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Chapter 1610 Onyxia: I have a bold plan

As the legendary Maw Walker, Sharlayan's importance to the Shadowlands is self-evident.

The Eternals did not want to see him being plotted by villains, so they sent the courageous Saint Gessandria to deliver the news to him as quickly as possible.

This is not the first time that Sarlayan has dealt with the Nasrezim clan. He knows very well how troublesome this race known as the Dread Lord is.

It's not that the Nasrezim are very powerful in combat, the most disturbing thing is their pervasive penetration ability.

Quel'Thalas is protected by the Bandinoril Barrier, and it is unlikely that the Nathrezim would sneak into Eversong Forest. Other countries are not so lucky.

At this point in time, the countries of Azeroth are preparing to work together to deal with the upcoming elemental tide.

If Nasrezim makes some small moves behind the scenes at this time, not to mention completely disrupting Sarlayan's plan, it can at least drive a wedge between countries that have temporarily put aside their differences due to powerful foreign enemies.

"Tsk! It's a bit troublesome."

Sarlayan is not worried about his own safety, or even the safety of all his family members.

The individual combat power of Nasrezim is not very strong. There are very few big bats that can step into the realm of demigods, and there are no more than 10 of them in full combat.

If they dare to show up openly in front of the Sharlayan family, they will be sent to Maldraxxus to be remade in a matter of the form of soul fragments.

However, the Nasrezim, who are cunning in nature, are not stupid. They will not do such stupid behavior of using their own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if Sarlayan were to stand in Nasrezim's position, he would definitely take this opportunity to disrupt the cooperation between the countries of Azeroth led by the Alliance, and undermine the original unity against N'Zoth. The Defenders of Azeroth camp is desperately trying to hold back.

After receiving Reinasol's message, Sandria opened the portal again and returned to the Shadow Realm.

After returning to Jaina's mage tower and sitting down again, Sarlayan's family lost their previous leisurely attitude and held an emergency family meeting in the living room of the mage tower.

“Think about it from a motivational perspective first.”

Sarlayan calmly analyzed: "Nasrezim already knows that their master Denathrius made a mistake because of my behind-the-scenes planning and was forced to take refuge in the Maw."

"Therefore, their actions will inevitably have revenge on me as their primary goal."

Valeela said in agreement: "As we all know, the Nasrezim clan does not have much high-end combat power, and even if they are added together, they may not be able to defeat Sarlayan."

"I guess they will give priority to starting with the weakest person around Sarlayan."

As soon as Valeera's analysis came out, everyone present turned their attention to Tinagosa who had just woken up from her sleep while rubbing her eyes.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Gianna jokingly joked: "You are the only one in our big family who has not made a breakthrough. It's shameful. You should quit the group."

"Take off your skirt? Here?"

Tinagosa looked at Sharlayan with a funny and shy expression on purpose: "Isn't it good? So many sisters are watching."

Jaina rolled her eyes angrily: "As expected of you."

Sarlayan patted Little Tina on the head in a funny way: "Okay, now is not the time to make jokes."

"Gianna's words are unreasonable or not. Now that she has made a breakthrough, you are the most vulnerable person in our family to be targeted."

Tinagosa spread her hands indifferently: "So? Do you think those big bats will make a revenge plan specifically for me?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Onyxia, who was thinking a lot, looked thoughtfully at Jaina, who had just broken through: "The information in the hands of Nasrezim cannot be more efficient than ours. They must not have received the news that Jaina has broken through." news."

Sarlayan's expression changed, and he touched his chin as if he had some realization.

"You mean, we can use this as bait to lure those big bats eager for revenge out of the darkness and eliminate them first?"

Onyxia smirked and nodded: "Isn't this a good opportunity? I don't believe that the Burning Legion doesn't have spies in Dalaran."

Among the six original rules of the universe, order and chaos are two sides of each other. They are the same as water and fire, but at the same time they are inextricably linked.

As a representative force on the side of order, although arcane power is powerful, it is not so easy to control... Of course, it is definitely much better than the more unruly evil energy.

Any place rich in arcane magic will inevitably attract extra attention from demons. This is an iron law that has been verified many times in the history of Azeroth.

Arcane hubs such as Zin-Azshari, Elre'Thalas, and Dalaran are living examples.

More than 2,000 years ago, when Dalaran was first established, due to the uncontrolled abuse of arcane magic by human mages at that time, the space barrier near the newly built Dalaran was greatly weakened, and some demons took the opportunity to sneak in.

Due to the continuous operation of the barrier on the planet Azeroth, demons with strength above the demigod level cannot squeeze in.

However, at that time, Dalaran was already stretched thin in the face of the swarming demons. Thanks to Quel'Thalas, who came after hearing the inquiry, he gave a helping hand in time, which temporarily calmed the restlessness of the demons near Dalaran.

Quel'Thalas is shrouded in the great Bandi Noriel barrier, and there is no need to worry about the abuse of arcane magic that will attract demons.

From today's perspective, the best option for Dalaran, which was still weak at the time, was to control the abuse of arcane magic by mages in the city-state.

But the human mages who once tasted the sweetness of arcane magic did not do so.

The high elves were originally driven out of their homeland by the night elves because of their use of arcane magic, and they were unwilling to adopt solutions to regulate the use of arcane magic.

So the two parties, each with their own thoughts, hit it off, and they chose an approach that would treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the Tirisfal Council, which specialized in hunting demons, was established.

The Council of Tirisfal has been diligently guarding Azeroth for more than 2,000 years. All demons that sneaked in were defeated by the then guardians of Tirisfal, including the demon king Sargeras. Incarnation.

However, with Medivh being controlled by Sargeras, almost all the top leaders of Tirisfal Council were wiped out.

Although Merry Winterwind took the lead in establishing the new Parliament of Tirisfal after his return, one thing is that excluding the high-end combat power of Aegwynn and Medivh, mother and son, who are gradually returning to their peak, the comprehensive strength of the Parliament of Tirisfal The strength is far from returning to the old outlook.

Aegwynn was currently squatting on the Broken Shore and watching the excitement with a smile. It had been a while since she had been back to the Temple of the Guardian.

Because of the upcoming elemental tide, Medivh personally went to the Earth Ring outpost near the Maelstrom to monitor the hydrological changes of the Maelstrom at any time.

Merry Dongfeng, who was supposed to stay in his hometown, recently led a team to Karazhan in the far south of the continent, and is now copying the large collection of precious books that Medivh left in Karazhan.

Of course, Meili Dongfeng didn’t do it for nothing.

As a great lich that has existed for more than 2,000 years, his mind contains many precious ancient books that have been lost in Dalaran.

In exchange, the Tirisfal Council received the nod from Khadgar, the current Lord of Karazhan, allowing them to enter the library and copy books.

The three powerful forces of the Tirisfal Council left one after another for various reasons, leaving only two or three kittens in the Guardian Temple.

Unfortunately, Luo Ning also took Tess, who was in charge of Dalaran's intelligence system, and two archmages to the Royal City of Lordaeron to attend a grand meeting some time ago.

Today, the only people left in Dalaran are Acting Chancellor Aethas Sunreaver, who is busy with government affairs all day long, and Jaina Proudmoore, who is in seclusion for unknown reasons.

Yes, unknown reason.

It was impossible for Dalaran to spread the truth about Jaina's seclusion everywhere. Not even Ansrem and Karai, who were members of the Kirin Tor, knew the inside story.

Many years ago, Sharlayan and Valeera worked together to clean out the high-level demons lurking in the sewers of Dalaran.

As Onyxia said, in areas like Dalaran where the space barrier is weak due to the long-term use of arcane magic, there is no reason for the Burning Legion not to have an eye on them, but they just don't know their specific identities and locations.


Although she is not good at intrigues, Sharlayan explained it to this point, and Jaina, who is already ice-smart, understood the true meaning of Onyxia's words.

"Oni, you mean to use me as a bait to lure out Nasrezim who is hiding in the dark and planning a conspiracy before Ronin leads his team back?"

Onyxia gave a playful thumbs up: "Bingo~ That's exactly right... So, do you dare to take this risk?" (End of Chapter)

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