Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1660 The next stop: the battle of revenge that has been waiting for thousands of years

Although the Twilight Dragon's attack failed, this does not mean that the countries in the Eastern Continent can sit back and relax.

The natural disasters sweeping across Azeroth are still coming one after another, and a large number of new elements spawned by them are also frantically impacting the territories of various countries.

These low-level elements do not have high intelligence, they just instinctively expand their territory and attack all creatures that enter their "own" territory.

The water elements headed by Neptulon have basically got rid of the entanglement and resumed the ritual of quelling hydrological disasters.

However, disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions are still plaguing all countries and races in Azeroth.

Blackstone Mountain is a giant volcano created when Ragnaros' clone appeared. Surprisingly, this elemental tide did not have much impact on Blackstone Mountain.

Sharlayan knew why, because the Molten Core had long been forced to cool down.

Moreover, there are black dragons under Deathwing living on the top of Blackstone Mountain. Nzos specially asked Ragnaros to avoid this giant volcano.

However, this kind of preferential treatment is limited to the main body of Black Rock Mountain.

The Scorching Canyon and Burning Plains adjacent to Blackstone Mountain were greatly affected, and the branches of Blackstone Mountain erupted crazily and shamelessly.

Not only the two areas closest to Blackstone Mountain, but also the barren land next to Searing Canyon has also undergone tremendous geological changes.

A large rift valley appeared in the area bordering Loch Modan in the northern part of the Badlands, completely separating the two places that were originally directly connected.

The boulder dam in the Loch Modan area also collapsed due to the earthquake. A large amount of water from Lake Loch flowed downstream, and the wetlands downstream immediately turned into a marshland.

There are many such geological disasters, and Sarlayan will not list them here.

However, according to the cases compiled by Stella Gosa, after Sharlayan's intervention, in general, the various disasters encountered by Azeroth are lighter than in the original history, mainly because of hydrological disasters. reduce.

Although the Twilight Dragon's attack was successfully repelled, all countries in the Eastern Continent were busy rescuing the affected people and post-disaster reconstruction work, and could not mobilize many troops to reinforce Kalimdor.

To take a step back, even if they could piece together a coalition army, it would take a lot of time to transport them across the sea to Kalimdor.

Maybe by the time the reinforcements arrive across the sea, the war in Kalimdor will be over.

Of course, Sarlayan did not intend to let the countries of the Eastern Continent just settle down.

The war in Notheron has not yet come to an end, and the reborn Cho'gall has the upper hand in the battle in the area.

Julian was also an ingenious woman who could not make a living without rice. Relying only on the small number of high elves in Dragonmaw Port and the left-behind young dragons in the Vermilion Holy Land, he could barely contain Cho'gall's outward attack, and it was difficult to counterattack and defeat the enemy.

The Kingdom of Khaz Modan was severely affected, and the inherent territories of the three major clans, Wildhammer (Northeron, Wetlands), Dark Iron (Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge), and Bronzebeard (Loch Modan, Badlands), were all affected to varying degrees. affected by the disaster.

In addition, the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Gurubashi Empire, also located in the south of the continent, were also severely affected. The lava pouring out from the Burning Plains even flowed into Elwynn Forest, the core territory of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

In contrast, the northern countries suffered relatively few disasters and were able to recover faster.

But when it comes to reinforcements, problems arise.

The Sador Bridge connecting the wetlands to the Arathi Highlands collapsed in the previous earthquake, and the reinforcements from the northern countries were blocked in the Arathi Highlands and unable to go south.

At this time it was the navy's turn to dispatch.

The navy of Kul Tiras will stay on the island to prevent Zandalari from going crazy. The fleets of Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas will be dispatched to the west and the east respectively, transporting reinforcements to the wetlands and Northeron from two directions.

In contrast, reinforcements sent from the east coast will reach their destination faster.

The wetland was affected by the water pouring down from Rock Lake. The entire area was soaked by the lake water. It would take at least ten days and a half to gradually recede, which was not conducive to marching.

After roughly understanding the intelligence from various parts of Azeroth, Sharlayan methodically directed Stellagosa to dispatch manpower from all parties and put the task of rescuing the affected people as the first priority.

In this large-scale disaster that harmed the entire Azeroth, the least affected were isolated overseas islands and continents such as Northrend, Pandaria, Broken Isles, Zandalar and Kul Tiras.

It can be seen from this that N'Zoth used the main energy of the elemental tide burst on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, the two most densely populated continents.

After handling the work collected from all over Azeroth, Sharlayan asked Melinthera, who was staying in Wyrmrest Temple.

It is a pity that the Green Dragon Legion and the Wild Demigods headed by Ysera have not caught Varoson's tail yet.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the Dream World side could only continue to stand still.

"Then... let's choose Deep Rock Continent as our next stop."

Seeing Malygos return in vain, he angrily landed in front of the Wyrmrest Temple. Sharlayan shook his head and said with a smile, "It's time for the Spellweavers to avenge Deathwing for nearly annihilating their clan."

Malygos returned without success, and so did Deathwing.

This crazy dragon originally thought that his return after more than ten years would be extremely grand, but unfortunately, the development of the situation was completely different from what he expected.

The confident Deathwing failed to break through the defenses of Quel'Thalas, a mere mortal country, and had to flee before reinforcements from Wyrmrest Temple arrived.

This is undoubtedly a shame for the arrogant Deathwing.

But things always have to be done one by one.

After returning to Deepholm, Deathwing was annoyed to find that Stonemother Therazane, who had always pretended to be her grandson with her tail between her legs, actually dared to make fun of him while he was away.

There was nothing more to say. Deathwing, who had just been filled with anger, ordered a counterattack without hesitation, and fought with the earth elements under Therazane in Deep Rock Continent.

If Therazane immediately fell to the Old God camp, N'zoth would definitely intervene in the internal fighting among his own people.

But Therazane fell into hesitation at this moment and failed to make the right choice in time.

By the time she finally made up her mind to recognize her father again, the earth element had already been fighting with the twilight dragons and faceless men under Deathwing in her homeland. It could no longer be stopped by Therazane. .

While Therazane was desperately trying to put out the fire, the undercurrent within the earth element became more and more turbulent.

Using the spatial coordinates provided by Mithrael, Malygos directly opened the portal to the home of the guardian earth element, which is the Earth Temple located in the center of Deep Rock Continent.

Incidentally, this temple is also the only entrance connecting Deepholm and Azeroth.

After the entrance to Deepholm was opened to Azeroth, a high-ranking member of the Earth Ring, the tauren shaman Moon Earthfury, personally led the first batch of shamans into the Earth Temple to build a frontline position.

The guardian earth elements have been waiting for Sarlayan's follow-up instructions since they merged with the Earth Ring.

Seeing that Malygos, who had not yet recovered from his psychological trauma, was becoming more and more agitated, Sharlayan did not continue to sell out, and went straight to the point and informed the Spellweaver of Deathwing's whereabouts.

After Valeera returned from Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan entrusted her to replace Stellagosa to sit in Wyrmrest Temple as the central coordinator. He took Stellagosa and followed Malygos to Deep Rock. continent.

The terrain of the Deep Rock Continent in the Earth Elemental Realm is very complicated, but the boundary structure of the entire Earth Elemental Realm is extremely simple, nothing more than a very regular circle.

The Earth Temple is located in the center of Deepholm, where Therazane himself was originally responsible.

But with the arrival of Deathwing, Therazane, who did not want to have a direct conflict with him, was forced to move to the northern border.

After arriving at the destination, Sharlayan asked Stellagosa to temporarily comfort Malygos, who was emotionally unstable. He himself immediately exchanged information with Munn Earthfury who came to greet him.

Under the introduction of Munn and Mysler who came with Sarlayan, Sarlayan met the leader of the guardian faction earth element-the stone giant Diamanta.

From the mouth of this rather honest-looking stone giant, Sarlayan learned a bad news.

When Deathwing broke out of Deepholm, he smashed the World Pillar that supported Azeroth and Deepholm. If left alone, Azeroth may continue to suffer huge hidden dangers.

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