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Chapter 1618 Kalecgos is full of yellow waste

Dragonblight covers an extremely vast area, and in terms of the effective land area that can be used, it is one of the best in the entire Northrend continent.

There are only three regions in Northrend with a total area above Dragonblight, namely Icecrown, Storm Peaks and Howling Fjord.

Let’s ignore Icecrown Glacier for the time being. This inhospitable place is simply not suitable for any living intelligent race to live.

The area of ​​​​the Storm Peaks is the largest in Northrend. However, as its name suggests, this cliff area is filled with a large number of mountains and mountains, and the effective land area available for use is actually not much.

The area of ​​Howling Fjord is not small, but more than one-third of the land in the north is covered with snow-capped mountains. After excluding these unusable mountains, its actual area is much smaller than Dragonblight.

Dragonblight, as its name suggests, is a barren snowfield with a very flat terrain, with only a small number of hills and mountains in the northwest adjacent to Wintergrasp Lake and Icecrown Glacier.

It has been more than 10,000 years since the Dragon Clan moved to the Dragon Bone Wilderness after leaving their hometown of the Dragon Islands. This place has long replaced the sealed Dragon Islands as the Dragon Clan's second home.

Unlike the Icecap Glacier with the Arctic Ocean below, Dragonblight looks desolate, but this is only because the temperature in this area is too low, and underneath the thick layer of snow is genuine Northrend frozen soil.

Therefore, Sarlayan believes that this cold snowfield actually has high development value.

Taking the Eversong Forest and Crystalsong Forest occupied by Quel'Thalas as an example, climate is not the most critical factor hindering local development.

On the other hand, Sarlayan has never been able to understand why the Dragon Clan wants to keep the Dragonblight in such a frozen state.

It is true that the dragons with strong physiques are not afraid of cold and heat.

But just because they are not afraid of the cold does not mean they should live in such a harsh environment where everything is covered with snow.

This was mentioned in Sharlayan's plan. He hoped to get Malygos's help to readjust the structure of the magic network in the Dragonblight area.

After obtaining sufficient energy supply, Sharlayan planned to entrust Malygos to imitate Quel'Thalas's Bandinoriel barrier and extract the energy of the magic network to build a wide-area barrier covering the entire Dragonblight.

Don't expect other functions for the time being. Ordinary large-scale constant temperature barriers are unlikely to be rare for dignified spell weavers.

As long as it can melt the snow and frozen soil of Dragonblight, Sarlayan can completely transform this vast plain into a pleasant paradise.

Pursuing a better quality of life is the nature of all intelligent creatures. Sarlayan has never been shy about profit, but he is not greedy for money either.

As the saying goes, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way.

With the foundation laid in the early years, the Shenying family has more wealth than they can use up in several lifetimes.

Wealth that cannot be circulated is meaningless. As long as necessary, Sarlayan can use his family's assets to purchase various engineering machines needed to transform Dragonblight.

As for manpower... The Dragon Clan really doesn't lack this. At worst, they can dig out all the Dragon Clan who are still sleeping in their lairs because they have nothing to do.

Under the lazy guidance of Kalecgos, an unmotivated tour guide, the Sarlayan family spent five days traveling throughout the Dragonblight to survey the terrain.

The Alliance Conference held in the King's City of Lordaeron also concluded successfully during this period.

Due to the big news that Sarlayan made in Dalaran in advance, Nasrezim, whose forward base was taken away, was unable to organize effective operations again. They could only watch the leaders of various countries being satisfied after negotiating cooperation projects. 's return home.

As soon as he returned to Silvermoon City, Kael'thas immediately received the message from Verless, the leader of the Backlight Blade.

Kael'thas had actually expected that Sarlayan would take his family out.

But the impending departure of an old friend whom he has known for many years still makes him a little sad, as he is already quite sentimental.

After receiving Sarlayan's order to purchase engineering machinery, Kael'thas approved it on the spot with a wave of his hand.

Anyway, they are just civilian machines, so there is no need to worry about leaking the military secrets of Quel'Thalas... Besides, as extraordinary creatures, the dragons probably don't look down on this thing about the high elves.

The order has been placed, but the related deployment and transportation will still take a lot of time.

It can be seen from the holy places built by the five-color dragons in Dragonblight that Dragonblight has the potential to be transformed into a lush green plain.

The red dragon clan's ruby ​​dragon holy land and the green dragon's emerald dragon holy land both have a large number of verdant green plants, but they have not spread the greenery of the holy land to the entire Dragon Bone Wilderness.

This is also what makes Sarlayan very speechless. He is really afraid that his own people are living too well, right? How about using the environment to temper your will?

If you want the horse to run but don't let the horse eat grass, how can there be such a good thing in the world? Capitalists on street lamps call themselves experts.

Kalecgos, a guy who is addicted to the third way, is probably hopeless.

Even with Malygos's warning, during the past few days as the guide of the Deep Shadow Family, he often scratched his head and wanted to run away, but he did not dare to take action because he was worried about the punishment of the Spellweaver.

Although dragon nature is inherently good, Kalecgos's situation was somewhat beyond Sharlayan's expectations. It was as if he had been planted with some kind of curse, and he refused to admit defeat if he didn't drive piles for a day.

[It’s useless, let’s cut it off and rule it forever. 】

[Maybe it is really a curse, so let Malygos check him out from beginning to end. 】

[Indeed, in my impression, although Zhan Wuzha is also very wasteful, no matter how you say it, he is not this wasteful. 】

"If you say so..."

Sarlayan looked thoughtfully at Kalecgos, who had a restless face: "Karegos, don't you think something is wrong with your condition?"

Kalecgos, who was in a very irritable mood, was stunned for a moment, and a look of thought appeared in his anxious eyes for a long time.

"Maybe... it's really a little bit?"

Stellagosa, who is also a blue dragon, couldn't help complaining: "A little? Your mind is full of yellow waste now, okay!"


Kalecgos scratched his hair depressedly: "I don't know what's going on, I just can't control the turmoil in my heart."

Sarlayan narrowed his eyes and asked, "When did your symptoms begin?"

"Let me think about it." Kalecgos reluctantly gathered his thoughts and recalled: "Probably, it started in the first half of last year, right?"

Saryan continued to ask: "Try to recall whether anything questionable happened during that time."


Kalecgos suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Is it them? No, it shouldn't be... right?"

Sarlayan patted his shoulder angrily: "Why are you playing riddles? You've already said this, what else is there to hide?"

"No..." Kalecgos glanced sideways at Tinagosa, who was full of curiosity: "There are children present, so let's forget it."

Tina Gosa: "???"

Tynargosa, who had transformed into a dwarf, was furious. She rolled up her sleeves and planned to rush forward and give Kalecgos a fatal blow. Unfortunately, Jaina, who noticed her movements in advance, ganked her.

Tinagosa, who was lifted up by Jaina's armpits, was still dancing angrily: "Whose child are you talking about?! I'm over 100 years old after all!"

Kalecgos curled his lips disdainfully: "Only over 100 years old? What is he if he's not a child?"

"Please come and discuss adult issues with us when you become an adult."

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!"

Sarlayan, dumbfounded, took the little guy from Jaina and held him in his arms to comfort him: "Okay, anyway, you are not far from the last step of breakthrough. There is no need to care about this poor guy whose upper limit is stuck."

Onyxia: "?"

"Thank you for the invitation, I was offended."

"Ah this..."

The joking and joking between the family temporarily ignored this slightly embarrassing topic of the third level, but this conversation has obviously left some waves in Kalecgos's heart.

Sarlayan guessed that he would definitely take the time to investigate the details in detail later.

Sarlayan didn't intend to be overly enthusiastic about offering to help... after all, it was really hard for outsiders to get involved in such private matters.

At this moment, Kalecgos's movements suddenly paused.

"Everyone, my tour guide work ends here. His Majesty the Dragon King has read through Sharlayan's plan. We should return to Wyrmrest Temple to continue discussing the next issues."

"It's finally time for the final exam." Sarlayan took a deep breath, quickly retracted his previous joking demeanor, and nodded seriously to Kalecgos: "Then let's go, please open the portal. ”

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