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Chapter 1615 Blessing 996? No, it's 955

Although the Aspect Dragons have long expressed the idea of ​​​​wanting Sarlayan to enter the decision-making level of Wyrmrest Temple, it seems that they only want him to join them and form a joint ruling supreme decision-making body with the Aspect Dragons.

When voting on certain policies that may significantly change the current living habits of the dragon tribe, they may not necessarily be passed as Sharlayan envisioned.

After deciding to leave Quel'Thalas and move to Dragonblight, Sarlayan's life can be said to have entered a new stage.

Although this does not mean that he will completely give up the mortal blood inherited from his father, but due to changes in living environment, he will inevitably put the interests of the dragon family as his first priority.

When he used to work in Quel'Thalas, due to his good personal relationship and tacit cooperation with Sun King Kael'thas, Sarlayan's suggestions were rarely rejected. At most, they were temporarily blocked by the cabinet because his ideas were too advanced. live.

When encountering this situation, all it takes is for Sharlayan to go to the Sunstrider Court in person and give an in-depth explanation. In most cases, he can get the approval of the cabinet ministers.

Sharlayan is not interested in the so-called supreme authority that many people regard as a treasure. He has long seen the wider world outside Azeroth, and will not be narrowly limited to the struggle for power within the group.

All joking aside, if Sarlayan was interested, the war master would happily remove the word "agent" from his head and make him the new marquis of the Academy of Creation.

As the destination of all the dead in the multiverse, the Shadow Realm's benchmark is the Pantheon on the order side, and the status of the Eternals is also equivalent to that of the Titans.

In terms of status, the Marquis of Maldraxxus is far more valuable than the Guardian of Azeroth.

Let’s use the Pantheon, the most familiar pantheon in Azeroth, as an analogy.

The Pantheon is equivalent to the power center of a country, while Azeroth is just a suburban town with great potential compared to the Pantheon.

The Titan Guardians headed by Leiden can be regarded as village officials in the countryside. Although they can be as powerful as the local emperors, but in terms of power and status, they are far inferior to those of their fellow Titan creations who work directly at the center of the Pantheon. .

Comparing the status of the Marquis of Creation at the same level, he is equivalent to the right-hand man of the Titans in the Pantheon. He can definitely be regarded as a senior official below a few people but above ten thousand people.

For those who blindly pursue power and status, there is no need to think much about what they should choose.

But Sarlayan is not such a power-drunk person.

It’s not that power is useless to him, but his starting point for grasping and using power is completely different from those careerists who give up everything for power.

For some heroes, even their closest family members and loved ones are bargaining chips that can be given up at any time in order to climb up the ladder step by step.

But for Saryan, these seemingly insignificant chips are the biggest motivation for him to get to where he is today step by step.

From this point of view, Sarlayan considers himself just a common man. He cannot abandon everything just to climb higher peaks like those "too great" bosses.

However, Sarlayan never believed that his ideas were wrong.

In his opinion, even if a lonely person reaches the top, it is meaningless.

In the words of Danmu, if wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking in brocade at night.

When there is no one around a person who can share his joy with an open heart, Sarlayan believes that this so-called climber is ultimately a failure.

What is the purpose of sacrificing all your efforts to reach the top in the end? Just to show off to others at the moment of reaching the top? Then what?

After achieving his lifelong goal, he may be left with endless emptiness and endless heavy work.

There may be many such people in the vast universe, but at least Sarlayan will never take this path.

That's a bit far.

All in all, Sarlayan will not be blindly greedy for power, but if he wants to change the dragon clan's current lifeless social atmosphere as he wishes, drastic reforms are inevitable, and he must have enough power.

Onyxia's distaste for the dragon lifestyle is the epitome of this.

After enjoying the extremely lively mortal life, it is obviously unrealistic for her to return to her previous lifestyle of sleeping around doing nothing.

This is the so-called difficulty of transitioning from luxury to frugality.

From the perspective of labor utilization, Sarlayan did not want the Dragon Clan to have nothing to do but to bury their heads in sleep, and sleep for more than ten years, or even decades, or hundreds of years.

As the saying goes, combining work and rest, Sarlayan is confident that he can give the dragon tribe, whose life style is still very primitive, a variety of entertainment shocks from mortals.

But at the same time, he also hoped that his fellow humans could use the time they had wasted sleeping in the past in more meaningful ways.

Nine to five is a very common term in the world where Danmu is located, which means working from nine in the morning until work ends at five in the afternoon.

...In fact, there are not many people who can work 9 to 5, and more people work 9 to 6, or even 9 to 7.

The most famous 996 is not just a joke. There are indeed many people who live a life of overtime from 9 to 9, and need to work 6 days a week.

As for the more exaggerated 007... Salayan, who didn't know the details, thought it was just an exaggerated joke. At least he didn't think that a mortal's physical fitness could persist in working 24 hours a day for a long time.

Before Kael'thas and Sharlayan officially reformed Quel'Thalas, the nine-to-five job that netizens in other worlds could only ask for was a kind of torture for the lazy high elves.

After more than ten years of subtle conceptual transformation, the current working hour system in Quel'Thalas has been fixed at 955. After all, this is a mature working time system that has withstood the test of time in other worlds.

work overtime? Don't even think about it. The high elves who are always lazy are willing to work until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, which is already a sign of respect.

As soon as it's time to get off work, Onyxia, who spends almost all day in entertainment venues, will see a large number of people pouring in.

While Stellagosa was piloting the flight to Wyrmrest Temple, Sharlayan asked Onyxia thoughtfully: "Onyxia, how long do you think it will take for the dragons, who are lazier than the high elves, to accept it?" 955’s working mode?”

Onyxia shrugged: "Who knows, it depends on the support of the guardian dragons for you."

"You should also know that reforms without high-level support are meaningless."

Stella Gosa interrupted and said: "So, remember not to give in when negotiating with the guardian dragons. You must get more say, otherwise your wish to completely transform the dragon clan will not be realized."

Valeela also agreed and echoed: "Now is not the time to talk about favors and friendships. If you can't get enough rights in the Wyrmrest Temple, no matter how good the policy is, it will only be abandoned halfway."

"Instead of being criticized repeatedly in the process of transforming the dragon clan in the future, we might as well continue to live in Quel'Thalas. At least Kael'thas can always give you sufficient support when he is in power."


Sarlayan took a deep breath and asked, "What did Melinsela say?"

Stellagosa, who was responsible for contacting Melinsela, gave the answer: "She agrees with your plan to transform the dragon clan, but this is only said from her personal standpoint."

"According to Melinsera, Her Majesty Ysera's attitude is rather ambiguous and she did not give a clear answer."

"After His Majesty Malygos regained his sanity, he has always been grateful for your help. As long as he can solve his last knot - Deathwing, he will definitely stand on your side."

"Black Dragon..." Stellagosa paused deliberately, and Onyxia took over the topic knowingly: "Mother and Abisian have no objections either."

"As Abisian grows up, my mother has gradually delegated power to him."

Onyxia spread her hands and said with a smile: "You also know that Abyssian is not a dragon of the establishment. He spends more time living with mortals, and is more likely to accept this kind of transformation of living habits similar to mortals. .”

Sarlayan nodded thoughtfully: "The blue dragon and black dragon should be fine. The green dragon will remain neutral for the time being. What about the red dragon and bronze dragon?"


Valeera rubbed her brows with a headache: "I have contacted Anachronos many times, and even he can't figure out what the reclusive Nozdormu's attitude is towards this matter."

"The Bronze Dragon Queen Solidomi is quite open-minded and said she would support it, long as the Dragon King Nozdormu doesn't nod, this matter will never go through with the Bronze Dragon."

"The red dragon's situation is similar to the green dragon's."

Stellagosa smiled bitterly and took up the topic again: "At least so far, I haven't figured out the position of Alexstrasza's subordinates."

"Yes vote 2, are the positions of the other three tribes unclear..."

Sarlayan smiled helplessly: "In other words, if we want to pass the vote of the five races, we need to at least try our best to win the support of one of them... Who do you think will be easier to convince?"

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