreads his sight to every corner of the physical universe."

"While the Pantheon was still working normally, thanks to the diligent 'weeding' operations of the Titans, the speed at which the Ancient Gods spread across the universe could still be controlled."

"But as the fallen Titan Sargeras destroyed the Pantheon, the number of planets parasitized by the ancient gods suddenly increased dramatically."

Sarlayan frowned and asked: "Even if we exclude the chaotic side who is afraid of the world being in chaos and the shadow side who have long been occupied by the doves, there are still three of the six original forces in the universe, right?"

"Including the Shadow Realm, what are the other three major forces doing? Are you just watching the Void Force grow stronger step by step?"

"Of course not." The soldier shook his head helplessly: "I don't know much about the life side and the light side. The Shadow Realm... In fact, this is one of the reasons why I want to cooperate with Zoval to reform the Shadow Realm."

"As we all know, there are five Eternals in the Shadow Realm. When encountering major events, we will use voting to decide whether to implement the plan proposed by one of the Eternals, each with one vote."


Having said this, Sarlayan immediately understood the meaning of the soldier master and rubbed his eyebrows in confusion.

"The Winter Queen and Gristia are blindly seeking stability, and Denathius has other plans behind his back. As long as the three of them vote against it as always, it won't help even if you side with Zoval...right?"

[Isn’t this the same dilemma Luo Ning once encountered? As expected, this rigid voting system in which the minority obeys the majority is very problematic. 】

【if not? Take the Brexit vote that caused a lot of commotion in the past few years. 】

[51.9% of people are in favor of Brexit, and 48.1% are against it, basically a 50-50 split. 】

[According to the voting results, the corrupt country has decided to leave the EU. However, anyone who has paid a little attention to the international situation can see the series of chaos and decline in national power caused by Brexit. 】

[The 51.9% of people who voted in favor were happy at the time, but what about the rest? What about those who regretted it during the subsequent decline of national power? 】

[Unfortunately, the rotten country that broke up with the EU has no way to turn back. It has to continue on the path it chose, with tears in its eyes. 】

[That’s why there is a chaos where the prime minister takes turns every year. Yes, this is very democratic. Policies also change every year, which makes the people of the corrupt country confused. 】

Sarlayan has not been paying attention to the discussions on the barrage, but the decisions and current situation of the corrupt country they mentioned are indeed worth pondering.

This kind of voting system in which the minority obeys the majority does have a lot of problems, especially when the votes of both parties are very close, an accident can easily lead to the tearing of society.

Back to the topic.

The war leader and Zoval, who were determined to reform, were blocked by stubborn and conservative pig teammates more than once.

The soldier leader can still keep his composure, but Zoval, who was confused by the illusion of the future, decided that he couldn't bear it any longer. He didn't need to bear it anymore, and he just lifted the table and stopped playing with you.

Denathrius, who had been waiting to fish in troubled waters, took the opportunity to enter the situation, which led to a series of subsequent events.

"Salayan, in the next few years, the Shadow Realm will focus most of its energy on preparing for war."

The soldier said earnestly: "Due to the series of turmoil that happened before, you have established a good relationship with the Winter Queen and Gristia."

"I hope to get your help after we have completely defeated Zoval and Denathrius."

Sarlayan asked thoughtfully: "Do you want me to help you convince the two old-school Eternals?"

"That's right."

The soldier sighed a little tiredly: "I know very well how stubborn those two people are. After Denathius and Zoval died one after another, there are only three Eternals left. No matter what, I need to recruit another ally. Come and endorse my reform proposals.”

"Hmm..." Sarlayan pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement: "Yes, I will try my best to persuade the Winter Queen to change her mind."

"You also need to use your own network to do some secret activities. It's best to persuade her sister Elune to help."

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