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Chapter 1707 Toga: Things are changing, come to my house this year!

Sarlayan is still not sure of Zul's true position at this stage. It seems that he has returned from his lost way, but... in the words of the barrage, this guy has a "criminal record."

In the original history, due to political disagreements with Rastakhan, the angry Zul gradually went to extremes. In the end, he was bewitched by G'huun due to the exposed spiritual loopholes, and became a pawn to help Gouhu break out of the seal.

In the current timeline, G'huun's progress in breaking free from the seal is not optimistic, and his ability to penetrate the outside world will also be weakened as a result.

But even without external interference, Sharlayan could not guarantee whether Zul was truly loyal to Talanji, or whether he had other agendas behind his back.

No matter what, Sarlayan would not give Zandalar a third chance.

If Talanji fails to effectively improve the Zandalari Empire's outdated foreign policy after coming to power, Sarlayan will not investigate who made the decision, and will just send troops to annihilate them without discrimination.

Of course, Sarlayan does not intend to use the power of the dragon clan.

He would not break the dragon clan's rule of not easily intervening in mortal affairs. If he really planned to take action, Sharlayan had plenty of ways to deal with Zandalari.

Not to mention, Kul Tiras, which has had a feud with Zandalari for many years, has been waiting for this opportunity.

Not only Kul Tiras, but the pandaren in Pandaria and the tol'vir in Uldum also have a grudge against Zandalari.

How domineering Zandalari was in the early years, now they are so embarrassed to pay off their debts.

Even if Sarlayan doesn't come forward in person, with his connections, it's not difficult to work behind the scenes to bring together all parties to form the "Avengers".

Bwonsamdi has known Sharlayan for many years and is already very familiar with his style of doing things.

Through Sarayana's confident demeanor, Bwonsamdi knew that his old friend had already prepared corresponding contingency plans for the various choices Zandalar might make in the future.

If Talanji and Zul still can't figure out the situation, no matter how hard the Zandalar Empire tries to plan, the final result will not change much. At most, the process will be different.

‘It seems that it is necessary to have an in-depth talk with Zul and Talanji after the coup is over. ’

As a king Loa worshiped by the Zandalar Empire, Bwonsamdi did not intend to evade the responsibilities that this respected status brought to him.

Of course, if Zandalari still intends to go its own way, old Bwonsamdi, who has always been aware of current affairs, does not intend to sink with this broken ship, as long as he fulfills his due responsibilities.

To paraphrase what Danmaku recently said about a "strong" military country in the Middle East, contract soldiers only earn so little a month, so why are you working so hard?

According to Bwonsamdi's prediction, it should be several days before the coup is officially launched.

It was a rare trip to the Zandalari Islands. Sarlayan didn't want to just hide in the Underworld and wait for time to pass. He planned to take this opportunity to meet with the leaders of the foxes and snakemen, so that he could prepare some preparations for emergencies in advance. Arrangements for the situation.

Since the Zandalari Empire has been busy with internal strife in recent years and has never been able to unify its external thinking, the foxmen and snakemen have gradually established a foothold near the Shurga'i Oil Swamp in the west of Nazmir.

One thing to say, both the fox man and the snake man were quite surprised by this.

It is true that the alliance between the two tribes has the secret support of Bwonsamdi and Togar, but in their original expectations, Zandalari, which has always regarded Nazmir as its own territory, would not allow them to stay in Nazmir for a long time. this.

However, the fact is... they have never suffered a Zandalari counterattack since they occupied this place.

From this we can see how poor the cohesion of the Zandalar Empire, which is obsessed with internal strife, is now.

Surgai Oil Swamp is a very rich open-pit oil field. The difficulty of extracting oil is almost negligible. Even foxes and snakes with no industrial foundation can easily complete it.

Since the two clan alliances do not have the ability to process oil, the crude oil they extract will be smuggled overseas through Bwonsamdi's assistance, and transported to Sunsail Port in the north of Eversong Forest using Kul Tiras' ships.

The Sun King did not take this opportunity to make a big deal out of the lion. Over the years, Quel'Thalas has also used this sea trade route to transport a large amount of living materials to the fox and snake alliance.

After being processed by petroleum-related companies that have already formed an industrial chain in Quel'Thalas, these crude oils will be shipped to various parts of the world for sale, forming a perfect template for win-win cooperation.

The foxes and snakemen were very enthusiastic about Sharlayan and Onyxia's visit again after several years.

Through several years of continuous trade with Quel'Thalas, the quality of life of the snakes and vixen has improved a lot. At least no one is wearing tattered and ragged clothes anymore. With sufficient food and water supplies, , their mental outlook has also undergone a qualitative change.

The two-race alliance between the snake people and the fox people is dominated by the snake people.

Vulpes are very good at doing business, and they are responsible for the secret trade with Quel'Thalas.

However, the formulation and adjustment of the policies of the two-community alliance are controlled by the snake people, because this aspect happens to be the shortcoming of the fox people.

Unlike the snake people who have established a unified political power long ago, the fox people have never been truly unified since their birth. They wander around the vast Wharton Desert in the form of tribes doing business.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect the fox people to come up with clever politicians. The high-level decision-making of the two-community alliance is mainly responsible for the two high-ranking priests of the snake people devotees, Sulsis and Warwick.

We haven't seen each other for several years. Sursis has long since recovered from the serious injury he suffered in the sneak attack by the traitor Kotek. With the tacit cooperation and hard work of him and Warwick, the alliance between the two races, also from Wharton, has become stronger.

After several years of sweeps, the snakes and foxes have driven out all the trolls in the Wharton area and have completely taken control of this resource-poor desert.

But if you want to further develop the ethnic group, it is obviously not enough to rely on Wharton, who is full of yellow sand, to sit back and eat nothing.

With the secret support of Bwonsamdi and Toga, the two tribes took advantage of Zandalari's lack of attention to enter Nazmir and establish a foothold, and were still extending their tentacles to the Heart of Darkness to the east step by step.

Neither Sulsis nor Warwick wanted to directly border Zandalar's control area prematurely, and deliberately avoided Zul'gar Fortress in the southern Nazmir region adjacent to Zuldazar.

After Zandalari's continuous weakening, the Blood Troll's sphere of influence has repeatedly shrunk.

Nowadays, the entire area of ​​Nazmir is still under the control of the blood trolls. Except for the core area near the Heart of Darkness, the only one that can barely block the full counterattack of the Ancestral Turtle is the Pyramid of Nazwasa.

Not to mention the Heart of Darkness, this was originally the origin and lair of the blood trolls.

Many years ago, after capturing Nazwatha with the secret help of the traitor Sirik, the blood trolls used this pyramid as an advance base, using it as a center to attack the nearby Toga Lair and Krag'wa Lair. Increase troops.

With G'huun controlling the enemy behind them, the Blood Trolls were not so arrogant as to start a battle with two powerful Loa at the same time. They gave priority to Torga, the turtle who seemed easier to bully.

Facts have proved that this choice is correct.

Toga and his ancestral turtle did indeed suffer heavy losses from the blood troll's crazy attack regardless of casualties, and even Toga himself was seriously injured.

If it weren't for the butterfly effect caused by Sarlayan, which gradually weakened the blood troll's war potential, this old turtle would most likely die under the endless attacks of the blood troll just like in the original history.

After being pinned down by the blaster for hundreds of years, the Ancestral Turtle, which finally found a chance to fight back, would certainly not show mercy. The two sides fought fiercely in the swamp area at the junction of Nazwasa and Toga's lair.

Toga himself is actively contacting Kragwa on the other side of Nazivasa, using the principle of lips and teeth to constantly encourage old friends to help.

Because the situation was too one-sided before, the helpless Kagwa did not dare to risk his own life to help Toga and the Ancestral Turtle.

Now that the offensive and defensive situation has changed, Krag'wa, who has long been tired of the blood troll, is naturally tempted.

After learning about Nazmir's current situation from Sulthis and Warwick, Sarlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

"Nazwasa... Although it is impossible for me to repair the broken seal with my own ability, it is still a good idea to cut off the blood troll's last external stronghold before attacking Odile."

After discussing in a low voice with Onyxia, who had many clever ideas, Sarlayan finally made up his mind.

"Let's do this. I will notify Bwonsamdi to prepare for battle, and Kragwa and Toga will also notify and persuade them one by one."

"Taking advantage of the undercurrents within the Zandalari Empire, I plan to gather all the forces in Nazmir, except Zandalari, to join forces to drive the blood trolls back to the Heart of Darkness. After that... we will be able to accomplish our task better. It’s a battle.”

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