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Chapter 1673 Knock on the door? No, I'll just break down the door

The energy system in the demigod's body forms its own cycle. Unless it is continuously outputting magic power with high power like Ysera at this time, there is usually no need to worry about the lack of energy at all.

It is a pity that N'Zoth has not completely broken free from the Titan's seal at this time. The energy circulation system has been artificially cut off, and the energy he reserves can only be used less and less.

For example, let's set the total energy reserve of N'zoth to 10.

In order to maintain the normal operation of Ny'alotha and to remotely instruct subordinates all over the world, 20% of it will inevitably require continuous expenditure.

In other words, N'Zoth's standing energy was only 8 from the beginning. Sarlayan speculated that he would use 20-30% of it to maintain the Awakening Dream, a sub-position hidden in the deepest part of Ny'alotha. noodle.

To put it more bluntly, in the event of an emergency, Enzos will spend 20-30% of his strength to lock the door to ensure his own safety first.

But under the current situation, blind defense cannot solve the current problems.

Due to some arrangements made by Sarlayan in advance, the reinforcements that N'Zoth had high hopes for did not leave the battlefield as quickly as expected and escaped into the dreamland.

Due to the urgency of the situation, N'Zos could only change his plan temporarily and risk his life to fight to the death.

He used more than 60% of the remaining 80% of his energy for remote initiation, greatly enhancing the strength of the high-ranking officers in Ny'alotha, hoping that they would delay more time for him until the frontline troops got rid of the entanglement and returned. aid.

However, what N'zoth didn't expect was that this was the opportunity that Sarlayan had been waiting for.

According to the law of conservation of energy, the more magic power N'zoth spends elsewhere, the less magic power he will use to lock the door.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for an invader who came to Ny'alotha for the first time to know that N'Zoth was hiding in the subplane.

With this dark inertial thinking under the lamp, N'zoth believed that the enemy would not discover his whereabouts so quickly.

Even if the intruder does find clues, it will take a certain amount of time to crack the door lock. N'Zoth can calmly recover the magic power and re-strengthen the door.

However, Sarlayan just didn't take the usual path.

Through the advance notification from the barrage, he had already known that N'Zoth was hiding in the sub-plane of the Awakening Dream, and was prepared to forcefully break down the door in advance.

The reason why Sarlayan deliberately stayed behind was to provide necessary intelligence and instructions to the three team members who were scattered in the battle at any time. On the other hand, he was also using his powerful energy perception ability to find the approximate entrance and exit of the Awakening Dream. Location.

Just when N'Zoth couldn't help but pour the magic power from the awakening dream into the bodies of those high-level void creatures, Malorne and Sarlayan noticed something strange almost at the same time.

Faced with an enemy who was destined to live forever, Sarlayan would not knock on the door politely to say hello first. After finding the entrance to the Awakening Dream, he chose to slam the door directly.

The colorful guardianship power also covers the five powers possessed by the Dragon Clan. When the colorful guardianship is fully activated, one or several of the powers can be enhanced to the maximum according to Sarlayan's personal needs.

At this time, the golden dragon's breath sprayed by Sarlayan was specialized in the two powers of dream and space, and forcibly tore open the subspace channel leading to the Awakening Dream at the location where the dragon's breath hit.

Seeing that other companions have found their opponents one after another, Malorne has already been eager to try.

Before Sarlayan could further open the entrance to the space passage, he turned into a moon-white stream of light and slipped in.

Sharlayan wasn't worried that Malorne would capsize in the gutter.

As the strongest demigod in Azeroth, Malorne's level has long been stuck at the peak of level 69. Even the Ancient Gods in their heyday couldn't do anything against him, let alone one who is still in a state of castration. Enzos.

While Sarlayan was trying hard to open the entrance, the sound of fighting had already begun in the dream of awakening.

Judging from N'Zoth's rather angry roar, Malorne should have gained the upper hand first.

In today's Azeroth, Malorne, who is in perfect condition, can walk sideways without anyone being his opponent.

Even among the talented Burning Legion, only Sargeras can guarantee a sure win against him. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are at best 50-50 against Malorne.

War of the Ancients?

The reason why he lost to Archimonde was partly because he killed a large number of legion demons before fighting Archimonde, thus consuming a lot of physical strength and magic power.

This is okay, after all, the recovery ability of demigods is amazing, and if you want to kill them, you often have to pay an extremely heavy price.

Just like the wild boar demigod Agamaggan.

The more important reason for Malorne's failure is that he was distracted from rescuing his precious son.

If Cenarius hadn't held back, the final outcome of the battle between Malorne and Akamund would have been hard to say.

Even if Malorne and N'Zoth were left to fight, Sarlayan believed that he would win the final victory.

But Sarlayan definitely didn't come to Ny'alotha just for fun.

Considering the ancient god's incredible self-healing ability, even if Malorne wants to completely eliminate N'Zoth, it will take a lot of time.

The most lacking thing for this decapitation team deep behind enemy lines is time.

If the ancient god's army who came back from the front line were to make dumplings from behind, even if the strategic goal was successfully achieved, the losses suffered by this elite team would be unacceptable to Sarlayan.

The Old Gods are just one of the many threats Azeroth faces, and Sharlayan doesn't want to waste precious high-end combat power here.

Therefore, after stabilizing the entrance to the subspace, Sarlayan quickly jumped in, intending to help Malorne and get rid of N'Zoth, known as the Demon of Thousand Beards, as soon as possible.

As the name suggests, N'Zoth's tentacles are the largest and highest among all the Old Gods in terms of quantity and quality.

But one thing to say is that compared to other ancient gods, N'Zoth doesn't have any unique skills that can make people shine.

The seven-headed Y'Shaarj is the most powerful of the ancient gods that descended on Azeroth. He can easily stir up the seven emotions of intelligent creatures, and even titan creations with hearts as strong as steel cannot be exempted.

Yogg-Saron, the Demon of Thousand Maws, has the ability to whisper and bewitch all the ancient gods. Even in a sealed state, demigods with insufficient strength can easily lose themselves when faced with the temptation of his whispers. One cannot do it. If he is good, he will defect in battle and turn his weapon to point at his comrades.

C'Thun, the Thousand-Eyed Demon, has astonishing insight. In his heyday, C'Thun could project his compound eyes to any corner of Azeroth. As long as he was paying attention to people or things, C'Thun's There are no secrets in front of you.

In comparison, the methods of Enzos, the Demon of Thousand Beards, are a bit lackluster. They are nothing more than the few routines that all ancient gods have, lacking personal characteristics.

Due to the existence of the Titan Seal, N'Zoth at this time was only level 68 (65) under Sarlayan's system panel observation.

Because of the gap in physical strength, N'Zoth's massive tentacles were unable to effectively break through Malorne's defense.

Malorne's body was glowing with a layer of moonlight, which seemed inconspicuous, but the defensive power of this layer of light should not be underestimated.

Seeing that Sarlayan had also squeezed into his lair, N'Zoth simply broke the jar and completely withdrew the magic power used to lock the door. He further recovered the magic power given to him from those subordinates who had gained strength and rose again. strength.

He decided to make a desperate effort.

As N'Zoth took back the power he released, his panel attributes also underwent some subtle changes, becoming level 68 (67).

"He is indeed the ancient god with the fastest escape rate." Sarlayan still had time to complain in his mind as he rushed to the battlefield: "If we give him a few more years of buffering time, the seal will be completely broken."

[There is one thing to say, it is true. 】

[Isn’t this the case in the original history we know? 】

However, the situation mentioned by the barrage is no longer possible, and Sarlayan will no longer leave him the opportunity to completely escape from prison.

After retracting almost all the magic power, the dark shimmer on N'Zoth's tentacles became more obvious, and Malorne did not dare to force the attack with any more forceful attacks.

Due to the addition of dodges into the combat logic, Malorne's offensive was inevitably weakened, which gave N'Zoth a chance to recover from his injuries.

The tentacles severed by Malorne quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the fleshy sprouts that were constantly growing and wriggling looked very oozing.

But... with Malorne at the front to attract firepower, Sarlayan's side can freely attack with all its strength.

"hold head high!"

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