Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1672 The anxious N'zoth

According to the information provided by barrage netizens, Illusion of Destiny is the defense area of ​​Maut, the Obsidian Destroyer, and Skitra, the Qiraji Prophet.

In comparison, the strategy for Illusion of Destiny, which is the outer ring of Ny'alotha, is relatively low.

Sarlayan gave this area to the two brothers Ursoc and Ursol. In addition, there were about 30 members of the Green Dragon Legion following them.

The guardians of the Hall of Piety are the Dark Inquisitor Xanesh, General Cargill, and General Teclis.

Sarlayan assigned this area to Goldrinn and Tortora, and there were also more than 30 green dragonflights to assist in the attack.

Blessing of Flesh is the realm of N'Zoth's most powerful creation, Il'gynoth.

In addition to Il'gynoth himself, there is also a two-headed giant dog-shaped void creature named Shadhar in this area, and a flesh-and-blood aggregate named Dreajas.

Due to the high difficulty of the strategy, Sharlayan gave the blessing of flesh and blood to the three people Melinsela, Onhara and Agamaggan. They will also take away most of the remaining members of the Green Dragon Legion.

As the commander, Sarlayan and the strongest demigod Malorne stayed outside the city to wait and see what happened. In addition, there were about a dozen green dragons following them on standby.

Sarlayan will not always stay on the high ground far away from the battlefield to conduct remote control. According to real-time changes in the battle situation, he will also change his position at any time and gradually penetrate deeper into Ny'alotha.

After the other three groups led the green dragons to set off, Sarlayan looked thoughtfully at the top of the pyramid-shaped building in Ny'alotha. He always felt that there seemed to be an invisible eye staring at him. .

"Senior Malorne, can you feel anything strange?"


Malorne the White Deer looked meaningfully in the direction of Sarlayan's eyes: "That guy N'zoth, he's so hiding his head and tail even though he's already desperate."

"Ha~" Sarlayan raised the corners of his lips and said sarcastically: "This is the way the Ancient God behaves. After all, He has not officially broken free from the seal. It is difficult for him to take the initiative to jump out and do something."

"So." Malorne turned to look at Sarlayan: "How do you plan to lure him out?"

Sarlayan shook his head: "Luring N'Zoth away from the Awakening Dream and taking the initiative is only one of the options. If the difficulty is too high, it is better to directly enter his lair and start a decisive battle."

"Let's take a look at other groups' strategies first. If everything goes well, maybe..."

Maut, who guards the illusion of destiny, is not an original Titan creation, but a high imitation made by the Dark Empire. It is said to be a research project led by the prophet Skitra himself.

Maut's obsidian body was filled with a large amount of the essence of N'Zoth's Void Power. Affected by this power full of negative emotions, Maut swallowed up most of the creator's magic and life just after he was born.

This Obsidian Destroyer, a high-imitation version of the Ancient God, is born with a strong thirst for magic power. It will try to catch all creatures that invade its territory and drain the magic power from their bodies.

Ursoc and Ursol, the giant bear demigod brothers, work together tacitly, and when they join forces, they can exert a powerful combat power that far exceeds that of any two wild demigods.

Coupled with the aerial fire support provided by the green dragon flying in the air, they quickly broke through the miscellaneous defenses near Maut's area and launched a fierce battle with the obsidian destroyer.

At the same time, the other two groups were still on their way to their destinations. The central area they were responsible for was far away from the city entrance, and they were expected to enter the battle in 5-8 minutes.

Sarlayan and Malorne, who were standing far outside the city, were not idle either. As expected, N'Zoth arranged for many flying void creatures to attack them.

A dozen green dragons responsible for guarding the two of them took the lead to greet them. They fought bravely against a bunch of buffs taken by Malorne and Sharlayan respectively.

"A pointless temptation."

Malorne shook the deer's head and complained: "That guy doesn't think he can pose a threat to us with these miscellaneous fish, does he?"

"You said it was a test."

Sarlayan said with a smile: "N'Zoth must have notified the frontline troops to withdraw from the battlefield and enter the dream world for reinforcements. His current plan is to delay as much time as possible."

"But... I have warned Jarod and the four guardians of the Hall of Origin. Want to leave? It's not that easy."

As Sharlayan said, not long after the battle began in Ny'alotha in the dream world, the army of the ancient gods, which had been working hard to break through the Hall of Origin and the night elf/Tor'vir coalition defenses, suddenly slowed down their attack pace.

Ptolemy, the leader of the Tol'vir, was a little confused about this, but Jarod immediately recalled Sarlayan's meaningful reminder.

"Don't let them go!" Realizing that the critical moment that would determine the outcome of the war had arrived, Jarod, who had always commanded the battle as a Confucian general, shouted out uncharacteristically: "The entire army has switched from defense to attack! Cling to those void monsters. , don’t let them escape from the battlefield easily!”

"Ptolemy, it's time for us to go into battle in person. Sarlayan's plan has reached the final stage, and we must fulfill our responsibilities."

Although Ptolemy, who lacked intelligence, was still a little confused about the situation, through recent cooperation, he had intuitively realized Garrod's outstanding military command talent and overall view.

He decided to follow Jarod's instructions without hesitation, clenched the weapon in his hand and prepared for battle.

"No problem, you want to entangle that big lobster named Zonoz, right?"

"Torvirs! The time for the decisive battle has arrived. Guards, charge with me!"

Coincidentally, the Sleepless One Yosasi, who led his army into the Hall of Origin, suddenly stopped attacking.

At this time, Yosasi's faceless army was on the first floor of the Hall of Origin, engaged in a fierce tug-of-war with the Titan creations led by Anrafet and Anhur.

According to the current progress, it will take at least a month to break into the upper core area guarded by the four guardians of the Origin Hall.

N'Zoth's emergency distress signal completely disrupted Yosasi's plan. With his master's orders ahead of him, he could only quickly gather the troops deployed on the front line and try to withdraw from the Hall of Origin to find a place to escape into the dreamland.

However, the Titan creations sitting in the Hall of Origin did not give him a chance to retreat.

The four guardians have been using the monitoring equipment in the hall to closely monitor Yosasi's every move. After discovering that this guy wanted to turn around and leave, the glorious creature Lajie, who was in charge of all affairs in the Hall of Origin, activated backup methods without hesitation.

Under Lajie's remote control, an energy obelisk near the entrance of the Hall of Origin suddenly exploded. The resulting collapse of the building blocked the passage at the entrance.

After learning about this incident, Yosasi realized that every move he made was part of the enemy's calculations.

At this point, Yosasi, who had no way out, could only bite the bullet and continue the attack, striving to seize the power of the Origin Furnace as soon as possible and liberate his master from the seal.

Return support? Sorry, I'm too busy. He can only hope that Zonoz can get out of the battlefield quickly.

Let’s not mention what happened to the brothers in distress.

In just a few minutes, the brothers Ursoc and Ursol easily demolished the Obsidian Destroyer Maut, and had already fought against the prophet Skitra who was hiding behind the scenes trying to observe the battle.

At the same time, the other two attack teams also arrived at their respective destinations, and the entire Ny'alotha was ignited with flames of war.

N'Zos, who saw all this, was very anxious.

Under the full-scale attack of multiple wilderness demigods, N'Zoth's hidden defensive strength was obviously not enough. Whether it was the Dark Judge Xanaish or the Insatiable Shadhar, their defeat was obvious.

In order to save the war situation and delay as much time as possible, N'zoth, who was hiding behind the scenes, temporarily poured his power into Shanesh and Shadha, hoping that they could temporarily stabilize the situation.

At the same time, the void creations such as Kargil, Teclis, and Il'gynos, who originally stayed in their respective defense zones, also began to rush toward the battlefield, trying to form an advantageous situation of using less to attack more? "

As the battle progressed, Sarlayan and Malorne also entered the interior of Ny'alotha and came to the fork in the road connecting the three areas.

"Can you finally bear it no more...Senior Malorne, please help me protect the law."

Although Malorne didn't know what Sarlayan wanted to do, he still nodded firmly: "Let it go and do it. I will protect you from any external force."

"Then...I won't be polite."

Sarlayan kicked off the ground and jumped into the air, transforming back into his dragon prototype. He raised his head and inhaled fiercely while fully mobilizing his colorful guardian powers.

'Want to hide where you are and be a coward? Not that easy! ’

"hold head high!"

"Enzos, you'd better get out of here quickly!" (End of Chapter)

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