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Chapter 1621 Galakrond, Father of Dragons

Galakrond is the ancestor of all dragonborn in Azeroth, and is known as the father of all dragons, also known as the ancestral dragon father.

However, the ancestor of all dragonborn was not a loving father. Instead, Galakrond lived by devouring other dragonborn.

According to Alexstrasza, the First Dragon Father was not a cruel and bloodthirsty person from the beginning. He suddenly underwent a huge personality change at a certain point in time.

Because this period of history is too long, even Alexstrasza and other dragon kings dare not be 100% sure why Galakrond, who had always been at peace with other dragonborn, began to devour his own people without warning.

According to their subsequent speculation, Galakrond's change in personality should be due to his uncontrollable appetite.

As he ate more and more food, Galakrond's size gradually expanded to the point where it could cover the sky and the sun.

As food dwindled in Galakrond's exclusive northern hunting grounds, the hungry Galakrond began to irrationally attack and devour his own kind.

I wonder if it was because of this perverse behavior that Galakrond was punished by nature.

His mind and body became increasingly distorted, and he gradually became undead, and as a result, he completely lost his mind.

The story that follows is familiar.

Tyr, who was worried about the safety of Azeroth, stood up. With the assistance of five powerful proto-dragon leaders, he fought a decisive battle with Galakrond on the snowy plains of the northern border of ancient Kalimdor.

After a protracted and fierce battle, Tire and others finally won the battle at the cost of one left hand.

Galakrond's huge body fell on the snowfield that was later named Dragonblight. You can still see the bones he left behind, as well as the small basin artificially smashed out by his huge body.

After this tragic battle, the five ancestral dragon leaders, including Alexstrasza, received blessings from the Titans from across the sky and were promoted to Aspect Dragons.

Their group has also been promoted as a result, evolving from the low-intelligence ancestral dragon to the already well-known dragon clan.

For tens of thousands of years, a so-called prophecy has been circulating among the Dragon Clan... no, it should be said that among all Dragon descendants.

The content is nothing more than that Galakrond will be resurrected sooner or later, and he will definitely take revenge on the dragon guardians who once killed him.

However, after Sarlayan's personal inspection, he was basically certain that this "prophecy" was groundless... at least for the time being.

There is no doubt that Galakrond has completely fallen. Even if he wants to be resurrected, he must pay attention to a basic method.

Take the demons of the Burning Legion as an example. With the Argus star soul as the energy supply unit, even after their bodies are destroyed, their souls can escape back to the Twisting Nether and line up for resurrection.

But the premise is that their souls must be intact.

Sarlayan has already personally verified it, and also specifically confirmed it with the Eternal One in the Shadow Realm, that it is impossible for a demon that has lost its soul to be resurrected.

The same is true for Galakrond. His soul has long been missing. Even if some conspirators can resurrect his corpse with only bones left, it will be nothing more than an empty shell without consciousness.

To put it bluntly, it is just a large bone dragon, not much stronger.

The reason why Sharlayan chose to settle in Galakrond's Tomb despite his bad luck was because Azeroth didn't have so many ancient superstitions, and he also wanted to study Galakrond's bones in depth.

In the story about Galakrond, Sharlayan keenly discovered a disturbing term - undeath.

Although Alexstrasza and others believed that Galakrond's undead distortion was a punishment from the natural rules of Azeroth, Sharlayan did not think so.

It is true that Azeroth has its own set of natural rules, and the low fertility rate of the Immortals comes from this.

But Sarlayan has never heard that the rules of nature can be temporarily changed due to the existence of certain individuals.

First of all, it is certain that Galakrond fell more than 30,000 years ago, not long after the war between the Titan Guardians and the Dark Empire ended.

In other words... at that time, the Azeroth Star Soul was still in a state of babbling, and the catalytic effect of the newly built Origin Forge and Will Forge on the growth of the Star Soul was not yet obvious.

Even now, as the spokesperson of Star Soul, Sarlayan, who knows Ai-chan well, does not think that she can change the rules of the world at will, let alone her infancy tens of thousands of years ago.

And this is the crux of the problem. Since it was not the work of the Azeroth Star Soul, what happened to Galakrond's undeath?

Speaking of the undead, Sarlayan immediately thought of the Shadow Realm.

Through the transit of Zloth in the Blighted Realm, Sharlayan made remote contact with Maldraxxus on the way to Galakrond's Tomb.

After learning of Sarlayan's needs, the war leader made a special trip to Oribos to read the books, but unfortunately no clear record of Galakrond's entry into the Shadow Realm was found.

There is no official record, but Sarlayan and the soldier have reason to suspect that Galakrond's soul may have been smuggled into the Abyss by Denathrius.

"The Abyss, it's the Abyss again!"

When this topic comes up, Sarlayan becomes a little irritable and speechless.

According to the existing intelligence, it is speculated that Galakrond's corruption has a certain probability to be related to Denathrius, the old yinbi who thinks about causing trouble all day long.

Of course, it's just a probability.

Sarlayan had personally been to the Maw, and learned about many dangerous enemies from the Maw through the barrage, but the name Galakrond was not among them.

Regarding this, Sarlayan tentatively thinks there are two possibilities.

First, Galakrond could not be tamed by the warden, and was tortured to the point of losing his soul in endless years.

The second possibility deserves more attention.

Perhaps Galakrond's fall was indeed related to Denathrius and the Warden, but his soul did not enter the Shadow Realm, but was hidden in a place that is temporarily unknown.

If this is true, Galakrond's resurrection is no longer just a myth.

This damn choice made Sharlayan dumbfounded. From a macro perspective, he hoped that Galakrond's soul had long since disappeared into the Maw.

However, Sarlayan has long been accustomed to taking precautions and must not take chances on such a major event that may affect the world structure.

While renovating Galakrond's Tomb, Sarlayan planned to use necromantic magic to study Galakrond's bones, and perhaps find some clues about the whereabouts of his soul.

Although Alexstrasza, Ysera and others were a little bit dumbfounded by Sharlayan's choice, they did not speak out to stop it.

Galakrond is indeed the father of all dragons, but the Aspect Dragons who once fought with Galakrond obviously do not have a good impression of him, and Galakrond's grave will be dug up.

Moreover, Sarlayan's speculation made Alexstrasza and Ysera feel a little creepy.

They also hope that Galakrond will really be resurrected one day... Otherwise, the first ones to suffer will definitely be them, the life-and-death enemies of the Father of Dragons.

Onyxia, Melinthera, and Tinagosa, who set out first, had already commanded the draconians and dragon beasts who came to help to dig out all of Galakrond's huge bones.

The size of Galakrond's body can be roughly inferred from the size of this skeleton. This guy should have been larger than the five Aspect Dragons combined when he was alive.

After Sharlayan arrived at the destination he renamed Galakrond Basin, he immediately began to study it.

Sharlayan was not a professional research scholar, so for this reason, he specially arranged for a young blue dragon to rush to Draenor to deliver a message, inviting the archlich Kel'Thuzad to lead a research team to rush over.

By the way, he returned the magic sword Frostmourne, which was of no use to him, to the Lich King Solas.

After a preliminary inspection, Sarlayan did not find anything strange on Galakrond's bones. He only found a little power of death deep underground in the burial place in the basin.

"The power of death, undead transformation..."

Standing in front of the bones of Galakrond piled up like a hill, Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Is everything from soul to body corrupted, or is it only the body that is corrupted? Where did Galakrond's soul go? Did it really dissipate completely in the Maw because it couldn't bear the torture?"

"I always feel like something is wrong."

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