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Chapter 1708 The Corrupted Council of Zanchuli

The fall of Nazwatha's seal is almost inevitable, after all, it is too close to the Odile laboratory where G'huun is located.

In addition, Sirik, the traitor who led the party, took the initiative to divert the attention of Krag'wa, Toga and Grol, and it was logical that the blood trolls, who had been well prepared, captured Nazwasa by surprise.

Although the offensive has gradually slowed down in recent years due to internal problems, the forces accumulated by Zandalari in Zul'gar Fortress are still worthy of vigilance.

Because of this, the blood trolls, whose vitality was severely damaged, moved more than 70% of their remaining troops to the southwest of the swamp near Zulgar Fortress, closely guarding against another Zandalari attack.

The population of the blood trolls was only so large, and as a result, the number of troops left in Nazivasa was stretched thin.

As King Loa of the Zandalari Empire, Bwonsamdi has the authority to mobilize the death priests who are directly affiliated with Hades.

After receiving Sharlayan's notice, Bwonsamdi cooperated and took action without saying a word.

A large number of troll priests who possess the power of death walked out of the Hades in an orderly manner and surrounded the weak northern defense line of the Heart of Darkness.

At the same time, the allied forces of the fox and snakemen also sent troops to the Land of Sorrow. After taking over Zuldazar, the only intersection leading to the Hades, Warwick, who personally led the army, was not in a hurry to launch an attack. Start building fortifications steadily.

Through the direction of the fortifications they built, Bwonsamdi could tell at a glance that the snakemen and vixen were not only guarding against the counterattack of the blood trolls, but were also guarding against the Zandalari army from Zulgar Fortress. This was also It represents the intention of the two-community alliance to formally bring the Land of Sorrow under its jurisdiction.

Bwonsamdi saw all this, but he did not say anything to stop it.

For Bwonsamdi's sake, it was impossible for the alliance of the two races to really block Zuldazar's normal exchanges with Hades, and Bwonsamdi was not panicked at all.

At the same time, Sarlayan and Onyxia also began to separate.

Onyxia transforms into a dragon and flies to Toga's lair, which is relatively close to Hades. She will win over the gentle turtle Loatoga to join the coalition plan.

The frog Roakagwa, who is far away and has only a shallow friendship, is personally in charge of Sarlayan.

Sarlayan, who was an expert in art and was daring, didn't bother to take a detour and passed directly over the Heart of Darkness, heading straight to Kragwa's lair.

When flying over Odile, Sarlayan clearly felt the rich power of void coming from inside the building.

Compared with N'Zoth, whom Sarlayan faced off against before, at least so far, G'huun's strength is still inferior.

At this moment, Sarlayan keenly felt someone's secret gaze, and he stared back along the other person's line of sight unwilling to be outdone.

The pressure of dragon power in the golden dragon eyes made the blood troll who was hiding in the dark and watching couldn't help but tremble all over. Sarlayan seemed to be able to see G'huun who was hiding behind the scenes through his godless eyes. .


Sarlayan, who quickly turned his gaze back, snorted disdainfully: "Don't worry, I will go to Odile to visit you in person soon, Gouhu."

At the same time, Talanji and Zul, who returned to Zuldazar, also began to conduct final inspections on the layout of every aspect of the plan.

After a busy day, Zul bid farewell to Talanji, who looked exhausted, and returned to his private residence.

As soon as he sat down, Zul felt the call of a certain will again.

Since Zul took the blame and stepped down, he has been exposed to this will more than once, and the other party will always use seductive words to lure him to liberate his nature.

"Again?" Zuer twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered: "I think you are also anxious. Are you going to seek medical treatment in a hurry?"

"I'll say it again, my destiny is determined by me and not by God. No matter how miserable my life is, I will not place my hope of reviving the motherland on the illusory promises of so-called 'gods'."

"Go away! One day I will face you in person, this lying 'god'!"

If Sharlayan had been at the scene, he would have recognized it at a glance. The will that has entangled Zul for many years came from G'huun.

Just as G'huun had seen in the early years, Zul, whose political ideas had completely failed, did have darkness hidden in his heart. He was quite sure to seduce Zul for his own use.

If Zul, who has extremely well-connected people in the Zandalari Empire, serves as an internal agent, the hope of breaking Zuldazar's giant seal will be greatly improved.

However, what angered G'huun was that Zul remained stubborn and refused to accept his invitation.

In desperation, G'huun could only do the next best thing and extended his tentacles into the Zanchuli Council, which was also filled with darkness.

With this experience, Zul quickly guessed that someone in the Zanchuli Council would betray his motherland. This was one of the reasons why he was so frustrated that he was willing to come back to assist Talanji in seizing power.

"The Council of Zanchuli..." After confirming that the mysterious will had left, Zul's cloudy eyes flashed with a cold light: "Sure enough, these fools have lost themselves because of the bait of power, and they can just take advantage of this coup. Opportunity to clean out the whole parliament."

Zul was also a member of the Zanchuli Council. During the period when he was in power on behalf of Rastakhan, the Zanchuli Council worked very efficiently and would never be so obsessed with fighting for power that they forget their own rights. Job.

At least, that was the case during the early years of Zur's rule.

Later in Zul's reign, Rastakhan, who lost patience with his ideas, began to operate secretly and replaced several members of the council one after another.

Those who play with power will eventually be counterattacked by power. It was not until he stepped down from that position that Zul, a bystander, could calmly see this clearly.

The current speaker of the Zanchuli Council is Yazma, the chief priest of Spider Loashadra, who was Zul's deputy during his time in power.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why Yazma can serve as the second-ranking figure in the parliament is not because of her outstanding abilities, but simply because of her prominent background and strong family influence.

Yazma's family has been priests serving Shadra for generations. After countless generations of accumulation, they finally sat in the position of chief priest.

To be fair, Zul thought that although Yazma's ability was not top-notch, it was still usable.

At least, that was the case when he was in power.

As Zul was forced to take the blame and step down, Yazma, the number two figure in the parliament, naturally became the speaker.

Perhaps it was the rise in status that gave birth to Yazma... or the ambition of the family behind her. Yazma, who was once relatively conscientious, began to spend more energy on playing power. She even wanted to overthrow the gods as a leader. The rule of King Rastakhan has sidelined Princess Talanji, who is about to inherit the throne of the God King.

Except for Yazma, the members of the council who were once important under Zul have been squeezed out. Now those in power are either Yazma's cronies - such as the deformed troll Volkar, or careerists with ulterior motives - such as General Zakaze, who was born a Sandfury Troll.

As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked. With an ambitious speaker like Yazma setting the tone and direction, only those who follow her will can gain more power in the parliament.

The upright councilors promoted by Zul, such as War Druid Loti and Sorcery Lord Raal, have lost their right to speak and can only lie dormant and wait for opportunities to fight back.

And that opportunity is coming soon.

There is an old saying that goes, if you want to make something dead, you must first make it crazy.

From Yazma's point of view, there is only one last step left before she reaches the top of Zandalari.

In her extreme excitement, she would inevitably ignore some details that should have been taken seriously, focusing all her energy on how to defeat Rastakhan, but ignoring the crisis coming from behind.

When he was aloof, Zul would also ignore some things that he thought were not very important at the time.

After stepping down from the pinnacle of power, Zul can more calmly confirm the changes in the world situation.

The final conclusion was that... Zandalari's ancient governing philosophy is no longer suitable for the current era.

It is for this reason that Zul gave up the humiliation and continued to assist Rastakhan, and instead chose to train the young but highly malleable Princess Talanji personally.

"Ha..." Zul yawned as he sat in the middle of the night sorting out his thoughts. Before dragging his old and tired body to bed, he looked up at the bright moonlight outside the window: "The ancient Zandalari Empire has also reached the point where it should start from above. It's time for a complete change, and I hope young Talanji can shoulder this burden." (End of Chapter)

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