Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1617 The down-to-earth concept of guardianship

In Azeroth, dragon is a highly directional term that specifically refers to the five-color ancestral dragon whose appearance has changed after receiving the blessing of the Titan.

The concept of dragonborn is very broad. Any creature in Azeroth that is related to the word dragon can be called dragonborn, which also includes the original dragon clan - the ancestor dragon with relatively low intelligence.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the birth of the dragon clan. The five guardian dragons have not changed in a real sense since they received the blessings of the Titans. The lifestyle of the dragon clan has never undergone any major changes in these tens of thousands of years.

The barrage once mentioned a saying said by a certain sage, which is very suitable to be applied to the Dragon Clan, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

This has always been the case, right?

Compared with when the dragon clan was first born, the situation in Azeroth has been very different.

This is thanks to the fact that the Dragon Clan is proud of its status and will not actively participate in disputes between mortal countries. This makes them less affected by the changes of the times.

Taking trolls who also adhere to ancient traditions as an example, the trolls that once occupied most of Azeroth in ancient times have not actually become weaker, but the total population has increased.

However, in fact, they are indeed losing bit by bit the huge territory they once occupied.

Why is this happening?

The answer is simple, because the enemies of the trolls are constantly getting stronger, but they have been staying put.

There are still many troll clans who still follow ancient and primitive customs - barbaric customs that have long been out of date.

The situation in Azeroth is always changing. As a member of the mortal race, trolls cannot completely avoid the impact of the tide of the times.

The development of civilization is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

If you don't paddle hard, there will always be someone ahead of you, waving the oars and splashing water on your face.

Today, the guardian dragons who have been guarding the Dragon Clan for tens of thousands of years are already exhausted.

Except for Spellweaver Malygos who was still able to maintain strong energy due to special circumstances, Ysera, Alexstrasza and Nozdormu all showed varying degrees of fatigue and laziness, among which Nozdormu The situation is the most serious.

This is also the reason why Wyrmrest Temple reacted so violently when Tostellagosa and Onyxia brought words to Sarlayan.

Because the guardian dragons have truly felt the serious impact the concept of "wear and tear" has had on them.

Sarlayan still doesn't know what Alexstrasza and Nozdormu's specific plans are.

Through Melinsera's information, Sarlayan at least knew in advance that Ysera did intend to retire and give way to the throne.

Including Melinsela, among the heirs selected by the guardian dragons, except for Abyssian who became a monk halfway and worked hard to catch up, all the second-generation dragon heirs have reached the theoretical limit of dragon clan of level 65.

If they want to go further on this basis, they can only rely on the inheritance of the power of guardianship to break through the bottleneck, and at most they can only advance to level 66.

Sarlayan is not yet sure whether this locking of the upper limit of strength is intentional or unintentional on the part of the Titans.

As a result, the Aspect Dragon, which has guarded Azeroth for tens of thousands of years, has indeed begun to fail to keep up with the version updates of Azeroth.

Sarlayan intends to untie the shackles that block the upper limit of the dragon clan's strength, but as the saying goes, to untie the bell, you must tie the bell. This matter can only be discussed in detail after finding the Titan.

Unfortunately, most of the Titans were captured by Sargeras and tortured in Antorus, the Burning Throne. Only Eonar, the Mother of the Gods, managed to escape.

At this stage, Azeroth's technology and magic levels are not enough to enter the cosmic age.

Before that, Sarlayan planned to solve all the hidden dangers inside the planet first, and then focus all resources to overcome the technical difficulties.

As a member of Azeroth, the Dragon Clan will inevitably participate in the future counterattack on Argus.

Before rescuing Eonar, Sharlayan was temporarily unable to unlock the Dragon Clan.

But this is just a matter of physics.

In fact, there are not many dragons who have truly reached the upper limit of their strength.

Apart from the second-generation dragon heirs who are ready to take over, there are only the elites of their respective tribes such as Onyxia and Chromie.

By the way, although the prodigal Kalecgos is also an elite of the blue dragon clan, he has not reached the standard so far. Stellagosa, who is less than a fraction of Kalecgos's age, has a tendency to catch up from behind.

In Sarlayan's view, the problem the Dragon Clan is facing now is actually not complicated. To put it simply, it is a lack of motivation.

For tens of thousands of years, the Aspect Dragons have instilled into the new generation of dragon babies the belief and obligation of the dragon family to protect Azeroth over and over again.

Is this kind of brainwashing ideological education effective?

Yes, but not many, otherwise Deathwing, one of the Dragon Kings, would not have taken the lead in the rebellion.

The impact that pure verbal education can have is limited. No matter how hard you try, all the passion will gradually be exhausted over tens of thousands of years.

Today's Dragon Clan is like a pool of stagnant water that cannot flow.

Many people can no longer find the direction and motivation to move forward. They will only mechanically repeat the concepts of protecting Azeroth that their parents instilled in them, but they do not have a deep understanding of why they should do so.

In other words, their spirits were confused, and such a mental state would inevitably affect their performance in battle.

When two people of similar strength fight, the final battle is no longer about fancy fighting skills, but more intuitive willpower.

The party with firmer beliefs will surely win the final victory.

Sarlayan's idea is to activate the social vitality of the dragon clan and make those dragon compatriots who have been numb for a long time realize again why they have to fight for protection.

Not everyone is born with a strong awareness of protecting Azeroth. The more intelligent a creature is, the more complex and realistic things it considers. The effect of just injecting chicken blood and pouring chicken soup can be different. The time limit is limited.

Sarlayan plans to use his immediate interests to activate the protective hearts of the dragon clan members.

For example, for peripheral members of the Green Dragon clan like Chloe, if you tell them those high-sounding principles, it will not resonate with them at all.

Thinking about it from another angle, if they could realize that their hard work is not for some distant and lofty ideal, but simply to protect the most important people and things around them, wouldn't this sense of empathy come up?

Therefore, Sarlayan planned to first let the dragons who have been numb for countless years feel the beauty of life, so as to stimulate their enthusiasm to protect the existing beautiful life.

When Sharlayan asked the dragon guardians what they thought of the current situation of dragon society, the dragon king and queen fell silent in unison.

The decision-makers of Wyrmrest Temple are not stupid. Of course, they have already clearly understood what Sarlayan can see, having been in power for countless years.

But just because they can see the problem doesn’t mean they have a solution.

Alexstrasza smiled bitterly and said: "I understand what you mean. You want to transform the Dragonbone Wilds...or change the current life style of the dragon clan."

"The question is, how are you going to do this? Do you have a detailed plan?"

Alexstrasza said solemnly: "As the helmsman of Wyrmrest Temple, I must be responsible for all my people. It's not easy to convince me with a half-baked plan."

Sarlayan nodded confidently: "Since I dare to raise it in front of everyone, of course I will make preparations in advance."



After receiving Sharlayan's approval, Stellagosa took out five thick stacks of plans from the space package and handed them to the Dragon King and Dragon Queen respectively.

After Ysera got it, she roughly weighed it and found that it had at least dozens of pages.

"Elders, please take a look."

Malygos tapped her forehead with a headache: "Little Xingxing, you should give us a few days to digest such a thick plan."

"Otherwise, you can stay in Longmian Temple first, and we old guys will read them as soon as possible."

"Just in time, during these few days, you can also determine the location of the new home in advance... Who is that, Kalecgos!"

"Huh? Ah! I'm here!"

Not knowing what he was thinking, Zhan Wuzha came to his senses only after hearing the Dragon King's call, and walked out of the queue in front of Malygos.

‘Tsk! ’

Kalecgos himself was unaware of it, but Sharlayan could clearly see the look of disdain in Malygos's eyes.

"You will be the guide of the Shenying family these days. Cheer up! Don't just focus on the lower third route all day long!"

"Ah this..."

Kalecgos, who was reprimanded in person, smiled awkwardly: "Your Majesty Malygos, please rest assured, I promise to complete the mission."

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