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Chapter 1655 Any tolerance is limited

Others may not know the full story of Sarlayan's attitude towards Zandalari over the years, but barrage netizens have seen it all.

There is a saying that Sharlayan has been tolerant enough to Zandalari who can't help but want to cause trouble.

It's not that he's afraid of Zandalari, it's just that he doesn't feel the need to go head-to-head with such a huge ancient empire.

Instead of wasting precious manpower and material resources on Azeroth's internal strife, it is better to find ways to subdue the rebellious Zandalari so that they can be used by Azeroth and point their guns at the outside world.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Sarlayan has always been tolerant to Zandalar and did not kill them mercilessly like he did with the Amani Empire.

However, his tolerance has its limits after all.

Sharlayan's expectations for Zandalar are actually very similar to those of the Zanchuli Council.

Both Prophet Zul and Rastakhan are the dregs of the old era. They still hold on to their stubborn ideas and should have been swept into the garbage dump of history long ago.

When Vol'jin was undercover next to Princess Talanji over the years, he would always guide her without leaving a trace to open her eyes to the world, and not just limit her sights to the so-called restoration of Zandalari's ancient glory.

The times are always changing. The Zandalari Empire in ancient times was able to conquer Azeroth mainly because there were no large forces in Azeroth at that time except the trolls. It was purely because of the dividends of the times.

As many races continue to spring up like mushrooms after a rain, the trolls, who have been standing still for thousands of years, naturally gradually cannot keep up with the development of the times.

This can be seen during the period when Queen Azshara was in charge of the Dark Night Empire. The once arrogant Zandalari Empire was forced by Azshara to hide in the holy mountain of Zuldazar and did not dare to go out. It can be said that it was completely humiliated.

All the generations of Zandalar god-kings have been deeply ashamed of this.

However, strength is something that cannot be defeated on the surface. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

At her peak, Azshara was a big boss who could compete with Burning Legion giants such as the Deceiver and the Defiler. The so-called strongest Lo'Alezan was just a big toy in front of her.

After Azshara finally lost power, a big problem arose inside Zandalar Island. The dark forces headed by the man-made ancient god G'huun gradually began to rise.

In the 10,000 years since the end of the War of the Ancients, Zandalari has been frantically struggling with the blood trolls entrenched in Nazmir. It was only in recent years that they gradually gained the upper hand due to interference from external forces.

Coincidentally, the external force mentioned here is actually Sharlayan.

In order to save Inas's soul, Sarlayan was forced to have a heart-to-heart friendship with the blood troll, and Zandalari took advantage of this opportunity to take the initiative on the battlefield.

From then on, the blood trolls could only huddle near the Heart of Darkness and linger.

But as the saying goes, the centipede is dead but not dead. As long as G'huun's problem is not solved for one day, the blood troll will not lose its incense.

With the troll's excellent reproductive ability, the blood troll can regain a lot of vitality in just ten years.

Sharlayan has long been planning to completely solve the problem of Uldir, but that must be after Bwonsamdi and Princess Talanji both come to power and the ancient Zandalari Empire officially embraces the international community.

Sharlayan and Vol'jin are both happy to see the outcome of the Zanchuli Council's plans.

In any case, Zandalar law stipulates that the God-King is the highest authority in the empire.

As long as the more open-minded Princess Talanji can take over, with the secret help of Vol'jin, Sharlayan and others, Sharlayan does not believe that the old ghosts of the Zanchuli Council can bypass the God King and change the law.

Vol'jin has been undercover in Zandalari for several years. Under his subtle influence, Princess Talanji's overall view has actually surpassed that of her father Rastakhan and the prophet Zul.

However, as Vol'jin said, Talanji today is still relatively immature and has ideals but no sophisticated political skills to realize them.

In Sarlayan's view, it doesn't matter if he is immature. The growth of intelligent creatures is a process of accumulation of experience.

As long as there are good ministers and generals around him, the most important thing for the king of a country is not his own governance and military ability, but the ability to know people and make good use of them and a good enough view of the overall situation, which is what Danmu calls a helmsman.

Zandalari, which is in urgent need of transformation now, needs not a talented and strategist...or an ambitious leader, but a visionary and enlightened leader who can lead Zandalari to reintegrate into the world.

In view of this, Vol'jin, under Sharlayan's advice, repeatedly persuaded Talanji to keep a low profile for the time being and not to rush to take sides between the fierce fight between the God-King and the Zanchuli Council.

As the only heir of Rastakhan, no matter which side wins this political struggle, Talanji, who is sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers, will definitely not lose.

If Rastakhan wins, Talanji will still be crown prince.

After Bwonsamdi, who wears the same pants as Sharlayan, ascends to the throne of the kings of Loa, sooner or later this cunning guy will find an opportunity and an excuse to kick Rastakhan down.

And if the Zanchuli Council wins, Talanji will not suffer a loss, because the Council will eventually need to support a royal family to sit on the throne of the God King.

As for the Zanchuli Council's desire to cultivate Talanji into a puppet... with the resourceful Vol'jin here, this situation is destined to be impossible.

Those old ghosts racked their brains and calculated that in the end, they could only make a wedding dress for her. This was the inevitable result determined by Zandalari's political system.

Sharlayan is not worried that Talanji will act her own way like her father after taking power. Based on the intelligence that Vol'jin has received over the years, Sharlayan already has a fairly in-depth understanding of the young princess.

What Sarlayan is worried about is... when Rastakhan fell into a disadvantage in the political struggle, Huidian Zhongdian chose to use external conflicts to divert internal conflicts.

Considering Rastakhan's character, Sarlayan believed that the probability of this happening was really high.

Right now, Sarlayan has more important things to do, and doesn't have that much energy to focus on the Zandalari Islands hanging in the lonely sea.

"I hope Vol'jin, who is good at dancing, can stop Rastakhan's madness as much as possible... Otherwise, he will have to encourage Talanji to launch a coup plan in advance."

Sarlayan has made several plans for the changes in the political structure of the Zandalari Empire, and forced political coup is the last resort.

There is an old saying that goes, what has been done must be done again, and what has been done must be done again.

The Tang Dynasty mentioned before in the barrage is a very typical example. The Xuanwumen coup of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin set a bad start for future generations. There are not many coups in the Tang Dynasty.

After inspecting the defense system of the Hall of Origin, Sarlayan went all the way south to the seaside and jumped in, and quickly locked the space coordinates that Neptulon's clone had given him.

After a brief space distortion, Sarlayan appeared at the connection between the Throat of the Abyss and the material world.

As soon as he arrived at his destination, Sarlayan felt the violent surging water around him before he even had time to transform into his aquatic form.

A large number of distorted void naga and corrupted sea giants are frantically attacking the defense line built by the water elements.

Saryan took a rough look and found that so far, the defense line was quite solid.

However, under the continuous impact of these crazy void creatures, the water element was temporarily unable to get away, and could only be forced to be entangled here without being distracted.

Of course, this is only temporary.

As long as Neptulon, as the leader, can take the lead in breaking the deadlock, the underwater cannon fodder troops sent by N'Zoth will gradually collapse.

"Salayan! You are finally here!"

While Sarlayan was observing the situation on the underwater battlefield, a water elemental who transformed into the shape of a high elf came to him with a face full of joy.

"You are..." Sarlayan looked at the humanoid water element with aqua-blue skin thoughtfully: "Montadi?"

"It's me, long time no see."

Sarlayan did not waste time reminiscing about old times. He simply nodded to Montadi and immediately asked straight to the point: "Where is Neptulon? How is the battle between him and Erzumat?"

Montadi was one of the two water element lords responsible for staying at the stronghold. After listening to Sarlayan's inquiry, he helplessly raised his hand and pointed to the sea in the northeast.

"The last time we saw Tidehunter, he and the octopus were moving in that direction."

"Oh? Has the battlefield been moved..." Sarlayan asked thoughtfully: "Is it possible that Erzumat wants to fight and retreat to lure Neptulon into a trap?"

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