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Chapter 1631 Battle against the Eredar Twins

Dragon power is the innate ability of all dragons. It will automatically increase in power as the dragon's form evolves step by step.

The effect of dragon power in the young dragon stage is almost negligible, and it can only be used to scare children.

After evolving into a young dragon, Dragon Power can initially show its power, but it usually only takes effect on enemies whose strength is lower than itself.

To put it bluntly, Long Wei at this stage is just a magical skill to torture vegetables.

Only in the hands of an adult dragon can Dragon Power truly be effective in battles of the same level.

Just like now, under the shock of the dragon power released by Sarlayan, the Eredar twins were caught off guard and froze in place.

The time when Dragon Power takes effect is related to the strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves. If it is used on an enemy who is stronger than oneself, it may only have a momentary effect and will soon be broken free.

But when masters compete, even a moment of confusion may affect the outcome of the entire battle.

Sarlayan has already touched the threshold of level 65, while the Ereda twins are only at level 63 in the Eagle Eye technique, accurately triggering Longwei's trait of cruelty.

By the time they broke free from the shocking effect of the dragon's power, Valeera, who had emerged from stealth, had already rushed behind the pain warlock Saroras who relied on various dots (Damage Over Time periodic sustained damage) to cause damage.

Sensing the fatal threat from behind, Salolas, who was experienced in combat, did not waste time looking back. Instead, she resisted the spell and cast a fear spell instantly.

One thing to say, Saloras's unexpected move really caught Valeera by surprise.

In Valeera's impression, the Warlock's instant control skill only has one Death Coil.

The starting posture of Death Coil is very obvious. Before the spell is officially activated, the caster's hand will glow with a very eye-catching green light in advance.

In addition, if the warlock wants to control the enemy instantly, he can only rely on the help of the succubus.

However, due to the suddenness of the incident, Saloras and Olaisesi had no time to summon demons to help.

This caused Valeera to misjudge Saloras' response. She had never encountered a warlock who could cast fear instantly before.

Affected by the fear spell, Valeela unconsciously felt panic in her heart.

Although he didn't panic and run around with his head in his hands due to the strong willpower suppression, the movements of his hands would inevitably be greatly affected.

The backlash caused by the forced instant spell was also uncomfortable for Saloras. She watched helplessly as the enemy revealed its flaws, and the energy in her body was disordered, but Saloras was unable to immediately launch a counterattack.

Oreses, who had a tacit understanding with Saroras, immediately wanted to turn around and kill the other enemy in front of her, but Sarlayan did not give her a chance to do it.

Valeela, who had experienced many battles, was actually controlled by the enemy, which somewhat surprised Sarlayan.

Through the continuous observation of the eagle eye technique, Sarlayan saw at a glance the principle and consequences of Saloras's instant fear technique. This is a self-mutilation move that can damage the enemy by one thousand and damage itself by eight hundred. It can only be used in certain situations. For emergency use.

If there are no teammates around, there are still multiple enemies. Even if you can control one of them, you will become a living target due to severe spell recoil.

Suddenly, thick vines burst out from under the ground and entangled Saloras and Oreses together.

Although Aurese reacted quickly and burned the vines with ultra-high-temperature evil flames, Valeera also got rid of the influence of the fear spell before they could escape, and she sprinkled glitter powder on the spot and escaped into the shadows again.

This sudden encounter was a rare lesson for Valeela. The next time she encounters the same trick, she will not be as unprepared as she was today.

Valeera resumed stealth and concealment, and it was natural for Sharlayan to take on the main task of attracting attention.

At the same time that Valeela disappeared, Saloras finally recovered from the impact of the spell's backlash.

Seeing Sarlayan leaning forward to launch a surprise attack, she immediately used both hands to cast a series of curses and continuous damage spells on Sarlayan.

Sarlayan's shadow spell resistance was quite satisfactory, and Saroras's combination of spells really made him feel pain from the inside out.

But that's all.

Sarlayan's initial profession was that of a warrior. In the words of Thalorian Morningseeker, a warrior must learn to be beaten before he can learn to hit others.

To put it more simply, you need to adapt to the pain first to ensure that you can still maintain combat effectiveness even when injured.

Therefore, the continuous damage caused by Sarorath's dot spell will not affect Sarlayan's actions, at least in a short period of time.

The curses and spells aimed at the soul were completely ignored by Sarlayan and had no effect at all.

At the same time as Saloras took action, Oreses also spread out a ring of fire with herself as the center, trying to knock out the sneaking Valeela again.

However, Valeela had long known that the warlock had this kind of area damage spell that was nicknamed "fart" by the barrage, and she also predicted the actions Oreses might take.

After entering the stealth state, Valeela did not rush to launch an attack immediately. Instead, she took the initiative to retreat and distance herself, leaving Oreses with enough room to perform.

The "fart" skill mentioned in the barrage is called Hell Flame, and it will cause damage to yourself and the enemy at the same time without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Of course, this is just a theory.

Oreses had mastered the power of fire before receiving the infusion of evil energy. When using the flames of hell, it would not cause harm to herself, and she could even avoid Saloras accurately.

However, no matter how hard she tried to eliminate the side effects of the spell, Olaise's prediction failed in the end.

Not only was she unable to bring Valeera out of stealth as she expected, but she was unable to immediately switch to the next spell due to the spell's recoil.

Aurese's side suffered a setback in the mutual prediction with Valeela, and Saloras failed to use various dot spells to restrict Sarlayan's movements as expected.

Saloras felt her eyes blur, and Sarlayan appeared in front of her as if teleporting.

Considering the follow-up plan, Sarlayan and Valeera planned to capture the Eredar twins alive, so they did not take out the powerful sword.

In this special situation, Sarlayan used the short game technique that he had learned from Master Shang Xi on the Wandering Island.


Using the acceleration ability of the time power, Sarlayan teleported in front of Saloras as if shrinking to the ground, stamped the ground with his left foot in front of him, and punched almost from zero distance, hitting an inch of force.


Following a burst of explosions, Saloras, who was unable to dodge, was immediately severely injured and spurted out a mouthful of green blood on the spot.


At this juncture, Oreses had no time to compete with Valeela who was hiding in the dark.

She hugged Saloras who was obviously tired and rolled to the side. She narrowly avoided Valeera and took the opportunity to be stabbed with a pair of daggers from behind.

Before she could get herself into the right position, Aurese's already red skin suddenly glowed with a strange blood-red sheen.

Sarlayan wasn't sure where this burst of light came from, but he could at least guess that Oreses was going to fight for her life.

Sure enough, Oreses seemed to be cheating and forcibly fired a giant chaos arrow that could almost fill the entire room.

Valeela, who originally planned to pursue the victory, got closer to Oreses. She was very vigilant and immediately activated her shadow cloak to resist the magic damage of the Chaos Arrow.

The huge chaos arrow passed by Valeela without any intention of slowing down, and continued to rapidly approach Sarlayan in the small indoor space.

Affected by the environment, Sarlayan could only find a way to resist this round of damage.

After taking a deep breath, he activated the power of the earth and covered the surface of his body with a solid earth element shield.


As the Chaos Arrow hit its target and exploded, the small single-family house exploded from the inside on the spot, and the green flames rising into the sky could be seen even several kilometers away.

At least...that's how it should be.

The Children of the Night, who were prepared in advance, quickly set up a barrier near the hut after evacuating nearby residents.

The instant Chaos Arrow that Oreses released from self-inflicted wounds was, on the one hand, to drive back two powerful enemies, and on the other hand, it was also an attempt to send a distress signal to other legion spies lurking in Suramar City.

Unfortunately, her plan failed to have any effect.

After the firelight in the house dissipated, Oreses, whose face was obviously darker, discovered in horror that Valeera and Sarlayan, who had suffered spell damage from the front, were still in good fighting condition.

Oreses and Salolas, who was also seriously injured, supported each other and laughed miserably: "Are you kidding..." (End of Chapter)

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