Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1642 The curtain rises, the last calm before the storm

Since Sarlayan issued tsunami warnings months in advance, countries in coastal areas were prepared to deal with tsunamis.

The shamans of the Ring of Earth are now distributed along the coastlines of Azeroth, and they are accompanied by many large and small water elements.

At the same time, volcanoes across Azeroth began to erupt in unison, regardless of whether they were extinct or active volcanoes.

Fortunately, residents living near the volcano had already been notified to evacuate in advance. Although this round of volcanic eruption caused serious damage to the environment, at least the human losses were not large.

Before people could recover from the news of the volcanic eruption, the crust of Azeroth suddenly began to violently move.

"Damn it!"

Sarlayan, who was monitoring the situation in various places at the Wyrmmian Temple, also felt the strong earthquake, and he hammered the desk in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"With such a strong magnitude...did that guy Therazane really do anything?"

A cold glint flashed in Onyxia's eyes: "I guess Stone Mother, that faggot, is planning to stop working."

"Look, Deathwing left Deep Rock Continent on his own initiative without your help."

"There is a high probability that Therazane will acquiesce that the transaction with you is no longer necessary and actively give up his share of the transaction responsibilities."

"Hmph! Stupid! Short-sighted!"

Sarlayan, whose base was solid, was not affected by the earthquake and still stood firmly in place.

The Wyrmrest Temple was built by the Titan Guardians themselves and could not be shaken even by an earthquake.

Just in case, Sarlayan entrusted Abyssian in advance to send black dragons to protect his unfinished new home.

At this time, the entire Galakrond Basin was shrouded in the earth power of the black dragon clan. The movement of the earth's crust seemed to have nothing to do with it. Kel'Thuzad continued his research without raising his head.

"'s true that that wallflower is not worthy of trust."

Sarlayan's eyes were a little cold: "Fortunately, we have made an emergency plan in advance and are ready to launch Plan B."

At the same time as a strong earthquake covering the world occurred, with the Uldum region as the center, a tornado rising into the sky raised a huge amount of yellow sand. The nearby Silithus and Tanaris were also greatly affected.

The Tolvir people need to cast spells to resist the raging tsunami from the south, and at the same time avoid the tornadoes that ravage the entire desert. After all, they cannot avoid casualties.

After a storm washed the land, a city flying in the sky emerged out of thin air above Uldum.

This is the true form of the Sky Wall of the Wind Elemental Realm.

"It's finally here."

Sunderland, who had been waiting impatiently, looked at the city in the sky and sneered: "My dear father, Al'Akir the Wind Rider, I have been waiting for you for a long time. It's time to settle the bad debts! "

At the same time, Mount Hyjal, which had just recovered from the damage of the war, was hit hard again.

There is an extinct volcano that has been dormant all year round near the foot of Mount Hyjal. With the arrival of the elemental tide, this long-dormant extinct volcano began to erupt crazily.

This is not the end.

The magma surging everywhere due to the volcanic eruption gradually completely burned this unattended mountain forest. With the volcano still erupting wantonly as the center, the shadow of a towering giant tower was gradually becoming solid.

The forest demigod Cenarius was standing on the top of the mountain where the Nordrassil tree roots were, looking at the increasingly clear shadow of the giant tower with a very solemn expression.

"The Land of Fire... Huh! The crow's mouth of Sarlayan really got it right. Ragnaros really chose Mount Hyjal as his base."

"Ha~" Goldrinn, the wolf god squatting behind Cenarius, sneered disdainfully: "The King of Fire Demon is so courageous. Do you really think that no one can fight on Mount Hyjal?"

Tortola, the turtle demigod who had also arrived at the scene, calmly persuaded: "Old friend, don't worry, it's not the time for us to take action yet, let's let those fire elements run rampant."

Cenarius took a deep breath to adjust his mood: "Tortola is right, the top priority is that we must first arrange the ritual circle required to resurrect the wilderness demigod."

"As for Ragnaros... As long as this guy does not cross the red line we have drawn, let him be for now."

"Hmph!" Goldrinn snorted irritably: "Take your time... hurry up and set off! I can't wait to smash the core of the Fire Lord!"

As the four elemental realms are officially connected to the material world, many sub-planes, including the Emerald Dream, are also rapidly moving closer to Azeroth.

The demigods of the wilderness who are still cultivating in the Emerald Dream can feel a certain strangeness. This special opportunity has greatly shortened their originally very long resurrection time.


White Deer Malorne was the first to stand out from the crowd: "Dear friends, I will make preparations first."

Following Malorne, Ursoc, Ursol, Agamaggan, Avina and Onhara also came out one after another, rushing to the scheduled ceremony venue under the envious gazes of other wilderness demigods. ——Mount Hyjal in the Emerald Dream.

While most of the wilderness demigods focused their attention on Malorne and others, the black panther demigod Ashaman also left the scene quietly.

Ten minutes later, when the earthquake initially subsided, Sarlayan first paid attention to Deathwing's flight path.

According to Nobundo's report, Deathwing was flying in the direction of the Eastern Kingdom, but seemed to be heading north of the Eastern Continent.

There are many countries located in the north of the Eastern Kingdom, but there are only two targets that Deathwing can focus on.

Either Lordaeron, the leader of the Alliance, or Quel'Thalas, which had offended Deathwing in the Battle of Grim Batol.

Deathwing still remembers that humiliating battle.

Not to mention his fellow guardian dragons, there were indeed multiple high elves involved in that battle.

Specifically, Sarlayan, Valeera and Vereesa, plus a human Ronin.

"That guy isn't going to go straight to Quel'Thalas, is he?"

Sarlayan's mind was filled with questions: "Seriously? Did he think that the Bandi Noril Barrier and the Sunwell didn't exist?"

Valeera shrugged jokingly: "Perhaps the years of seclusion in Deep Rock Continent have made him more confident? In short, let us wait and see."

In the original history, the target chosen by Deathwing to demonstrate was the Kingdom of Stormwind, the alliance leader at the time.

Due to the changes caused by Sharlayan, in this timeline, although the Kingdom of Stormwind is also one of the main members of the Alliance, their influence is still not as powerful as that of Lordaeron.

Therefore, Deathwing's choice to go north did not exceed Sharlayan's expectations. What surprised him was that Deathwing would choose Quel'Thalas, which is more difficult to chew.

This may be a bit sorry for Calia, but compared to Eversong Forest, which has a complete barrier defense, the Royal City of Lordaeron is obviously more suitable as the target of Deathwing's "Return of the King" demonstration.

【King's return? I think it's the return of the dead. 】

[Nothing wrong, Azeroth today is no longer the Azeroth it was when he left. If Deathwing does not raise his guard, he may soon capsize in the gutter. 】

Thalayan put aside Deathwing's mysterious self-confidence for the time being. He had more important things to do at the moment.

The night elves, high elves, and children of the night were all ready and consciously gathered the energy they could provide at the Holy Mountain of Hyjal.

After handing over the task of guarding Wyrmrest Temple to Malygos and Alexstrasza, Sharlayan immediately opened the portal and rushed to Mount Hyjal with his family members except Jaina and Tinagosa.

There is no way, Jaina's magic circuit has not yet been restored, and she is not suitable to participate in such an action that may involve a battle.

Tinargosa took the initiative to stay and take care of her friend who she had played with since childhood. She could also supervise Kel'Thuzad to prevent him from getting too excited and conducting taboo research that violated the rules of Wyrmrest Temple.

When Thalayan arrived at the lakeside town at the foot of Nordrassil's tree roots, he was immediately greeted by Lensa Greathoof, the leader of the Cenarion Circle who had been waiting for him.

"Salayan, you are finally here."

Rensa did not waste time on pleasantries. He simply said hello and said straight to the point: "Cenarius, Goldrinn and Tortola have already set off to the ceremony venue, waiting for you to come and preside over the ceremony. .”

Sarlayan also skipped the greetings and nodded solemnly to Rensa: "I will set off right now. The Cenarion Council must be prepared to defend against the attack of the fire element. This resurrection ceremony cannot be missed."

Lensa patted his strong chest hard and assured firmly: "Leave it to me! There will never be any fire elemental that can pass through our defense line!"

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