Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1609 An unexpected visit from the Courage Saint

The promotion from mortal to demigod is a big hurdle. Before gaining the breakthrough insight shared by Sarlayan selflessly, many geniuses including Malfurion have been blocked from this door.

Judging from the data template, this seems to be just an improvement from level 60 to level 61, but in fact it represents a leap in the essence of life.

Sarlayan did not mean to look down on mortals. After all, he himself had come step by step as a mortal.

But objectively speaking, mortal life is indeed fragile.

Even the elves with long lifespans simply live long, and there is no qualitative improvement in the nature of life compared to the short-lived species.

Once you step into the realm of demigods, your physical fitness will first undergo huge changes.

To use the professional terminology used by Inas, the demigod's muscle and bone density will be greatly increased, and the cell activity will be different from before the breakthrough.

After experiencing such a huge change from the inside out, anyone who has just broken through and become a demigod will inevitably have a period of adaptation. The specific length of time varies from person to person.

Jaina's retreat is not only adapting to changes in physical fitness, the demigod's body also has a far greater energy utilization and storage rate than a mortal.

If before breaking through that threshold, Jaina's total magic power could only fill a teacup, after breaking through, it could easily burst an entire teapot.

At the same time, the flow and recovery speed of magic power in her body will also increase significantly, just like changing from a faucet with a diameter of several centimeters to a spout large enough to dren someone into a drowned rat.

In addition, Jaina also needs to go through retreat to further understand the power she has just initially mastered. Sharlayan, Valeera, and Stellagosa have also experienced this process.

Just when the family was delighted to feel that Jaina's magical aura was gradually releasing, Sarlayan's originally smiling expression suddenly paused.

Not only Sharlayan, but also Tinagosa, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, Valeera, Onyxia, and Stellagosa also had different expressions in varying degrees. The change.

Valeera frowned slightly and asked, "Salayan, this power fluctuation..."


Sarlayan carefully handed over the little Tina in his arms to Stellagosa, stood up and walked to the window of the mage tower to look outside the Dalaran barrier.

"It should be a messenger from the Shadow Realm, but why is it at this time? Is there something happening in the Shadow Realm again?"

After all, Dalaran bears the name of the Magic Kingdom. Although the strength of this floating city's barrier is far from comparable to that of Bandy Noriel with the backing of the Sunwell, it can at least delay the attack of foreign enemies. time.

The temporarily unidentified messenger from the Shadow Realm wisely did not break through the barrier, but politely stayed outside the barrier to release the unique anima aura of the Shadow Realm.

"What are you..."

While Sarlayan and the others were wondering about the messenger's purpose, Jaina, who had just come out of the meditation in her mage tower, was confused.

"Is there something wrong with my breakthrough? Why do you all look so serious?"

Sarlayan, who came back to his senses, took the lead and shook his head with a smile: "That's not the case. The specific situation is a long story."

"Anyway, congratulations on your successful breakthrough. We will discuss the details of your power later. Let's go outside the barrier to greet the guests."


Confused, Jaina tucked the bangs that fell in front of her eyes back behind her ears: "... Although I don't know what riddle you are trying to solve, I'd better go with you."

The fluctuation frequency of the anima power in the Shadow Realm is very special, and it is difficult for people who do not understand anima to sense it.

For example, the Acting Speaker Aethas Sunreaver, who is temporarily in charge of all affairs in Dalaran, knows nothing about the visitors from the Shadow Realm in front of him, and is still working diligently on the mountains of documents on his desk. .

In the same way, Jaina didn't sense anything strange.

But since Sarlayan has said so, Jaina, who has known his character since she was a child, will certainly not think that Sarlayan is talking nonsense.

As one of the Kirin Tor Councilors, Jaina is qualified to welcome distinguished guests on behalf of Dalaran when Chancellor Ronin is away.

Using her parliamentary privileges, Jaina teleported several people present to the outer layer of the Dalaran barrier with a thought.

Just as Sharlayan said, a blue-skinned woman with huge snow-white wings on her back was suspended outside the east side of Dalaran's barrier.

Jaina had never been to the Shadow Realm before. She was just curious about the identity of this distinguished guest, but Sharlayan recognized the origin of this Kyrian at a glance.

"Saint Alexandria of Courage, what important matter requires you to come to Azeroth in person to deliver a message?"

Sandria is one of the five saints promoted to the Fortress and the right-hand man of the eldest daughter Gristia.

Theoretically, all Kyrians in the Ascension Bastion have the obligation and authority to travel to and from the material world to pick up souls and deliver messages, but generally speaking, saint-level characters rarely leave the Shadow Realm on their own initiative.

"Everyone, long time no see."

Sandria was not someone who liked to talk nonsense. She nodded politely to her acquaintances headed by Sarlayan, and stated her purpose straight to the point.

"Not long ago, Revendreth encountered a sudden attack from foreign enemies."

"Under Emperor Renasor's emergency response, only one enemy who reached the demigod level escaped with serious injuries. The other attackers were successfully dealt with, but their identities deserve attention."

Sarlayan frowned and asked: "The attacker...could it be Denathrius' backhand?"

"Yes and no."

Sandria continued to explain with a serious expression: "You must have heard of the identity of the attacker. It is the Nasrezim, the scourge race created by the traitor Denathrius many years ago."


Sarlayan twitched the corner of his mouth with a bit of grit: "So that's it...I probably understand what's going on."

After the battle between Revendreth and the Legion of Light, due to the pressure exerted by other Eternals, Denathrius had to banish all the Nasrezim clan who had caused big trouble from the Shadow Realm.

However, this was actually just a scene that Denathrius had planned for a long time. Nasrezim who left the Shadow Realm was the real fish in the sea.

They dispersed their manpower and infiltrated into various named organizations in the universe, and continued to collect intelligence from all corners of the universe for Denathrius.

Denathrius was forced to abandon his lair and escape into the Maw not long ago, and the regular contact he should have maintained with the Nathrezim was cut off.

Nasrezim, who had not received a response for a long time, originally wanted to send someone to sneak into Revendres to find out, but unexpectedly he was hit by a gun.

Emperor Renathor, who had just ascended the throne, planned to use military exploits to consolidate his position. When Nasrezim quietly returned to Revendreth, Renathor was personally leading the army to clear out the remaining forces of Denathrius.

The former rebel army and the current Revendres regular army, which had just won the battle, were in an exciting period waiting for rewards for their merits.

Although Nathrezim's spies tried their best to hide their whereabouts, they were still caught by the Stoneborn who did not need sleep and patrolled around 24 hours a day.

In fact, this can be regarded as a professional counterpart by mistake.

As a Venthyr veteran second only to Renathor in seniority, Stonesmith also participated in the tragic battle between Revendreth and the Holy Light Legion. She knows the Nasrezim that caused the dispute better than anyone else. racial characteristics.

It was precisely because of this war that caused great harm to Revendreth that the Stoneforger, who was transformed into Venthyr by Denathrius himself, parted ways with him due to different ideas.

To take precautions, the stonesmith added a special function to the stone descendants he created later - identifying the true form.

To put it bluntly, this ability is specifically aimed at Nasrezim who are good at infiltration and infiltration.

No matter what form the Nathrezim take, as long as the Stoneborn turn on the detection mode, they will definitely be able to see through their disguise.

After discovering traces of Nasrezim again after many years, Renasor immediately realized the problem. His "respected" father should have been in contact with these exiles.

The Nasrezim who escaped with serious injuries had already collected enough intelligence before his identity was discovered, and he would definitely tell other compatriots about the drastic changes in Revendreth.

Sarlayan asked Sandria thoughtfully: "So, Reinasol and the others are worried that Nasrezim will be angry and retaliate against me, the mastermind behind it?"

"Exactly." Sandria solemnly reminded: "According to Emperor Renasor's guess, the group of exiles who are determined to take revenge should take action soon... and may even have already started to take action. He hopes that you Be able to prepare as quickly as possible.”

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