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Chapter 1605 Tina Gosa lets herself go

Sarlayan's family never needs to prepare special vehicles when traveling. Except for Valeera, the few people present can transform into dragon forms and fly freely, and the broad dragon back can carry many people.

In the past, when the family went out, Stellagosa, as the chief secretary, would often stay in the territory and sit in charge. At least Tinagosa would be left to handle government affairs on her behalf. In most cases, Sharlayan and Onyxia took turns. Transform into a dragon and carry people.

Now that we have made up our minds to move away from Quel'Thalas, Unicorn City will sooner or later be handed over to locally trained officials to take over management.

Taking this opportunity, Sarlayan planned to try to let go completely and see if local officials alone could maintain the normal operation of the Deep Shadow Grand Dukedom.

The Unicorn City was built bit by bit by Sharlayan from scratch. Even if he left Quel'Thalas for some reason, Kael'thas would not take back management rights. This territory would still belong to Deep Shadow Family Management.

Once Sarlayan takes the lead in moving away, there is a high probability that Inas and Julian will not continue to live in Quel'Thalas. After all, the couple's position is closer to the dragon family.

In other words, the Archduke of Deep Shadow should be handed over to Villes for management in the future.

Unlike Julian, who was born in a branch of the family, Veles is the direct heir of the Deep Shadow family, and his lineage is destined to take root in Quel'Thalas for a long time.

Although Sarlayan's title and reputation have long surpassed that of Villes, who was promoted to Marquis last year, he is still the patriarch of the Deep Shadow clan, and the Julian family has no intention of usurping power.

On the contrary, the relationship between the two brothers, Viles and Julian, has always been very close. When Sarlayan was young, he relied on his uncle's care to gain a firm foothold in Quel'Thalas.

After Julian's lineage moves out of Eversong Forest, Veleth will become the link between the Shadow Clan and Quel'Thalas, continuing to maintain the connection between Sharlayan and the homeland where he was raised.

That's a bit far.

All in all, Sarlayan, who decided to delegate power, took everyone away this time, including Tina Gosa and Stella Gosa, and entrusted the management of the territory to the already grown secretariat and the Grand Duke. officials at all levels.

After finally letting go, Tinagosa was a little excited, and Sharlayan took advantage of the situation and proposed that she be the navigator.

As long as the general direction is correct, Tina Gosa, who transforms into a young dragon form to carry people, can freely choose the specific flight route.

Therefore, the lively and active little Tina flew out countless Z-shaped routes after leaving the range of Yonge Forest.

Although Sharlayan, Stellagosa and others were a little bit dumbfounded by this girl's naughty behavior, they did not stop her and allowed Stellagosa to let herself go.

At the first stop after leaving Quel'Thalas, Tina Gosa, who was flying around, unconsciously came to the sky above the ruins of Zuma Shar.

Appointed by Marshal Uther of Lordaeron himself, the Silver Hand's new deputy commander Tirion Fordring and his army staff officer Fairbanks led the knights on the expedition.

The Knights of the Silver Hand accumulated a lot of practical experience in the Second Orc War and the ensuing natural disaster wars, and they were naturally able to deal with a group of poor trolls who had been separated from mainstream civilization for many years.

Tirion Fordring, who was holding a war hammer, personally charged forward. Relying on the powerful mobility and impact of the Paladins, the elite of the Knights broke through the temporarily constructed defense line of Zumashal in only a few days.

By the time General Alfred Abbendis arrived with reinforcements from Tyr, the war situation in Zumashal had already shown a one-sided trend.

At this point, the last piece of territory in the East Wilder region that was not under official management was returned to the name of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

After discussions in central Lordaeron, this long-abandoned land will be managed by Viscount Maxwell Tyrossus.

The Tyrossos family is an old noble in Lordaeron. Maxwell was only the lowest baron when he first inherited the title. He was promoted to viscount due to his outstanding performance in the battle of natural disasters.

The ancestral territory of the Tyrosos family extends to the north with the Light's Hope Chapel as the center.

Because of the promotion of the title, the Tyrosos family's territory will naturally expand accordingly, and it is logical to add the original Zumashar ruins to Maxwell's name.

By the way, the Kaolin intersection west of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel is the territory of Saidan Dathrohan, the current leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Unlike old nobles like the Tyrosos family, Saidan Dathrohan, known as the Grand Cross Warrior, only came to the fore with his military exploits during the Second Orc War.

To be more precise, among the five first-generation paladins, except for Gavinrad Doom, who is from the Kingdom of Stormwind, and is a noble, the other four were previously apprentices of Archbishop Alonsos Faol, a priest of the Holy Light Church.

Unlike Maxwell, who stayed in the territory all year round, Saidan spent most of his time in the King's City of Lordaeron performing his duties as the deputy leader of the Knights (at the time) and rarely returned to his territory.

After Uther was promoted to Marshal of Lordaeron, as a veteran of the Silver Hand, Saidan naturally took over the position of leader of the Knights, and by the way, he also took over Tirion Fulton, who was hiding in the territory of Hearthglen and focusing on raising his cubs. Ding took it out by force.

Here again, the current deputy marshal of Lordaeron is Alexandros Mograine, who has steadily climbed through the ranks with his military exploits.

Ursol represents the Paladin line, while Mograine represents the orthodox officer system of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The two together form the current Lordaeron army.

After Titus Rivendare's initiative to give in, Stratholme, which was still managed by the Baron family of Rivendare, returned to the rule of Lordaeron.

The current Baron Rivendell is the only son of Titus - the still young Oryx Rivendell.

Titus and his wife Anastari have been transformed into undead. They followed the Lich King Thoras Trollbane to fight in Draenor and hand over the family's ancestral territory to their living son. manage.

This was one of the conditions Titus agreed to allow Stratholme to return to Lordaeron.

After leaving Zumashal, which was waiting for something to be done, Tina Gosa flew on a strange route.

She first went south to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, then turned west and flew directly to Stratholme via Cowling Road, then diverted from Stratholme City to the south to Darrow County, and then flew over Lake Darrowmere to arrive. Caer Daron Island.

Along the way, Sarlayan can clearly feel that the development of the East Wilder region is improving, and the damage caused by the natural disasters is being eliminated bit by bit with the efforts of the local lords.

After arriving at the sky above Keldaron Island, Tinagosa finally felt tired after the excitement period. Sarlayan simply let her land outside the castle and paid a visit to the manager of this place, Barro. Husband’s family.

The Barov family is one of the oldest and wealthiest families in the Seven Kingdoms of least it once was.

The satellite town Brill in front of the Royal City of Lordaeron, Tarren Mill in Hillsbrier, and Southsea Town were all once the fiefdoms of the Barov family. Their family wealth was even greater than that of the Alterac royal family Pirino. Above virtue.

The huge impact of the Second Orc War caused heavy losses to the Barov family.

Taking advantage of the negative impact caused by Aiden Perenold's surrender to the enemy, after the war, Terenas, the then King of Lordaeron, liquidated the Kingdom of Alterac.

Terenas, who had long regarded Brill as a thorn in his side, directly took this satellite town of the royal city into the national ownership of Lordaeron. In the following years, he gradually eroded the towns such as Tarren Mill and Southsea Town. An important fiefdom of the Rove family.

After the Kingdom of Alterac was restored under the leadership of Etherton Perenolde, the Barov family, who had served the king diligently and meritoriously, happily took back Tarren Mill and Southsea Town, but the location of Briar was too sensitive. Obviously it can't be taken back.

Fortunately, Calia was not as shameless as Terenas. She persuaded the Barov family with emotion and reason, and transferred Brill to the management of Lordaeron in the form of purchase.

After receiving a fairly generous compensation, the Barov family, although still a little dissatisfied, at least had no intention of making trouble again.

Upon learning that Archduke Shenying suddenly visited, Alex, the head of the Barov family, hurriedly took his wife and daughter out to greet him in person.

Through a brief exchange with Alex's family, Sarlayan learned some interesting things about the Kingdom of Alterac in recent years.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the marriage of the current king Etherton.

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