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Chapter 1676 The Aftermath of the Elemental Tide

"this problem……"

Sarlayan frowned slightly and lowered his head in thought for a while: "I can't make decisions on Azshara's behalf. After all, you should have heard how arrogant the Queen of the Night is."

Neptulon nodded knowingly: "I don't expect to hear an exact response right away. You should test Azshara's tone first."

"The sea of ​​Azeroth is vast enough and should be able to accommodate water elements and Nagas to coexist."

"Water element and Naga...ha~"

Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "I have another question, how do you plan to deal with those sea giants who have returned from their lost ways?"


Neptulon was also a little troubled by this: "The Throat of the Abyss also absorbed some sea giants in its early years, and there was even a powerful sea giant who became the water element lord."

"But that's due to historical reasons. I don't think this group of sea giants who have been living in the material world will listen to our orders."

Tracing back to the origin, the sea giants are actually the products of the Titans' creations after they became flesh and blood. They can also be regarded as the descendants of the Titans' creations.

Perhaps because of the lack of inheritance system, sea giants generally have low intelligence, and many people even regard them as wild monsters.

As the fourth intelligent underwater race after water elements, naga and fishmen, the sea giants have a considerable population, and their individual combat capabilities are strong. Neptulon does not want to conflict with them head-on.


The population of this strange race is large enough, but the individual strength is too novice. Neither Naga nor the water element takes them seriously.

"How about this."

Sarlayan scratched his head and said: "As for the issue of sea giants, I will take the time to go to Ulduar and talk to the Titan Guardians."

"If that doesn't work, let me make the decision. Move most of the sea giants to live near the coastline in the southern part of Dragonblight, and designate a special activity area for them to avoid unnecessary conflicts with Naga and water elements."

Neptulon nodded: "Let's leave it like this for now. I'm waiting for your follow-up progress. It's time for me to go back and announce the good news of the victory of the war to my tribe."

After sending Neptulon away, Malygos opened the portal on the spot and returned to Wyrmrest Temple with Sharlayan and Merinthra, who had been confused about the situation and could only listen silently.

After receiving Sharlayan's support, Malygos was eager to return to Cordala immediately and begin to implement their previously agreed upon forced pairing plan.

Sarlayan, on the other hand, bit the bullet and took Melinthera back to the new home that had been built in the Galakrond Basin, and handed her over to Valeera, Stellagosa and others, which was considered as officially recognizing Melinthera. La joins the family.

Ignoring Valeela's sharp gaze and Stellagosa's teasing eyes, Sharlayan returned to Wyrmrest Temple with oil on his feet and continued to interrogate the aftermath of the war of elemental tides around the world.

Deep Rock Continent's plan to repair the Pillar of the World is progressing smoothly. The shamans have found all the fragments. Diamanta is leading the territorial elemental elites to join forces to try to cast it into shape.

The new queen of the earth element Mysler?

According to Munn Earthfury, not long after Sarlayan left Deep Rock Continent, Mythlair took the heart of the earth element into death. It is expected that it will take at least a year or so to reappear among the people. before.

Prior to this, Mysler temporarily handed over the management of all earth elements to Diamanta, the hero of the dragon.

She wasn't worried about what little tricks Diamanta would make. Everyone knew that behind Mythrael stood Sarlayan. No earth elemental with a right mind would dare to provoke this ruthless man who could kill the Stone Mother instantly. people.

Of course, there are actually many objective factors for Sharlayan's instant kill of Therazane.

If all external interference was put aside for a one-on-one duel, the final result would still be Sarlayan's victory, but winning would certainly not be that easy.

The battle in Uldum is still continuing, but after losing contact with N'Zoth, the morale of the Ancient God Legion has gradually collapsed visibly.

Warlord Zonoz is still resisting under the siege of Maiev, Jarod, Ptolemy and others, but Sleepless Yosashi has already been killed by the four guardians of the Hall of Origin who personally attacked.

If nothing unexpected happens, the offensive and defensive battle around the Hall of Origin should end first, and this leaderless assault team will soon be wiped out by the Titan creations in the Hall of Origin.

The internal fighting of the wind element in the Sky Wall is about to come to an end. Sunderland has easily obtained more than 80% of the support of the wind element without any suspense. The opposition voice represented by the south wind lord Siamat is getting smaller and smaller.

As the powerful Grand Chancellor Eltan of the Sky Wall turned to Sunderland, he was only one step away from officially ascending to the throne of the Wind God.

In addition to the unrest in Uldum, the only area where the fighting is currently fierce is Mount Hyjal.

N'Zoth's "death" was a devastating blow to all forces loyal to the Old Gods.

Although Ragnaros still holds strong control over the Firelands, more and more fire elemental lords are beginning to oppose his decision to continue fighting against the defenders of Azeroth.

The internal instability of the Land of Fire will naturally affect the morale on the front line.

The allied forces of the shadow elves, tauren, and orcs became more and more courageous as they fought, and they gradually shifted from an all-out defense at the beginning to a counter-offensive posture.

Since the sneak attack to kill the fire element lord Bethtilak, Ashaman took advantage of the internal strife of the fire element to kill the bodies of Garr and Baron Geddon.

Yes, ontology.

The fire elemental lords in the Molten Core are just clones like Ragnaros, and their true bodies have always remained in the fire elemental world.

Ashamane's impressive record has further intensified the internal strife among the fire elemental lords. According to Cenarius, who is sitting on the front line, the battle of Mount Hyjal should end with a complete victory for the Azeroth coalition within one month. .

If that were the case, there would be no need for Sarlayan to pay special attention to it. He had other ideas about the power change within the fire element.

Although Ashaman was used to being alone, she was still somewhat grateful to Sarlayan who called her back to the material world from her long sleep.

Therefore, when Sarlayan came to the front line of Mount Hyjal in person to check on the latest battle situation, Ashaman told him all the information he had observed during this period without reservation.

"Leolis and Belloc..."

Ashaman revealed to Sharlayan the names of two of the most powerful fire lords below Ragnaros.

Leolith is the oldest of the existing fire elemental lords. He is even older than Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King. He was born in the wild flames of ancient Azeroth.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Leolis is indeed very strong, but it is impossible for this ancient fire element to surrender, because he has always maintained an extremely strong hatred for the Titan series, and this hatred has also Extended to all non-elemental creatures in Azeroth.

Bellok is Ragnaros's most valued fire elemental warrior. Even Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King, does not dare to underestimate his strength.

According to Ashaman, if she were to fight Bellock head-on, she was not sure of winning, and the probability of succeeding even with a sneak attack was very low.

Compared to the old antique Leolith, Bellok has no hatred for today's Azeroth, but this powerful fire elemental lord also has a disturbing shortcoming.

He was too bellicose, and Bell Locke's reputation was extremely bad within the Land of Fire. He had challenged almost all the fire element lords on his own initiative.

In Ashaman's view, instead of wasting time on Bellok, who had almost zero personal connections, it was better to find another fire element lord who was less powerful and train him from scratch.

But Sarlayan didn't think so.

The fact that Bellok was so popular was exactly in line with his expectations, because only in this way could the fire element lords with different ideas be prevented from uniting.

As the elemental force closest to the ancient gods among the four elements, even though the ancient gods have completely declined, there are still many supporters of the ancient gods within the fire element.

According to Cenarius, Leolis is one of Ragnaros' die-hard supporters. He still firmly upholds Ragnaros's decision to continue fighting, trying to burn everything he has to contribute to the world transformed by the Titans. revenge.

Therefore, it was no surprise that this guy was on Sarlayan's blacklist.

In addition to Leolis, Ragnaros's die-hard fans include Garr, Baron Geddon, Golemagg the Incinerator, Magamanda the giant lava dog, etc.

Among them, Gal and Baron Gadun have been torn into pieces by Ashamane. The Incinerator Gulemange is the descendant of Leolis, and he is also a stubborn man who will die.

Magamanda...this stupid dog has no ability to communicate with people at all.

In addition to Bellok, Cenarius also mentioned one of the most famous fire demons-Shane Nox.

Fire demons are one of the representative races of the fire element. Compared with other compatriots, the fire demon clan's combat effectiveness is slightly inferior, but their wisdom is beyond the reach of other fire elements.

A typical example is Exotus, who now takes orders from Sunderland. This guy was once the Molten Core manager appointed by Ragnaros himself.

"Shane Knox..."

Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "In any case, let's kill the Fire Demon King first according to the original plan, and then we can slowly identify which fire element lords can be won over."

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