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Chapter 1614 Dragonbone Wilderness Transformation Plan?


Sarlayan looked at Edwin who looked at him calmly with interest, and nodded noncommittally.

"Your considerations are reasonable. After Garona returns, the Uncrowned Ones had better hold a high-level meeting to discuss carefully what position you should stand on."

This was indeed something that Sarlayan had neglected due to his inertial thinking.

It is true that the Uncrowned Ones will remain rooted in Dalaran now, and even for many years to come, but this does not mean that they have an affiliation with Dalaran.

Just like the relationship between the Guardian Temple and the Kirin Tor, they only cooperate with each other and are not subordinate to Dalaran.

Dalaran can entrust the Uncrowned to investigate some intelligence through Tess's relationship, but this information cannot be used in political struggles with other countries. This is the bottom line for the Uncrowned.

Not only the Council of Tirisfal and the Uncrowned, but also professional organizations such as the Hall of Valor, the Hidden Passage, the Cenarion Circle, the Black Scythe Council, and the Earthen Ring, it is best to maintain a certain distance from the officials of various countries.

They can accept funding from any country in Azeroth, but they must not side with a specific country, but are only responsible for the interests of Azeroth as a whole.

"If you say so..."

Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "The funding issue of the Black Scythe Council also needs to be reconsidered."

"Jaina, help me bring a message to Isaacs and ask him to convey this topic to Luo Ning, just in time for the heads of state to discuss it at the conference."


After receiving the order, Jaina teleported away on the spot, and teleported back about half a minute later.

During this half-minute, Edwin, the deputy leader of the Uncrowned, was not idle either. He immediately took out Quel'Thalas' special encrypted mobile phone for intelligence personnel and contacted his daughter Vann. Nyssa VanCleef.

The Uncrowned Ones were ready to mobilize before Edwin himself set off.

After receiving Edwin's order, the Uncrowned Ones quickly surrounded the headquarters of the Black Scythe Council, which were neighbors in the sewers.

At this time, there was a quarrel within the Black Scythe Council because of the arbitrary actions of the liberal warlocks.

Some people proposed to immediately cut off the relationship with the liberals and abandon the car to save the handsome man.

Some people also suggested that they simply take the opportunity to rise up against his mother, as the prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts.

Before their argument could come to a conclusion, the Uncrowned Ones had already blocked all the entrances and exits of the sewers, completely locking the warlocks of the Black Scythe Council in the dark sewers.

If there was a head-on confrontation on the open ground, it was hard to say who would win between the Uncrowned Ones and the Black Scythe Council.

However, thieves who have calculated carefully and started sneaking in advance will definitely have an advantage when facing ill-prepared spellcasters.

The Eye of Kilrogg (anti-invisibility) set up by the Warlocks around the headquarters discovered the Uncrowded One's unusual movements. The frightened senior officials of the Black Scythe Council immediately suspected that the actions of these sewer rats were most likely backed by Dalaran officials.

Having lost some of the liberal elite warlocks, the Black Scythe Council did not have the confidence to completely break up with Dalaran. Those loud-mouthed kings who had been shouting loudly before did not dare to say anything now.

Sarlayan was not interested in paying attention to the outcome of the conflict between the Uncrowned Ones and the Black Scythe Council. Since Edwin promised that he could handle the matter, Thalayan, who had always been trustworthy in employing people, chose to believe him.

...Besides, Ronin, Garona and others will be back the day after tomorrow at the latest. Even if the Black Scythe Council wants to cause trouble, they don't have the capital, so in the end they can only bow their heads and submit.

Through this wave of designs to lure snakes out of their caves, at least nine out of ten of the Dreadlords lurking in Dalaran were killed, not to mention completely wiped out. The remaining fish were unable to make any noise at all.

It was not until this time that Isaacs finally understood the full story of the incident.

Sitting in the Violet Castle, he shook his head and smiled at himself: "As expected of the Duke of Deep Shadow, he can always discover the hidden dangers buried in the dark first."

In any case, the cleanup of Dalaran's sewers will be beneficial to consolidating the rule of the Kirin Tor Council.

Regardless of his position as a high elf, Aesas, as the acting speaker, is happy to see Sharlayan's plan come to fruition.

With the hidden danger eliminated, Jaina took the opportunity to report to Aethas, and then left Dalaran with her family and joined the Deep Shadow family on their unfinished vacation trip.

After leaving Daala, Stellagosa and Valeela jointly opened a portal.

In early February, Hillsbrad was still experiencing a chilly spring, and you could even see some unmelted ice and snow at the foot of the mountains near the Alterac region.

The Crystal Song Forest on the other side of the portal is already a scene of flourishing everything.

This is not because spring comes earlier in Crystalsong Forest than in Hillsbrad, but because the simplified version of the Bandynoril enchantment gives this otherwise cold northern forest a beautiful spring-like scenery all year round.

As the Icecrown Fortress that the Lich King once spent great efforts to build was sunk into the Arctic Ocean by physical means by the Dragon Clan, the Icecrown Glacier once again regained its original peace and tranquility.

Except for a very small number of vrykul who are not accepted by mainstream society, there are almost no living creatures in the Icecrown area.

Due to the evacuation of the Scourge, the Iron Wall Dam directly bordering Crystalsong Forest and Icecrown Glacier no longer requires a large number of manpower to be stationed, and the gateway to the Storm Peaks has long been fully open.

To this day, except for Draxalon Fortress in the eastern part of Crystalsong Forest, which is still guarded by Lylas Windrunner himself, Crystalsong Forest, which was supposed to be the place of the Fourth War, no longer has external worries, and has begun to show its true identity as Northrend. The Importance of Crossroads.


Standing on the back of Stellagosa who had transformed back into dragon form, Sarlayan looked down at the New Shanda City below thoughtfully.

"Since we have decided to settle in Dragonblight for a long time, it is inevitable that we will strengthen cooperation with New Shandalar."

"Well, let me correct that."

Stellagosa in dragon form suddenly interjected with a somewhat rich voice: "For the convenience of naming, after consulting the Dark Night Republic and the Dark Night Empire, the Sun King and the cabinet unanimously agreed to change the name of New Shandara to Shandara. ."

"Should we just use the name of that ancient city... That's fine too."

Sarlayan shrugged noncommittally: "In short, if you want to develop Dragonblight, you will definitely need the help of Shandalara...or Quel'Thalas."

The reforms Sharlayan has brought to Quel'Thalas over the years are not limited to the military field.

Many military equipment only need to undergo some simple modifications before they can be directly put into civilian use.

For example, tanks and armored vehicles can be quickly transformed into civilian machines such as rollers, bulldozers, mixers, milling machines, and excavators by removing their weapon systems and installing some specific equipment.

If we want to build a large-scale infrastructure with high efficiency, this kind of engineering machines manufactured based on Sarlayan's "imagination" are indispensable.

At least for now, these large, advanced engineering creations are only available in Quel'Thalas.

But there's another problem here.

Since Quel'Thalas possesses the infinite energy source of the Sunwell, the various engineering machines used within Quel'Thalas are currently supplied with arcane energy directly from the Sunwell, and no independent external power supply unit is installed.

If you want to use them in areas outside the coverage of the sun well, you must either make drastic changes to the energy system, or you can only create an energy supply environment similar to Quel'Thalas.


After listening to the question raised by Stellagosa, who was proficient in government affairs, Sharlayan lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying: "Let's discuss this issue with the Aspect Dragons first. Maybe Malygos has a way to solve the energy supply problem. .”

Spellweaver Malygos is the magical guardian of Azeroth, and he can adjust the structure of the leyline at will according to his own needs.

Therefore, in theory, Malygos can completely transform Dragonblight into the most powerful super magic network node in history. It just depends on whether he is willing.

Onyxia curled her lips and complained: "It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. I am used to living in Unicorn City. I really can't adapt to the cold and cold place of Dragonblight."

Sarlayan smiled and patted Onyxia on the head: "Don't be anxious, be patient."

"If I can really get the say in Wyrmrest Temple from the Aspect Dragons, wouldn't it be up to us to decide how we want to transform the Dragonblight?"

"Anyway, let's go to Longmian Temple to talk to the Dragon Kings first. We will analyze the specific situation after we understand their attitudes." (End of Chapter)

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