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Chapter 1677 There is no end to learning, stealing from Ashaman

Due to the inability to unify within the fire element, the coalition of the three tribes of Kalimdor took the opportunity to start pushing back. The expansion of the fire element army in Mount Hyjal came to a standstill, and was even pushed back to the Land of Fire bit by bit.

As the loyal dog of the ancient god, Ragnaros saw it and was anxious in his heart. He even personally tried to kill the fire elemental lords who opposed him.

Ragnaros is indeed powerful, but other fire elemental lords are not vegetarians either.

No one can defeat the Fire Demon King in a one-on-one situation, but those opposition fire elements chose to stick together for warmth and advance and retreat together, betting that one law will not blame the others.

If Ragnaros is given enough time, he will be able to suppress these objections sooner or later.

However, now that N'Zos is "dead", what he lacks most is time.

If new results cannot be achieved before the morale of the fire elemental army completely collapses, the time bomb within the fire elemental army will gradually detonate as time goes by, even if the Kalimdor coalition has made such impressive achievements.

Ragnaros has always relied on his outstanding military exploits and his own strong strength to secure his throne as the Fire Demon King.

The decline of the ancient god will not have much impact on his personal strength, but the rise of Sunderland, Prince of the Winds, has had a big impact on Ragnaros' once proud military achievements.

Defeating the wind elementals led by Sunderland is a very important part of Ragnaros's martial arts.

Now Sunderland has appeared in front of the world again, and in a high-profile manner, he killed his father Al'Akir, who had been kneeling and licking the ancient god for many years.

As the saying goes, everyone can predict that the remaining forces of Al'Akir will not be able to hinder Sunderland for a long time, and sooner or later the Wind Chaser will ascend to the throne of the Sky Wall.

When Al'Akir was on the throne, the wind and fire elements were the two elemental forces that most firmly supported the Old God.

With the defection of the wind element and the demise of N'Zoth, Ragnaros' identity as the loyal dog of the ancient god became more and more embarrassing.

Once Sunderland secures his throne, the Wind Chaser, who has long had a grudge against the Fire Lord, will never let go of the still stubborn Fire Elemental.

Needless to say, Neptulon, Tidehunter was the first elemental king to fall to Azeroth.

Ragnaros and others have not yet received the latest information from Deep Rock Continent, but judging from the fact that the Stone Mother has still not taken any action, the earth element obviously does not want to participate in the "big cause" of the ancient god.

For some fire elements with more flexible minds, the current situation is actually very clear.

After losing all possible foreign aid, the fire element, fighting alone, had no hope of winning.

Ragnaros was still holding his neck and refused to admit defeat, but the fire elemental lord under him had different ideas.

Sarlayan had anticipated this situation.

In order to protect the fire element group, the most likely path of survival for the fire element lords who are willing to change sides... is to kill Ragnaros who can't see the change of wind direction with the following weapons, and use the head of the Fire Demon King as a missile. A pledge of allegiance to Azeroth.

While Sarlayan was marching non-stop towards Mount Hyjal, the conflicts within the fire element had not yet intensified to the final stage, but it was only a matter of time.

With the wild demigods returning victoriously from the dream world, Ragnaros has essentially lost the chance to make a comeback.

Just as Sarlayan and Ashaman were exchanging information, Avina, the Mother of Ten Thousand Years, who did not participate in the decisive battle in the dreamland, suddenly came to the sky above her temple and let out a clear chirping sound that resounded throughout the fields.

Taking this as a signal, loud beast roars came from different areas of Mount Hyjal one after another.

The reason why Mount Hyjal is called the Holy Mountain by the night elves is precisely because it has been a paradise where the wild demigods have settled since tens of thousands of years ago.

The successive bursts of demigod aura made the Fire Demon King, who had always been arrogant, show a solemn expression, not to mention the fire element lords who were already prepared to take advantage of the situation.


Feeling the familiar atmosphere that he had experienced not long ago, Sarlayan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "They have been holding back in the Emerald Dream for ten thousand years, and the previous battle seems to have not fully satisfied them."


The withdrawn Ashaman snorted disdainfully: "I will never give up my prey to anyone, even my compatriots will never think of snatching it from the leopard's mouth!"

Sarlayan shrugged nonchalantly: "I don't intend to let them get involved directly. It's not enough to go too far. Just give them a little deterrence from a distance."

Sarlayan didn't want to force all the fire elemental lords to jump over the wall. The art of war was as follows. Surrounding three walls and leaving an opening for them might lead to better results.

The return of the wild demigods also brings a positive aspect.

The Kalimdor coalition forces gradually showed signs of fatigue after counterattacking for a period of time. The statements of the wilderness demigods once again boosted the morale of the coalition forces like a shot in the arm.

Taking advantage of the tired alliance of the three tribes to launch a new round of attack, Sarlayan transformed into a black panther and followed Ashaman quietly into the Land of Fire.

Sharlayan... or in other words, the black panther form of all druids is based on Ashaman, but the black panther transformation of ordinary druids is just a pure animal form.

After close contact with Ashaman, Sarlayan discovered that the body of this black panther demigod, like other wilderness demigods, was engraved with many mysterious magic patterns.

During the time when Ulduar was studying with Freya, Sharlayan had roughly studied the Titan Runes.

In the vrykul culture, Titan runes are also called runes.

All the spells of the Vrykul are realized by drawing runes, and even physical combat professions that do not understand spells often engrave various runes on their weapons and armor to strengthen them.

Titan Rune is a complete power utilization system that combines attack, defense and spells. Even with Issalayan's talent, it is impossible to fully master it in a short period of time.

Sarlayan, who didn't have enough time, only learned a little bit from Freya.

According to Freya, she is not the best guardian of Titan runes, Loken, the guardian of wisdom, is.

It's a pity that the fallen Loken can no longer come back to teach Sharlayan.

Before Sharlayan left Ulduar last time, Raiden readily copied the large amount of knowledge data left by Loken into a platinum disk and gave it to Sharlayan.

Thanks to the Titan learning machine that Azadas specially built for Sarlayan and Onyxia, Sarlayan can read the information recorded in the platinum disk anytime and anywhere while staying away from the major Titan ruins. Important knowledge.

Based on the knowledge of runes that Sarlayan currently has, he can only barely decipher part of the magic pattern effects on Ashaman's body. The two most important power concepts are invisibility and rapidity.

On the way to sneak into the Land of Fire following Ashaman who knew the way, Sarlayan tried to copy part of the magic pattern on Ashaman's body onto his own black panther transformation.

Ashaman also noticed this, but she did not object to it.

If Sarlayan's Ursoc incarnation just copied the gourd and knew what was happening without knowing why, his Black Panther transformation evolved bit by bit within the scope of his own understanding.

Although Ashaman did not object to Sarlayan's behavior of stealing his teacher, she also had a withdrawn personality and did not intend to give any advice. How much she could learn depended on Sarlayan's fortune.

"Here we are."

This was not the first time Ashaman had sneaked into the Land of Fire. She didn't even bother to start sneaking. She bypassed the patrol area of ​​​​the fire element and swaggered to the outer edge of an empty valley.

"here it is?"

"Bestilak's former lair."

Ashaman explained with precious words: "After her death, this place was temporarily abandoned. It can be used to closely monitor the Saffron Spire."

"Saffron Spire..."

As Ashaman said, Saffron Fortress and Saffron Spire, the palace of the Fire Demon King, are both in sight.

From this angle, you can overlook the entire fortress very intuitively. At this time, there were "people" arguing loudly in front of the main entrance of the fortress.

"It seems that we came at the right time."

Sarlayan narrowed his eyes and recognized at a glance the old acquaintance he had had close contact with in the Molten Core - Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire.

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