Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1705 Lazan: Isn’t it easy? I have something to say!

Of course the barrage was a joke. Even if they had the intention, they would not be able to cross the world and come to Azeroth to carry out the task.

...To put it another way, even if someone really "traveled" over as they said, it would be absolutely impossible to pry Onyxia away from under Sarlayan's nose.

Sharlayan didn't pay too much attention to Onyxia's long speech. This girl's story has been told from the arrival of the Titans to Azeroth, to the battle with the Titan Guardians and the Dark Empire, and then the civil war in Ulduar, the Guardians The grievances and hatreds between them.

After more than two hours, her story finally got to the point and she started talking about the ancestors of Zandalari.

Trolls are the earliest intelligent creatures born in Azeroth. Unlike the flesh-and-blood descendants of Titan creations such as humans, dwarves, and gnomes, trolls are the native species bred in Azeroth.

Before the night elves were nourished and evolved by the magic of the Well of Eternity, they were just one of the ancient troll empires - the dark trolls.

Talanji, Zul and others have also heard about this, but due to the age, their understanding is not as detailed as Onyxia's story.

The ancestors of the trolls first originated in Nazmir. At that time, Nazmir was not a swamp, but a fertile plain. It was not until the earth shattered due to the War of the Ancients that the environment of Nazmir underwent earth-shaking changes.

The early trolls built the first city of troll civilization, Zul Nazman, in Nazmir. In the following thousands of years, all the trolls multiplied around Zul Nazman. live.

However, the trolls at the time did not know that there was a huge hidden danger buried in Nazmir where they settled.

This is also the focus of the story told by Onyxia, the Titan's laboratory - Uldir, which the locals later called the Heart of Darkness.

Long before the birth of troll civilization, the Titans commissioned the guardians to build a secret laboratory in the Nazmir region in order to study strange species like the Old Gods.

After countless years of hard work, the Titans who sit in the Pantheon successfully gave birth to an artificial species with a life form very similar to the ancient gods-G'huun through remote control.

The greatly excited Titans originally planned to learn more about the Ancient Gods and the Void Lord behind them through G'huun, but at this time, the betrayal Bronze Titan Sargeras led the Burning Legion and began to wreak havoc in the universe.

The Pantheon is a symbol of order, and they will not allow such a force that spreads chaos to exist for long.

What happened next... everyone knows.

Because they underestimated the enemy and were too soft-hearted, the Titans of the Pantheon were destroyed in a wave by the well-prepared and ruthless Sargeras.

Unable to receive the next order from the Pantheon for a long time, the Titan Guardians who stayed in Azeroth only temporarily sealed Odir who was housing G'huun.

The Titan Guardians were well aware of the destructive power of this artificial ancient god. They were extremely careful when constructing the seal, and specially built a triple seal to restrict G'huun's escape.

These three seals are Nazwatha in Nazmir, Atu'aman in Volton, and Dazar'alor in Zuldazar...also called the Giant Seal.

In addition, Freya, the guardian of life, also left behind a large number of natural spirits to help guard the three seals. These natural spirits with missions were later called Loa by the trolls.

Oh, by the way, Bwonsamdi doesn't count.

This guy, like his predecessor Mu'ezara, was not inspired by Freya, but was a humanoid Loa born over countless years of absorbing the faith of Zandalari and even all trolls.

For well-known reasons, the guardians of Ulduar broke out in a civil war that had far-reaching consequences for Azeroth.

With Ulduar's silence, Odile was gradually forgotten in this distant land, and only some of the natural spirits were still dutifully performing the tasks assigned to them by Freya.

Under G'huun's continuous penetration for tens of thousands of years, the primitive troll tribes that expanded near Uldir were gradually corrupted by his power.

Regarding the terrible blood plague that year, Zandalar still retains complete records, and Zul and Talanji are also quite familiar with it.

The rapidly spreading blood plague spread to the entire troll community, and Zul Nazman, the first capital of the troll civilization, finally fell.

Under the leadership of Dazar, the First Emperor of Zandalari, the ancient trolls were forced to flee Nazmir and move all the way to the complex terrain of the mountains in the south.

In this great escape, Daza unexpectedly received help from the devil dragon Roalezan.

Impressed by Lezan's contribution, after the Zandalari Empire was officially established, Daza and Lezan signed an ever-lasting contract. The Zandalari Empire honored Lezan as King Loa (meaning Loa in Loa). ), Lezan will rely on this contract to forever protect the descendants of Dasa.


When talking about this topic, Zul and Talanji unconsciously turned their attention to Bwonsamdi.

"It's never easy." Onyxia smiled sarcastically: "Looking back now, it's really ironic."

Sarlayan, who had been distracted in chatting with the barrage, finally interjected: "It can't be said that, nothing in this world is static. Over the long period of time, once the development of civilization stagnates, it will It's the same as going backwards."

"After all, your competitors aren't going to stop and wait for you."

Sharlayan glanced at Bwonsamdi, who was a little restless, with a half-smile: "At least in terms of replacing the kings Loa, I think Zandalari did nothing wrong."

"Oh?" Zuer asked with interest: "What do you mean by this?"

Sarlayan shrugged and said briefly: "It's very simple. Lazan, who is simply one-minded, is not suitable to continue to lead Zandalar in this turbulent era."

"Although Lezan is powerful personally, his brain is really not very easy to use. What you need is a new leader who has a better overall view and strategic ability."

Speaking of this, Sarlayan couldn't help but show a look of disgust: "Look at the monsters and monsters in those Loa you worship. There is no other way but to choose the taller ones from the short ones and put the ones with more flexible brains behind." Sandy pushed up.”

Zul and Talanji looked at each other, and they subconsciously wanted to refute Sharlayan's "slander" against the Loa.

But after calming down and thinking carefully, they found that although Sarlayan's comments were a bit venomous, there was generally nothing wrong with them.

Not all loa are as actively involved in the internal affairs of the mortal realm as humanoid loa such as Bwonsamdi, who believe in becoming a god.

Even Pa'ku, Tokali, and Gonk, who are jokingly called the three royal families of Zandalari by Sarlayan, never express their opinions on decisions that can affect the overall direction of Zandalari, let alone the other marginal OB Loa.

From this perspective, Raizan can indeed be regarded as a responsible King Loa. Unfortunately, his abilities are lacking after all, and his old thinking model can no longer keep up with this ever-changing era.

"In short." Seeing that the story finally came to an end, Sarlayan retracted his wandering thoughts and concluded: "Odile...or the Heart of Darkness is the mess left by the Titans and Guardians."

"Due to G'huun's self-rescue efforts, the first seal Nazwatha in Nazmir has long since collapsed, and the second seal Atu'aman also fell under the attack of the dismantler Misrax."

"However, thanks to the desperate protection of the snake god Setalis, the seal of Atuaman has not completely collapsed, and there is still some hope of repair."

"You should know the final seal of Dazar'alor better than me, so I won't do anything here."

Sarlayan tapped his fingers on the table: "While Zandalari is busy fighting among themselves, we have begun to focus on the endangered Atuaman seal in the Vol'ton region."

Having said this, Sarlayan gave Zul a sarcastic look at him: "Do you think that supporting the Snake People Faithless is to make profits for the Zandalari Empire? Zul, do you know who the real messenger behind the Faithless is?"

Zul's white eyebrows twitched suddenly, and he asked with a serious expression: "Is it G'huun who is behind this?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right. You're finally not an old fool anymore."

Sarlayan mocked angrily: "If I hadn't arranged for Onyxia to intervene in the serpent-people civil war in time, Mislax, who was sealed in Attu-Aman by Setaris, would have been resurrected by the unbelievers. The should be able to guess it."

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