Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1604 Farewell to Quel'Thalas?

There is a saying that even if the will of the Dragon Kings is strong enough, tens of thousands of years of perseverance will be enough to make their spirits extremely exhausted.

Malygos is an exception, because he let everything go and fished in the ten thousand years after the War of the Ancients.

In fact, not many major events happened in Azeroth in ancient times. The time period that really added great mental pressure to the dragon guardians happened to be the ten thousand years when Malygos fell into madness.

This can be glimpsed through the chronological records provided by Danmaku.

All kinds of miscellaneous bad things almost all happened in the past 1,000 years, including the quicksand battle that caused huge losses to the Dragon Rest Temple. Even the three Dragon Crown Princes were trapped in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

The heir who had been carefully cultivated for many years was imprisoned, which naturally made the three dragon kings extremely anxious.

Oh no, Malygos was not awake at the time, so he could be eliminated first.

Ysera and Alexstrasza were really worn out by this incident.

"Actually, even if we didn't tell them, the three dragon kings have already planned to pass the throne to the crown prince. It's just that because of the endless turmoil in Azeroth in recent years, they haven't been able to find a suitable opportunity."

"Your appearance." Stella Gosa raised her hand and pointed at Sharlayan with a smile: "It gave the dragon kings a sense of certainty. The message you conveyed to them this time made them even more determined."

The corners of Sarlayan's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch: "...They still plan to let me carry the Dragon Sleeping Temple?"

Stella Gossa, who has always been gentle, showed a joking expression: "What else? Hasn't His Majesty Ysera already placed a bet in advance?"

"This time, His Majesty Alexstrasza directly made the topic clear. They all believe that colorful dragons are the truly correct direction of evolution for the dragon clan."

"Therefore, it is natural that you, the most perfect colorful dragon, should shoulder the burden in the new era."

"This is simply a conclusion based on ability judgment. If you include your huge network of contacts, they will be able to hand over this responsibility to you with confidence."

Everyone present could understand what Stellagosa meant. Dragons were not the only beings in Azeroth who bore the title of guardian.

Theoretically, the Titan Guardians sitting in Ulduar should have been the superiors of the Aspect Dragons.

However, due to the many turmoils that broke out among the Titan Guardians, the important task of protecting Azeroth had essentially fallen on the Dragon Clan tens of thousands of years ago.

At this point, even Odin, the most arrogant person, has no shame in posing as a superior in front of the dragon clan who has wiped their butts for tens of thousands of years.

But no matter what, Wyrmrest Temple still hopes to maintain a harmonious relationship with Ulduar, and the importance of Sarlayan, who has close relationships with many Titan Guardians, is self-evident.

Although Sharlayan has not yet issued a formal public statement, all Azeroth leaders, including Kael'thas, are aware of it.

Sooner or later, Sarlayan will take his family and leave Quel'Thalas and continue to watch this young and energetic world...or planet from a higher dimension.

It's not that the Deep Shadow family is unhappy in Quel'Thalas.

On the contrary, with the acquiescence and connivance of two generations of Sun Kings, the Deep Shadow family represented by Sarlayan has taken a position below one person and above ten thousand people in Quel'Thalas.

However, with Sarlayan's current reputation, connections and contributions, Quel'Thalas, which is just a mortal country, is destined to be unable to keep him forever.

The barrage had jokingly mentioned before that Sharlayan had no chance of promotion in Quel'Thalas.

Unless Kael'thas could conjure up a direct descendant of the Sunstrider family to marry Sharlayan and take the opportunity to make him a prince, the Grand Duke would already be the highest-ranking noble in the feudal kingdom.

Unfortunately, there are no female members of the right age in the Sunchaser's direct line, which is thin in population. Just marrying off a side branch is not enough to grant the title of prince.

The feudal kingdom has its own set of operating rules, and even Kael'thas, as the king, cannot violate the rules casually.

To take a step back, even if you can find a chance to make Sarlayan a prince, what about next time? Is it possible to give up the throne to him?

As the saying goes, a melon that is too strong is not sweet.

Instead of trying to force Sharlayan to stay in Quel'Thalas, it would be better to continue to maintain good relations with the Deep Shadow family and let nature take its course.

At a certain time, the Deep Shadow Family will inevitably leave Quel'Thalas and move to a higher level.

Kael'thas still doesn't know that the Aspect Dragons plan to let Sharlayan inherit the leadership of Wyrmrest Temple on behalf of the colorful dragons, but based on his overall view, he can definitely guess that Sharlayan's future will continue to rise.

In this case, it would be a good choice to leave a good relationship with this big boss who will ascend sooner or later.

Among the second-generation heirs of the five major dragon clans, the red dragon prince Karen, the blue dragon prince Aregos, the bronze dragon prince Anachronos, and the black dragon prince Abyssian all have a good relationship with Sarlayan.

As for the green dragon princess Melinsela... Ysera even packed her daughter and sent it over.

With the full support of these five crown princes, Sarlayan will not encounter too much criticism when he takes over as the representative of the Colorful Dragon. He can also use his strong personal network to strengthen ties with all forces in Azeroth. Why not? Why not?

Sarlayan had actually known about this for a long time. After all, he was still a member of the dragon clan and could not escape the responsibilities he should have shouldered.

Nominally, Sarlayan has the blood of both high elves and dragons.

However, due to Inas's extraordinary genetic adjustment, Sarlayan actually only has the appearance of a high elf. His dragon bloodline is extremely pure, and there is nothing wrong with being a pure-blooded dragon.

To put it in a barrage joke, he is basically a humanoid dragon wearing the skin of a high elf.

In the past, when Sarlayan had not officially grown into a dragon, the senior officials of Wyrmrest Temple still had a wait-and-see attitude towards him.

Now that Sarlayan has truly grown into a humanoid dragon, it's no wonder that the dragon guardians can't wait to give him the upper hand.

As a high elf, Sharlayan's dedication to Quel'Thalas over the years can be seen by everyone.

Recalling the hidden meaning in Kael'thas' words when he met with him not long ago, Sharlayan sighed with very complicated emotions.

"Perhaps it is indeed time to prepare to say goodbye to Quel'Thalas."

After hearing Sarlayan's words, Onyxia immediately stopped feeling sleepy.

She suddenly jumped out of the sofa, used her plump figure to squeeze Tinagosa out of Sharlayan's arms, and started to cry with a dry face.

"What?! Are we leaving Unicorn Town and moving to that barren Dragonbone Wilderness to settle down? No! We don't want that kind of thing!"

"It's so noisy!"

Sarlayan curled his fingers and tapped Onyxia's dragon horns angrily.

"I didn't say I was moving soon, why are you panicking?"

Tinagosa, who was forcibly squeezed away, jumped onto Onyxia's shoulders with a grin on her face, and clamped her neck with her two short legs.

"Just ask! Why did you knock me away! What an amazing figure!"

"Ha~" Onyxia's face changed very quickly. One second she was still howling, and the next second she made the dragon king's crooked expression: "Sorry, you can do whatever you want if you have a good figure."

"Ahhhh! I'm going to strangle you to death!"

Sarlayan ignored the fight between the two childish ghosts and pushed the Black Dragon Princess aside with a look of disgust.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. You have no nostalgia for Quel'Thalas itself. What you miss is just the diverse entertainment methods in Unicorn Town."

Onyxia suppressed the explosive little Tina with one hand, and deliberately stuck out her tongue and tapped her forehead in a cute way.


"Hey, you're a ghost!" Sarlayan complained angrily: "I shouldn't have taught you these messy things...forget it."

"In short, since we plan to move to Dragonbone Wilderness, it is natural that we will also innovate the old way of life of the Dragon Clan."

"And even if we move out of Yongsong Forest, we won't completely cut off the connection with Quel'Thalas. We can completely introduce some management personnel from Unicorn City to help transform the Dragon Lake Wilderness."

"With the foundation of mature operating experience, it is not difficult to create a new 'Unicorn Town' in a short period of time."

"That's what you said!" Onyxia smiled slyly: "I remember it~"


Sarlayan shook his head helplessly: "It just so happens that during the three-month vacation, we can go over and inspect it first, talk to the guardian dragons, and see if we can start the transformation of Dragonblight in advance. .”

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