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Chapter 1706 Sarlayan’s true purpose

Talanji and Zul are not stupid. After Sharlayan's reminder, they immediately understood the seriousness of the situation.

Once the second seal Atul'Aman is completely destroyed by the resurrected Misrax, G'huun's next target will inevitably be the final seal-Dazar'alor.

For Zandalari, this is undoubtedly the development they least expect to see.

"That is to say..." Zul smiled bitterly and rubbed his eyebrows: "The snake people have been helping us bear the pressure from the Blood God for tens of thousands of years?"

"Hmph!" Onyxia snorted coldly: "What else? It's a shame that you dare to instigate the unbelievers to rebel at this juncture. Are you really not afraid of playing with fire and burning yourself?"

"In my opinion." Sarlayan calmly gave his evaluation: "The snake god Setaris is the most loyal Loa in the entire Zandalari Islands, even after taking away Misraks. , her soul still hasn’t given up on the responsibility that Freya entrusted to her.”

"It is under her guidance that the Serpent Devotees have been able to hold on to Wo'dun for so many years. You don't think that the death of the body is the end of Xeraki, do you?"

Regarding the deeds of Setalis, Sarlayan had mentioned it to Freya before.

The Guardian of Life was very proud of her hard work over the past tens of thousands of years, and personally promised that she would take the time to go to Volton to reshape Setaris' body, and even... upgrade her status.

Sarlayan has also mentioned before that although Loa cannot bind the Azeroth star soul with his soul, they all have their own unique methods to preserve their souls. Most Loa still retain the hope of resurrection after death.

Such is the case with Setaris, whose spirit has always lingered in the Temple of the Devotees.

Unfortunately, due to the weakness of her soul, she cannot appear frequently. She only occasionally responds to the call of the devout priests and gives them instructions on the direction they should go in the next period.

After listening to Sharlayan's description, Talanji admired Setalis' noble character, but then she raised a question with a frown.

"Why do you think that Cetaris is the only one who still sticks to his duties, and what about the other Loa?"

"Ha~" Sarlayan shrugged with a half-smile: "You should ask them this question in person."

"As far as I know, Akunda and Jibre, who also settled in Wharton, have their own difficulties."

"Gibur lost all his followers because of the Naga invasion battle, and his power was greatly weakened as a result."

"Thanks to you Zandalari, the 'unruly' tiger Lo'ajibul has never received any more followers. Even if he wants to help Setalis, he is powerless."

"Akunda is even more interesting. He was almost defrauded of his power by a Zandalar spy who infiltrated his temple. Do you think it's funny or not?"

"Ah this..."

Talanji's face was far less thick-skinned than Zul's, and the fact Sharlayan told her face to face made her face feel a little hot.

"The Loa of Zuldazar have been fulfilling their responsibilities so far. Regardless of their original intentions, they have indeed guarded the Seal of Dazar'alor from outside interference for so many years."

"As for Nazmir..." A sneer appeared at the corner of Sarlayan's mouth: "Zul, do you already have the answer in your mind?"

"Yes." Zul took over with a gloomy expression: "Sirik, that damn traitor betrayed his fellow Loa!"

Roathric the Bat secretly defected to G'huun without Zandalari's knowledge.

It was under the behind-the-scenes manipulation of this leading party that the Pyramid of Nazwasa was breached by the overwhelming blood trolls.

Because of Sirik's misdirection, by the time Kragwa, Toga, and Grol discovered that something was wrong, the situation was already irreversible.

Sirik is dead, and there is no point in trying to hold him accountable now.

Through Sharlayan's detailed account, Zul and others finally understood the current situation of the Heart of Darkness and G'huun.

Due to Setaris' efforts and Onyxia's timely intervention, G'huun failed to completely destroy the Attu'aman seal. In other words, he has only lifted 1.5 seals and has not regained his peak strength.

"Zul, Talanji, do you know why I am telling you this important information now?"

Zul and Talanji exchanged glances, and Talanji, who was about to ascend the throne, solemnly tried to test: "You are worried that this coup that affects the entire Zandalar Empire will expose its weaknesses in the chaos. To G'huun who is observing in the dark?"

Sarlayan nodded approvingly: "Yes, I hope you will make more preparations before taking formal action to avoid being fished in troubled waters by some thoughtful people."

"I am certain that there must be followers of G'huun lurking within the Zandalari Empire today, just like you would send spies to infiltrate the Blood Troll tribe."

"Although G'huun is a man-made ancient god, his brainwashing ability is no worse than that of the real ancient god. This is the fundamental reason why the spies you sent to Nazmir beat up the dogs every time."

Infiltration and counter-infiltration, this is a part of intelligence warfare that Sarlayan has always valued.

G'huun possesses a brainwashing ability that can be called cheating, and Zandalar can only suffer defeat in the intelligence war with him.

Your own spies cannot infiltrate, but conversely, it is easier for enemy spies who have been brainwashed by G'huun to infiltrate into your own core area.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if Sarlayan were in G'huun's position, he would definitely not let go of the perfect opportunity for Dazar'alor to be completely thrown into chaos due to the coup.

The Zandalari Empire's national power is far from comparable to the Vol'ton region where snakes and vixen are stationed. In the core of the Zandalari Empire deep within the Dazar'alor seal, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be missed.

This time, Sarlayan came to the Zandalari Islands in person not only to witness the grand ceremony of the new king's coronation, but also to help Zandalari successfully survive the chaos caused by the coup.

With Saryan's current strength, even facing G'huun in his prime state is not without a chance of winning.

After all, the upper limit of the strength of this artificial ancient god is still not as good as the real ancient god. Even Malorne, the ancient god at its peak, had to use all his strength to win. At most, G'huun only had three ancient gods sealed. It’s just the strength after that.

Using a digital template to illustrate, the top level is only level 65.

Although Sarlayan has full confidence in being able to handle G'huun, if he can win in an easier way, why should he choose to go far away.

As long as it is ensured that G'huun is still under the 1.5 seal limit, the battle in Uldir can greatly reduce losses and reserve more manpower and material resources for the future decisive battle with the Burning Legion.

Zandalari's soldiers are just resources to Sharlayan, an outsider, but to Talanji and Zul, these soldiers who can be saved are people they cannot give up.

Therefore, Talanji and Zul have no reason not to support Sharlayan's plan.

When Sharlayan took the initiative and offered to sneak into Dazar'alor to closely monitor the operations of G'huun spies, Zul and Talanji readily agreed to his request without much hesitation.

With such a big boss personally holding the battle, they will be more at ease when the coup is launched.

After seeing off Zul and Talanji, who had to return to Dazar'alor overnight, Bwonsamdi meaningfully asked Sharlayan, who was playing with a voodoo token: "Brother, you shouldn't take advantage of this opportunity to infiltrate Will Zandalari be given a chance to deal with Dazar'alor? I still feel a little uneasy."

Sarlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "In your mind, am I the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between public and private matters?"

"No matter how much I dislike Zandalari, which is extremely conservative and stubborn, at least when it comes to dealing with the threat of G'huun, I won't make fun of Dazar'alor's population of more than one million, which will be used to deal with it in the future. It’s an important resource when facing foreign enemies.”

Bwonsamdi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I know you still have doubts about Zandalar's future policy direction."

"Ha~" Onyxia asked with a half-smile: "Bwonsamdi, I don't believe you are not worried about Zandalar's future."

"Talanji is very talented, but she is still very young."

"If she can take the position smoothly, with Vol'jin about to leave, the status of Zul, a great hero with the ability to follow the dragon, will definitely rise, and this will also lead to Zandalari maintaining its dominance before Zul's death. A situation where the weak minister is strong.”

"If Zul is not as Buddhist as he currently's hard to say what direction Zandalari will take in the future."

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