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Chapter 1632 Sitting on the mountain and watching the

At this point in the battle, the outcome is already clear.

The last trump card failed to work, and both Orese and Salolas were mentally prepared to defeat and die.

Death is not the end for the demons of the Burning Legion, but a new beginning.

As long as their souls are still intact, they can escape back to the Twisting Nether to wait for resurrection even after death.

But now that the matter has come to this, Gemini no longer dares to think about taking a meritorious vacation. When they return, they should be prepared to be punished for failing the mission.

Contrary to their expectations, Sarlayan and Valeera did not kill them, but knocked them unconscious with one left and one right blow respectively.

Before falling into coma, the Ereda twins exchanged glances, and both of them saw a look of surprise in each other's eyes.


After confirming that the twins were unconscious, Sarlayan waved his hands in relief.

Unlike Valeera, who relied on the cloak of shadow to be immune to spell saving damage, Sarlayan truly took Oreses's fatal blow head-on.

What cannot be ignored is that he was still carrying various curses imposed by Saloras, including elemental curses that weakened elemental resistance.

In other words, Sarlayan forcefully took this super doubled Chaos Arrow after the enemy broke through the defense.

Even with the power of the earth to provide defense, Sharlayan was not as unscathed as he seemed on the surface, and the evil energy that took the opportunity to seep into his body was still eroding his flesh and blood.

After winning the battle, Sarlayan could spare his energy and use his powerful life power to suppress and expel the alien energy from his body.

As he waved his hand, a ray of green energy was thrown on the ruins of the hut, making a permeating crackling and corroding sound.

Valeera worriedly asked Sarlayan, who was looking a little pale, "Are you okay? You don't look good."


Sarlayan sighed: "Even with mental arithmetic and no intention, the fight was still so thrilling. These high-level demons with rich fighting experience are really difficult to deal with."

Valeela also nodded solemnly: "Through this battle, I also learned some lessons."

"Can you shorten the casting time by self-mutilation, even to the extent of instant casting..."

Sarlayan looked thoughtfully at the eredar twins who were still clinging to each other after being unconscious: "I don't think this kind of ruthless move is the unique secret skill of the two of them. They will also use it when fighting other high-level demons in the future. As a warning.”

"Except for the weak Nasrezim, of course."

Although they are both important races of the Burning Legion, the status of Nathrezim and Man'ari are not at the same level at all.

The Man'ari are the leading race that Sargeras personally invited to join. The various technologies and magic techniques possessed by the Burning Legion today were brought by the Eredar.

The Nasrezim are just one of the many "native" demon races. Their own combat effectiveness is not very good, and their natural status among the legion that advocates strength is not much higher.

This is under the premise that the Burning Legion does not know the details of Nasrezim.

Sharlayan was curious, if Kil'jaeden knew that he had been fooled by Denathrius, whether the self-proclaimed clever trickster would be so angry that he would uproot the Dreadlord clan.

"Well... maybe we can try to provoke it."

Sarlayan looked at the Eredar twins with meaningful eyes. Valeera, who was standing next to him, asked with a strange expression: "You are not really interested in them, are you?"

"Listen to my advice, even if you want to try out the Eredar people, don't find such a social butterfly who can do anything for you. I'm afraid that my family will get sick from this. Isn't it nice for Yrel, who already has a crush on you?"


Sarlayan, who was a little distracted, turned to look at Valeela who was speaking astonishingly, and patted her little head in confusion.

"What a mess... I'm thinking about implanting a foreign memory into them to drive a wedge between Kil'jaeden and Nathrezim."



A familiar burst of laughter suddenly came from outside the door.

After listening to the entire cross-server chat between the two, Onyxia, who had just rushed to the scene, burst out laughing.

Only then did Valeera realize that she had made a mistake because of her concern. She glared at Onyxia with a look of confusion on her face.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny!"

Onyxia, who had always had her own way, was not afraid of Valeera's fierce and evil threats. She wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes and raised her eyebrows at Valeera, the "Master of the Harem", in a joking manner.

"Have you finally figured it out? You actually took the initiative to pimp Sarlayan."

"Tsk!" Valeera smacked her lips in displeasure: "That's all I'm saying. Compared to these Ereda twins who have a shady private life, Yrel who has always kept herself clean is indeed much better than them."

Sarlayan didn't want to irritate the angry Valeera any more, so he coughed and changed the subject while throwing a look at Onyxia to tell her to stop.

"Don't talk about whether you have these or not... Aoni, come over and do business."

"Yes, yes, my eldest master."

Onyxia knew the reason why Sarlayan called her over. She gave her a charming look and strode up to the unconscious Eredar twins.

At the same time, the Nightborne spies and security forces waiting near the hut gathered around after confirming that the situation was over.

The commotion caused by this battle was not small, and from this we can roughly deduce the strength of these two Man'ari. The leader of the Demon Swordsman, Oruriel, was still a little scared.

"Duke Shenying..."

Sharlayan waved his hand: "I have left Quel'Thalas, there is no need to call me by this name anymore."

"Uh~" Aluriel was stunned for a moment, and then he changed his title calmly: "Speaker Deep Shadow, thank you for your help to Suramar."


Sarlayan's expression was a little tangled.

After the restructuring, today's Longmian Temple is indeed similar to a parliamentary system, and he can be regarded as the current speaker of Longmian Temple.

But where did Oruriel know this news?


Noticing the look of confusion on Sarlayan's face, Onyxia leisurely took out the Blade of the Dark Empire and started to prepare, and whistled happily.

"...As expected, it's you who has such a big mouth."


Onyxia smiled without answering, thrust the tip of the strange-looking scimitar into the palm of Olaise's left hand, and began to use shadow spells to modify the memories of the Eredar twins.

The reason why we started with Oreses first was because this destruction sorcerer had low resistance to mental spells.

Saloras is proficient in shadow magic, and she is an expert in mind control. Manipulating her memory will definitely be much more difficult than that of Oreses, who is single-minded.

Therefore, Onyxia naturally chose to go from easy to difficult, and first used Olayses to practice.

In addition to the originally decided content, based on Sarlayan's additional needs, Onyxia successively implanted a self-justifying foreign memory in the souls of the Eredar twins.

The content is about doubts about the origin of the Nasrezim family. In the memory implanted by Onyxia for them, this information was obtained when the two eavesdropped on the conversation between Sarlayan and Elisande at the party last night. learned.


After completing all the memory manipulation projects, Onyxia looked at the eredar twins who had not yet woken up, and raised the corners of her mouth meaningfully.

"Those big bats want to avenge Denathrius' lost dog, right? Then let's take the first step and find something for them to do."

"I want to see if they can calm down Kil'jaeden's raging anger with their eloquent words."


Far away in the Burning Throne of Antorus on the planet Argus, Tichondrius, who had just read a message to be resurrected and was following Kil'jaeden's orders, suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

The fraudster's brows immediately furrowed. He hated it most when someone was distracted when he was giving orders.


Although Kil'jaeden's tone was very calm, as a direct subordinate who had followed the Deceiver for countless years, Tichondrius knew that his boss was angry when he heard it.

"I'm sorry! Lord Kil'jaeden, I suddenly have a bad feeling that I can't explain why!"


Kil'jaeden pondered thoughtfully for a moment.

After entering the realm of demigods, some sudden premonitions are no longer just random thoughts with excessive self-awareness, but indeed have some kind of metaphysical prediction effect.

To put it simply, if a demigod suddenly has an extremely bad premonition, there is a high probability that something bad for him will really happen.

"Then you can slowly find the source yourself. Let's get down to business first. I need you to design a plan to lure out Illidan and kill him. Can you do it?"


Tichondrius temporarily put aside the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, and a strange and ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Based on Illidan's activities in recent years, my subordinates have guessed that guy's goal, so let me prepare a huge 'surprise' for him."

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