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Chapter 1661: Make a few enemies and make a lot of friends

"Pillar of the World..."

This is not the first time Sharlayan has heard of this term. According to legend, the Pillar of the World is the backbone that supports the entire world. Once it collapses, it will affect the stability of the entire Azeroth.

However, in the barrage's understanding, the World Pillar does not actually have such exaggerated abilities. Its collapse mainly affects the stability of the Deep Rock Continent in the earth elemental realm.

At a time when the four elemental realms are all directly connected to the material world, the collapse of one of the elemental realms will also indirectly affect Azeroth.

In other words, the collapse of the Pillar of the World will not directly have a devastating impact on Azeroth. The stone giant named Diamanta is exaggerating.

Sarlayan, who had seen through the key in advance, could also understand Diamanta's thoughts.

The one most affected by the Pillar of the World is the Deep Rock Continent. If it is left alone for a long time, the earth elemental realm that has lost its supporting pillar will have major problems sooner or later.

This is an unacceptable catastrophic event for all the earth elements who have settled here all year round. They will definitely try their best to avoid the worst case scenario.

On the other hand, the collapse of the Pillar of the World was also the last straw that prompted the Guardian Faction Earth Elemental to make up its mind to overthrow Therazane.

As early as when Deathwing first hid in Deepholm, the earth elementals headed by Diamanta had expressed their protest to Therazane.

They hope that the Stone Mother can stand up resolutely and drive the crazy black dragon out of the territory of the earth element.

However, the Stonemother did not take their advice and allowed Deathwing to hide in Deepholm for more than ten years.

Fortunately, Deathwing, who was busy recuperating from injuries and forging new armor, did not jump out to cause trouble, and the two sides were in peace until the elemental tide broke out.

Perhaps just like the famous saying of Danmu, people who are not of my race must have different minds.

Due to their different positions, Therazane, who wanted to continue to sit on the wall and take sides depending on the situation, eventually fell out with Deathwing. The biggest reason was that Deathwing broke the support when he broke out of the dome of Deepholm. The World Pillar of the Earth Elemental Realm.

Diamanta explained to Sharlayan angrily: "After the incident, we asked the Stone Mother to communicate with the Earth Ring who had just come to the Earth Temple to investigate the situation, and requested help from Azeroth through these shamans. .”

" all know the result."

Diamanta complained depressingly: "Instead of adopting our suggestions, the Stone Mother wanted to turn to N'Zoth and work as a dog for the ancient god again."

"This is a shameful decision that all earth elements who still retain their dignity cannot accept. Therazane is no longer qualified to represent the earth element. We are determined to overthrow her rule."

Sarlayan smiled with interest: "Us? So, how many earth elements choose to be on your side?"

"This..." Diamanta was silent for a moment before saying with a wry smile: "Not many, only about 30% of the total number of people."

"Thirty percent." Sarlayan comforted with a smile: "Actually, it's quite a lot. After all, the remaining 70% are not all Therazane's die-hard supporters."

Don't look at the fact that only 30% of the total population clearly supports the conservative faction. This number is actually very impressive.

Sarlayan boldly guessed that of the remaining 70%, at most about 40% would stand firmly behind Therazane, and the remaining 30% would temporarily sit on the wall like the previous Stone Mother.

Diamanta's most important task at the moment is to find ways to win the support of the 30% of those who sit on the fence.

Of course, the efforts of Diamanta and others alone are not enough. Those earth elements who have not yet taken a firm stand must be allowed to recognize the reality as soon as possible.

To put it more bluntly, Sarlayan will let the fence-sitters see the direction of the situation clearly through practical actions, and then they will naturally make rational choices that are in their own interests.

According to Diamanta, although Therazane's loyalists were forced into fierce conflicts with the Deathwing supporters who took the initiative to attack, the Stonemother has not yet made up her mind to fight Deathwing to the end.

"She is trying to contact N'zoth through diplomatic means, bah! Do you like being treated like a dog so much?"

Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "That's not the case. Look, in the past tens of thousands of years, didn't Therazane always maintain neutrality?"

"Ha!" When Sarlayan said this, Diamanta became even more angry: "That guy just wants to sell it for a price! Her position has always been in favor of the ancient god!"

Sarlayan spread his hands noncommittally: "But no matter what, Therazane's deliberately neutral stance did have a big impact on Deep Rock Continent, so you were able to win over 30% of the supporters. .”

"Diamanta, I don't like rhetoric. I prefer to use practical actions to prove my words and positions."

Sarlayan solemnly said to Diamanta: "I won't tell you in a roundabout way. I am fully confident that I can completely defeat Deathwing and his Twilight Dragon in Deep Rock Continent."

"I need you to take this opportunity to use Mysler's banner and try your best to win over those fence-sitters whose positions are gradually changing according to the changes in the situation."

"To put it simply, we have to make fewer enemies and make more friends."

Although Diamanta is a little clever, as an earth elemental with a simple nature, he certainly cannot compare with Sharlayan, who has eight hundred tricks, in terms of strategy.

To put it bluntly, he actually didn't understand much of Sarlayan's previous series of explanations, but Sarlayan's final simplified one-sentence strategy was easy to understand.

As the saying goes, those who are close to red are black, and those who are close to ink are black.

Mythrael studied in Ulduar for a period of time, and then followed Sharlayan to witness his layout method of using Azeroth as a chessboard. This earth princess who was not valued by her mother broadened her horizons. Quite a few.

What Diamanta couldn't understand for the time being, Mysler was able to get the key to it.

But because of this, she asked Sarlayan in shock at this time: "Are you... planning to push me to replace my mother?"

"Otherwise?" Sarlayan shrugged and asked, "You don't think that the stubborn earth element will easily obey the orders of outsiders, do you?"

"I am confident that Therazane's reputation will be ruined through this operation in Deep Rock Island. By then, the earth element, which has been confused due to the collapse of its leader's personality, will definitely need a new flag."

"And you, Princess of the Earth, Mysler, are the best candidate for the banner."


Misler's mood was very complicated at this time.

Among the many descendants of Therazane, she was just an inconspicuous and marginal character. She never even dreamed that one day she would have the opportunity to become the new leader of the earth element.

It is impossible for Misler, who has always been excluded from the center of power, to have no resentment towards her mother and brothers and sisters.

If there is an opportunity to trample them under his feet, who were once aloof, Misler, who has a bad personality, will never let it go.

Sarlayan could tell her decision from the change in Myslair's expression, but he just smiled mysteriously and stopped trying to persuade her.

At this time, Stella Gosa suddenly used the soul link to remind Sharlayan: "Aren't you worried that Mythrael's ambition will expand and he won't listen to your instructions after he takes over?"


Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "You know my habits. Since I dare to do this, I will definitely be prepared in advance."

"If Myslair really drifts worst, I'll have to replace him with another person. If that doesn't work, I'll throw Oni over to manage the earth element."

Stella Gossa was stunned for a moment before she said in a dumbfounded voice: "Using a black dragon to manage the earth element? I don't think Diamanta and the others would agree."

Sarlayan said nonchalantly: "If the situation really develops to that point, it is not them who have the final say whether we agree or not."

"But, I still sincerely hope that Mysler can understand his position and ability. It is best to take over the earth element at the minimum cost."

While Sharlayan was busy exchanging opinions with Diamanta about the situation in Deepholm, Malygos, eager for revenge, began to be unable to suppress his restless emotions again.

"Salayan! What are you talking about? Let's go and kill Deathwing immediately!"

"Uh~" Sarlayan shrugged helplessly at Diamanta: "You heard it too, our big guys can't wait any longer, so you should be prepared to act according to the plan."

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