Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1620 Sarlayan: Come! Graveyard dance!

Sarlayan's plan also mentioned the issue of the transfer of the political center of the five dragon clans.

Before this, the five-color dragon clan had its own bases all over Azeroth.

Cowdala for the blue dragon, Caverns of Time for the bronze dragon, The Emerald Dream for the green dragon, Vermilion Sanctuary for the red dragon, and Neltharion's Lair for the black dragon.

After a long period of time, the red dragon clan, the mainstay of Wyrmrest Temple, has long since shifted its focus to the Dragonblight, and the Vermilion Sanctuary in the Northron Highlands has gradually fallen into disuse.

The black dragon clan is even more heavyweight.

With Deathwing driven from Highmountain by Huon Highmountain, the once-popular lair of Neltharion has long been abandoned.

Since then, neither the black dragon traitors nor the establishment black dragons who hid deep in the mountains and forests have ever returned to that sad place, leaving only the free-range Abyssian alone to watch the empty black dragon lair.

With Sinestra and Abyssian returning to the Obsidian Holy Land, the black dragon clan naturally placed its political center in Dragonblight.

Malygos has promised to stay at Wyrmrest Temple in the future, so only the bronze dragon and the green dragon are still working outside.

Sarlayan is determined to change this status quo. He plans to expand Wyrmrest Temple into a city and truly make it the political center of the five-color dragon clan, similar to the capital of a mortal kingdom.

The plan to persuade the bronze and green dragons to move their political center went smoothly.

Anachronos has long felt that working far away in the Cave of Time is too inefficient. Whenever something important happens in the Wyrmrest Temple, an extra stop is needed, which is a waste of time.

As Sarlayan's mother-in-law-to-be, Ysera would not object even more. She wished Melinsela could spend more time with Sarlayan and develop a relationship.

However, the transfer of the political center does not mean that the traditional base of the Five Colored Dragon Clan will be abandoned, but it will only reduce their political weight.

Afterwards, Sarlayan will unify the office space of the dragon kings in the Dragon Sleeping Temple, so that they can communicate at any time if there are any problems. This can effectively improve the office efficiency of the dragon clan.

After gaining the support of the Dragon King and Dragon Queen and basically finalizing the follow-up plan, Sarlayan's family could finally officially start moving with peace of mind.

In order to facilitate the connection, Onyxia, Tina Gosa... and even Melinthera will stay in Dragonblight to support them. Sharlayan returned with Stella Gosa, Valeela and Jaina. Quel'Thalas.

Although Kael'thas had guessed Sarlayan's decision through his previous order of engineering machines, as an old friend who had known each other and cooperated tacitly for many years, Sarlayan still had to formally say goodbye to him face to face.


Kael'thas, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, smiled with relief: "It is indeed time. With your current status as the guardian of Azeroth, continuing to stay in Quel'Thalas will make you Tie your hands and feet.”

After all, Quel'Thalas is a member of the Alliance. Although it is not as good as the feuding forest trolls, after the attack and defense of Quel'Thalas that year, the high elves also developed hatred with the tribes headed by the orcs.

In order to unify all the forces of Azeroth and fight against the outside world, Sarlayan will definitely need to use the combat power of the Horde, and may even plan to win over the Zandalari Empire, which also has great combat power.

Continuing to communicate with the tribe and trolls in the name of the Grand Duke of Quel'Thalas would be somewhat embarrassing, and might even leave unnecessary excuses for some interested people.

If Sarlayan were to do these things from the standpoint of a more detached dragon or guardian, he wouldn't have so many concerns.

Therefore, Kael'thas did not intend to force Sharlayan to stay.

Besides, even if Sharlayan moves out of Yongsong Forest, it does not mean that he will completely cut off contact with Quel'Thalas. The direct line of the Deep Shadow family to which Verres belongs will still remain here.

If necessary, Kael'thas can ask Sarlayan for help at any time through Veles. With their personal relationship, Thalayan will definitely give him the response he can.

Sharlayan smiled helplessly: "As long as you understand, leaving now is the best choice for me personally and for Quel'Thalas."

The war has not yet officially begun, and Kael'thas still has more than two months to explain the reason to the people who are confused by the departure of the Deep Shadow Archduke.

As for the handover of affairs, there is no need to worry.

Although Sarlayan holds the title of Chief Advisor to the Sun King and Grand Duke, he actually acts independently most of the time. Instead, the cabinet ministers frequently help him wipe his ass.

Of course, since Sharlayan's many actions so far have brought a lot of benefits to Quel'Thalas, the cabinet ministers are also happy to clean up the ends he left behind.

Even if Sharlayan suddenly withdraws, it will not have the slightest impact on the already stable political system of Quel'Thalas.

After this period of actual testing, Sarlayan was certain of one more thing.

Even without the leadership of him and Stellagosa, Unicorn City can still maintain normal operations, but at most it will lack innovation.

Not to mention the crucial influence of the Deep Shadow family, even if we encounter some troubles that are inconvenient to take action directly, families such as Windrunner and Sangunar who have always had good relations with the Deep Shadow family will not stand idly by.

After bidding farewell to Kael'thas and the cabinet ministers one by one, Sharlayan left the Sunstrider Court freely and casually.

When the residents of Unicorn City learned that the Archduke of Deep Shadow was about to move out of his territory, Sharlayan, Valeera, Stellagosa, and Jaina had already packed all the things they needed to take away into space parcels, quietly Returned to Dragonblight in Northrend.

Quel'Thalas... and even the entire alliance had a series of subsequent reactions due to Sarlayan's departure. After being teleported back to Dragonblight, the four of Sarlayan could clearly feel the changes in the magic network here.

According to Sharlayan's plan, the first step in transforming Dragonblight requires Spellweaver Malygos to personally adjust the local magic network structure.

Prior to this, the magic network nodes of Dragonblight were concentrated in Wyrmrest Temple.

The temperature in the temple is suitable and the concentration of magic power is high, but this will not have a qualitative impact on the vast Dragon Bone Wilderness.

Malygos does not need to tear down the east wall to replace the west wall, and his adjustments will not have any impact on places such as Crystalsong Forest, Borean Tundra, and Grizzly Hills adjacent to Dragonblight.

As we all know, things like the Ley Line cannot be conjured out of thin air, so where did the Ley Line nodes that Malygos added to Dragonblight come from?

The answer is simple, nautical miles.

Ten thousand years ago, when the ancient continent of Kalimdor split apart, parts of the Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and the southern coast of Howling Fjord sank into the sea. There will naturally be Magic Network nodes on this part of the land.

Today, these uninhabited areas under the sea no longer need magic network nodes. Malygos can move them to Dragonblight without any burden.

This situation is actually not uncommon. All the continents and islands in Azeroth today are only sixty-seven-tenths of the area of ​​ancient Kalimdor. The remaining parts have sunk into the sea, and those lost in the sea There will naturally be no shortage of magic network nodes.

As the King of Blue Dragons and the magical guardian of Azeroth, Malygos has the right to adjust the distribution of the Magic Network at will while maintaining the stability of the global Magic Network.

Moreover, Malygos's adjustments were very subtle, splicing in many additional magic network nodes without destroying the original magic network structure of Dragonblight.

The evidence is that the four of Sarlayan can still accurately teleport to the Wyrmrest Temple according to the original magic network coordinates.

When Sharlayan and his party returned, Onyxia, Tinargosa, and Melinthera who had stayed in Dragonblight had already rushed to clean up the "trash" near his chosen new home.

Malygos continued to be busy. His magic network transformation project had not yet been officially completed, and Sharlayan knew enough not to disturb him.

Ysera and Alexstrasza, who were discussing the "shift" order, both looked at Sarlayan with strange expressions.

"Salay'an." Ysera, who has a closer relationship with Sarlay'an, was the first to ask: "Are you sure you want to choose where to settle down?"

"It's not that I don't believe in your strength, but..."

Alexstrasza smiled bitterly and took over the words: "If you choose to settle in that place, you will inevitably attract the hatred of the Ancestral Dragon. Is this really necessary?"


Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "Isn't it good? I have long wanted to merge the Ancestral Dragon into the Dragon Clan, and this can be used as an opportunity."

The location of the new home that Sarlayan chose... to put it bluntly, it will indeed give people the feeling of dancing on a tomb.

Because the place he chose to settle down was the small basin where the remains of the ancestor dragon father Galakrond were located. (End of chapter)

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