Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1643: The plan can’t keep up with the changes. Fortunately, I’m more skilled.

Mount Hyjal is the territory of the Dark Night Republic, and the local defense must naturally be left to the Dark Night Republic.

Using the characteristics of the elemental tide to resurrect the wilderness demigod was a plan that had been drawn up for a long time.

Whether it is from the perspective of the night elves or for the future of Azeroth as a whole, the Dark Night Republic has sufficient reasons to protect this important ceremony.

Since becoming the Speaker of the Republic, Malfurion rarely rushed to the front lines to participate in battles. This time, for the first time, he personally led the elites of the Republic to Mount Hyjal to set up defenses.

When Sharlayan arrived at Mount Hyjal, Malfurion and Tyrande were already at the front lines of the battlefield near Saffron Spire.

After tens of thousands of years, he finally returned to the material world in his true form. Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King, was very excited, and the fire element lords under him did not show any weakness.

As Saffron Spire gradually solidified, more and more fire elements came to Azeroth from the elemental world, and the temperature of Mount Hyjal gradually increased.

On the way from the top of the mountain to the Temple of Avina, Sarlayan and his party overlooked the frontline battlefield that was already on the verge of breaking out.

The night elf warriors holding large shields and the druid who transformed into a bear form were standing at the front of the military formation, and the archers and spellcasters at the rear were also ready to fight at any time with serious expressions.

On the other side, the fire elements are also clamoring with their teeth and claws. As long as the King of Fire Demon gives the order, they will hysterically vent their boundless resentment that has been sealed in the elemental world for many years.

Valeera, who was riding on Onyxia's back, asked uneasily: "Can the forces of the Republic of Darkness alone be able to withstand the crazy attack of the fire element?"

"If you look at it from a long-term perspective, of course it is unstoppable."

Sarlayan gave the answer without hesitation: "The forces of the Dark Night Republic were divided into two parts by Malfurion."

"He and Tyrande are jointly responsible for the battlefield of Mount Hyjal in the north, and the Uldum battlefield in the south is handed over to Maiev and Jarod."

"If they concentrate all their forces on Mount Hyjal, it is indeed possible to win. However... dividing their forces is a necessary choice as a last resort."

Among the four major elemental forces, the water elemental is the clan closest to the guardian forces of Azeroth. The earth elemental group will most likely help each other and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

The only ones who will truly fully cooperate with the forces of the ancient gods to disrupt the situation in Azeroth are the fire element and the wind element.

I don’t know if it is a coincidence or necessity, but these two elements have set the location of their arrival in the material world on the continent of Kalimdor.

As the overlord of Kalimdor, while enjoying the most resources, it is natural that the Republic of Dark Night should be at the forefront and shoulder the pressure.

Logically speaking, Malfurion should deploy the largest number of troops on Mount Hyjal, which is closer to the country's core territory.

However, in fact, Jarod and Maiev brought more troops to Elre'Thalas than were left to defend Mount Hyjal.

This was not because Malfurion was out of his mind, but because he made a choice after considering the actual situation.

The reason is simple. In addition to the Dark Night Republic's own troops, there are tauren and orcs in the northern part of the Kalimdor continent who can lend a helping hand to Mount Hyjal. They can also ask for assistance from natural allies.

In contrast, Uldum, located at the southernmost tip of Kalimdor, has fewer helpers.

There are a small number of tauren and high elves stationed in Tanaris and Un'Goro Crater.

But they were overwhelmed just to deal with the wind elements that invaded the local area. In addition, they also needed to guard against the sandfury trolls who might take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Except for the Gurubashi Empire, which had long ago expressed its intention to join the battle against the elements through its relationship with Sharlayan, all trolls, including Zandalari, had no interest in this war.

Sharlayan even prepared for the worst. The trolls, who lacked a sense of the overall situation, were likely to take advantage of the chaos in Azeroth to expand their territory.

Therefore, the only reinforcements that the Dark Republic army moving south could find were the local Tol'vir in Uldum.

To protect their homeland from Al'Akir's brutality, the tol'vir will do whatever they can to help.

Just as the situation on Mount Hyjal was on the verge of breaking out, Jarod and Maiev had also led their troops to leave Elre'Thalas and march eastward.

After joining the Horrible Totem Tauren in Thousand Needles, the coalition still needs to pass through the Tanaris Desert before entering Uldum.

Windseeker Sunderland, who was already ready to go, was not in a hurry to seek revenge on Al'Akir. He strictly obeyed Sharlayan's orders and hid in the dark and stood still for the time being.

The Tol'vir, who have integrated the forces of the three major clans, are struggling to resist the attack from the wind element, and at least they have not yet shown signs of defeat.

In addition to the earth elements still hiding in Deep Rock Island and swinging on both sides, the water elements headed by Neptulon also encountered some troubles in the deep sea.

Not long after entering Azeroth from the Throat of the Abyss, the water elements received a "big gift package" prepared for them by N'Zoth in advance.

An extremely large ancient sea monster led a large number of Void Nagas to the door. Neptulon and others, who were busy containing the elemental riot, were caught off guard.

Sharlayan had long warned the Tidehunters to be careful of revenge from N'Zoth.

Unfortunately, Neptulon, who was quite confident in his own strength, did not take Sarlayan's advice to heart.

The leading sea monster itself is not a void creature, but an overlord-level marine creature native to Azeroth. From its appearance, it looks like an octopus that has been enlarged countless times.

This big octopus was quite powerful. In a short period of time, it actually had a 50-50 draw with the Tide Hunters playing at home.

However, judging from the situation on the battlefield, it is mainly because this ancient sea monster named Ozumat has a terrifying self-healing ability that is far beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Neptulon's front foot had just torn off Erzumat's tentacle, and the next second he watched helplessly as the broken tentacle grew back again.

Of course, this situation is only temporary.

No matter how strong Erzumat's self-healing ability is, energy will still be consumed to heal injuries. This is a natural rule that no creature can violate.

Ozumat may be able to entangle the powerful Tidehunter for the time being, but when its own energy reserves are exhausted and it can no longer heal its injuries, the balance of victory will gradually tip to Neptulon, which has greater endurance.

However, N'Zoth had never considered that Erzumat could defeat Neptulon. His purpose of sending this sea monster had been achieved.

Without the suppression of Neptulon and the water elemental lords, rivers and lakes across Azeroth were affected by the water elemental riots and became turbulent again.

Fortunately, Sarlayan also made an emergency plan for this, and all countries evacuated residents living near water sources in advance. The human injuries caused by the surging floods were minimal, but property losses were unavoidable.

"That guy Neptulon..."

Sarlayan, who had arrived at the Avina Temple Ceremony Grounds, shook his head helplessly after hearing the news.

"Forget it, let's put this problem aside for now."

After regaining his composure, Sarlayan brought his attention back to the present.

Cenarius, Tortola, and Goldrinn had already taken their positions in advance, occupying the three top corners of the ritual circle.

The vast amount of arcane magic power gathered from the Sunwell and the Nightwell has been injected into the magic circle in advance. The Druids of the Cenarion Circle who are responsible for the protection of the law also poured all the remaining Moon Well water in the Dark Night Republic into the magic circle with a solemn expression. .

"Everything is ready, let's get started."

As Sharlayan entered the center of the formation and fully activated his power, Valeera, Stellagosa, and Onyxia also took their positions one after another, working with the three wilderness demigods to stabilize this large-scale resurrection. The energy riots that rituals can cause.

Resurrecting the Wilderness Demigod is no joke. If no one steps up, the fire elemental army that is confronting the Dark Night Republic army at the foot of the mountain will immediately notice the movement here.

With his power fully activated, Sarlayan's eyes turned into the golden vertical pupils unique to the dragon clan, and the dragon horns that he had always hidden in the past were exposed uncontrollably.

The arcane energy soaring into the sky was restricted by the demigods holding the formation within the confines of the Temple of Avina. With the infusion of arcane energy and the power of life and death, a giant deer gradually emerged in the center of the ritual circle. phantom.

Sarai's tight-fitting robes moved automatically without wind, and his shining golden eyes stared straight at the deer-shaped shadow and chanted loudly: "Answer my call! Guardian of the wilderness, guardian of the road, Bailuma Lorne!”

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