Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1654 All Tactics Changers

Since the elemental tide officially broke out, the water elements headed by Neptulon have been stopped at the bottom of the sea by the sea monster Erzumat and its Void Nagas prepared by N'Zoth in advance.

Erzumat is certainly no match for the Tide Hunter, but this big, thick-skinned octopus has an abnormal self-healing ability, and it will not be easy for Neptulon to break through its entanglement.

According to information from the water elemental lord Montadi, who is familiar with Sarlayan, from the bottom of the sea, N'Zoth has corrupted a group of sea giants from nowhere, except for the Void Naga.

By the way, Montadi is a water elemental lord that Sarlayan and Valeela met during their journey across time and space. He is lucky to be alive to this day.

Azshara was originally besieging the Tomb of Sargeras. After the elemental tide broke out, she immediately ordered the soldiers on the front line to retract their formation.

Queen Azshara, who was also prepared, quickly adjusted the strategic focus of the Dark Night Empire. Nazjatar's Naga reserves quickly entered the sea and swam at full speed to the battlefield area where the underwater battle was breaking out.

For this chance to make a comeback, N'Zoth threw away all the resources he had accumulated for thousands of years, regardless of the cost.

All the Void Nagas were mobilized, divided into two groups. One side intercepted the reinforcements sent by Azshara, and the other side assisted Ozumat and the sea giant in attacking the water elemental position.

N'Zoth himself also knew that his underwater troops would not be able to maintain the war situation for a long time, and Neptulon and Azshara would be able to get rid of the entanglement sooner or later.

But now is the key point to grab time. As long as Azshara's Naga army and water elemental army can be held back, N'Zoth's lair Ny'alotha can temporarily rest easy, and he can focus all his energy on the attack. .

For N'Zoth, who is eager to escape completely, taking down the Origin Forge, which is directly connected to the Star Soul and has unlimited energy, is undoubtedly the primary goal.

The pure energy contained in the Origin Forge can help N'zoth escape from the prison faster, but this is not the most critical point.

If he can access the Azeroth Star Soul through the Forge of Origin, N'Zoth can truly begin to carry out the ultimate mission assigned by the Lord of the Void to all the Old Gods - to corrupt the soul of the world.

Theoretically, the Forge of Will can also play the same role, but N'Zoth is not so determined as to directly attack Ulduar, the home base of the Titan Guardian.

This is also the main reason why N'Zoth rushed to send a large number of reinforcements to Uldum after learning about the Sky Wall. He must break through the Hall of Origin as quickly as possible and bring the Forge of Origin under his control.

In Sharlayan's view, this all-out offensive and defensive war that broke out across Azeroth was essentially a home-changing war in which each other competed for efficiency.

Needless to say, fierce battles broke out in both the north and the south of Kalimdor.

The Eastern Kingdom was also unable to escape the war. Deathwing, reinforced by the Twilight Dragon, was greatly emboldened and vowed not to change sides until Quel'Thalas was conquered.

But he actually knew in his heart that the reinforcements from Wyrmrest Temple must have set off from the Dragon Bone Wilderness, and the time left for him to perform was very limited.

In addition to Eversong Forest, the Royal City of Lordaeron, Stormwind City, Ironforge and Zul'Gurub have also been attacked by varying numbers of twilight dragons.

These four groups of twilight dragons just matched the amount of information Sharlayan had received before.

In addition, two other groups of twilight dragons heading to Kalimdor are about to arrive at the battlefields of Uldum and Mount Hyjal.

Although there is no wind element to disrupt the situation, the horned eagle knights brought by Jarod and Maiev can still come in handy soon.

If only that was it.

As the saying goes, when the house leaks, it rains all night. Cho'gall, who has been killed by Sarlayan himself once before, unexpectedly and logically jumped out again.

Cho'gall's original body has been destroyed by Sharlayan, and this guy who is suspected to be N'Zoth's biological son has been given a brand new body by the ancient god.

Perhaps because he insisted on getting up wherever he fell, Cho'gall, who had completely transformed into a faceless man, still chose Northeron as the first breakthrough point.

Since Ironforge also suffered an air attack from the Twilight Dragon at the same time, most of the Wildhammer Griffin Knights rushed to Ironforge for reinforcements, which caused the defense in the Northron area to be significantly weakened.

Fortunately, there is still a group of high elves stationed in Dragonmaw Port that was captured from the orcs.

In addition, there are also some young red dragons living in the Vermilion Holy Land.

With the help of the high elf army and the red dragon, the Wildhammer dwarves relied on Grim Batol's solid city defenses to defend the first wave of Cho'gall's offensive.

Grim Batol, which had been basically rebuilt, had indeed not been breached, but the Wildhammer villages and towns scattered in the wild were not so lucky.

According to the latest intelligence obtained by Sarlayan, his father Julian also planned to uphold the concept of getting up wherever he fell, and was teleported to the Northron front line with Melia.

Julian and Inas hunted Cho'gall for several years, but were never able to truly kill the two-headed ogre.

This time, Julian plans to make a complete break with Gu'gall and will not give him another chance to resurrect.

Julian has broken through the shackles of mortals and stepped into the realm of demigods. Even Cho'gall has been instilled into a demigod by N'Zoth. This kind of forcibly ripened semi-finished product is by no means a match for Julian who breaks through step by step.

Deathwing's attack on Eversong Forest is destined to be impossible for a long time. As long as the reinforcements from Wyrmrest Temple arrive, the guy will know the time and run away.

By then, Quel'Thalas, which has freed up its troops, can use high-speed transport ships to transport the ranger troops that are still online to the Dragonmaw Port in Northron, giving Cho'gall a chance to catch a turtle in a jar.

Although the whole of Azeroth is in full swing, Sharlayan will not be fooled by N'Zoth's deception. His main target is still Uldum...or, in other words, the Forge of Origin.

Coincidentally, Sarlayan didn't want to be entangled with N'Zoth in the corner for a long time, and he also planned to get straight to the point.

N'Zoth's home base, Ny'alotha, is located underwater, and Sarlayan will not foolishly start a decisive battle with him under the sea. That is not a suitable home for him.

The wild demigods are still on standby in the Emerald Dream, ready to launch a surprise attack from the dream world.

Therefore, Sharlayan must add some strength to N'Zoth in addition to the wind element, so that he can't look at each other from head to tail.

The green dragon headed by Ysera is fully searching for the many sub-planes of dreams around the Emerald Dream. As long as they find the small world where Varosen is recovering from his injuries, Sarlayan can confidently shout "General" to N'Zoth. .

Without the assistance of the wind element, it would be impossible to break through the defenses of the Uldum coalition in a short time just by relying on the faceless men who could only move on the ground and the small number of twilight dragons that were about to arrive.

Not to mention the four guardians guarding the Hall of Origin and the powerful Titan creations under their command. Based on the number of faceless men currently in Uldum, Sharlayan did not even think that they could break through the defense of the Tol'vir and the night elves' coalition.

Compared to N'Zoth's overt and covert actions, Sharlayan was more worried about the Zandalar Empire that might break out into hysterics at any time.

According to the intelligence that Vol'jin just received from Dazar'alor yesterday, it seems that the god-king Rastakhan will soon follow in the footsteps of the prophet Zul.

The wrong decisions of being slapped in the face by the speed of light several times in a row caused the prestige of Rastakhan, who had just returned to power, to decrease instead of increase.

Under Vol'jin's secret instigation, the Zanchuli Council has already begun to make plans. They want to oust Rastakhan, who has been harming Zandalari's interests, from the throne, and push the princess Talanji, who is easier to control, to ascend.

Although Zandalari has both an emperor and a council, their political system is completely different from the dual system of Quel'Thalas. The god-king is the undisputed leader of the Zandalari empire, and the council only assists the god-king in governing. Just a tool man.

It is the nature of all political creatures to seek more power for themselves. Of course, the members of the Zanchuli Council will not be satisfied with the status quo. They want to go further.

However, even if Rastakhan has gradually shown signs of old age and lethargy, according to Zandalari laws, they cannot blatantly question the authority of the God-King.

This is completely different from the meaning of them joining forces to drive Zul out of the core of power...unless the Zanchuli Council intends to rebel.

If the young and inexperienced Princess Talanji can be put on the throne, the parliamentarians are confident that they can seize more power from the new king who is still unskilled in government affairs, and even gradually sideline the God King.

You can guess with your butt that Rastakhan would never sit back and watch this happen.

There is a saying in Danmaku that the best way to resolve internal conflicts is to transfer them to the outside.

"Rastakhan, Zanchuli Council..."

Before leaving Uldum, Sharlayan narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the Zandalar Islands.

"I hope you won't jump out at this juncture when the whole of Azeroth is working together to fight against the ancient gods. Otherwise... don't blame me for being unkind."

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