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Chapter 1709 Nazmir’s bitter blood troll has been around for a long time

Sarlayan was unaware of the undercurrents in Dassarone for the time being. When Old Zul finished his day and fell asleep, Thalayan, who did not need sleep, happened to rush outside the lair of the frog Loakagwa overnight.

Speaking of Kragwa, Loa, the powerful frog, is also quite miserable.

To be precise, since the troll civilization moved south to the Zuldazar Mountains, all the Loa who settled in Nazmir have had a difficult time.

Natural spirits like Loa can be strong or weak. The weak Loa can't even touch the threshold of a demigod... just like the weak Loa worshiped by Drakkari and Amani.

In comparison, the Zandalari Islands are like a chicken pen. Loa who can stay here to make a living, even if he does not have the hard power of a demigod, can at least have a few unique skills like Gani, the slender jaw dragon.

In other words, the Loa competition in the Zandalari Islands is very stressful. In order to gain the strength to suppress their competitors, the Loa will try to recruit as many believers as possible and use their beliefs to further strengthen their strength.

But this can easily form an endless loop.

"I need more believers to strengthen me."

"Then go and recruit."

"But I need stronger strength to win the favor of believers."

"Then improve your strength."

"How can I improve my strength without followers?!"

"Then recruit believers!"

This extreme involution mainly occurred in Dazar'alor, the capital of the Zandalari Empire. Pakku, Gonk, and Tokali, whom Sarlayan dubbed the Royal Three Families, were the only ones besides the former kings Lo'Alezan. The winners of the chicken-eating inner circle, other than Loa, were pushed to the outer circle by them.

As for Nazmir...

This vast swamp was once the birthplace of troll civilization. However, due to the blood plague that swept through the entire troll community many years ago, Zul Nazman, the first capital of troll civilization, unfortunately fell. Nazmir has since then inevitable decline.

After Zandalari moved south and established its country, the only trolls left in the Nazmir region were the madmen who were later called blood trolls by Zandalari and the fanatical followers of the blood god G'huun.

Loatoga the Turtle is pretty good. He at least has his own family members who can absorb the power of faith. Loa Toga, the God of Death, also has no shortage of believers due to the special nature of his power.

Krag'wa the frog and Sirik the bat are more miserable.

These two people also considered spreading their beliefs among the blood trolls, but unfortunately they failed without exception.

All blood trolls have only one belief, and that is G'huun, whom they call the blood god.

Yes, G'huun is also a Loa in the troll's perception, and everything is a Loa.

Facing the increasingly severe environment, Sirik and Kragwa made completely different choices.

Seeing those compatriots who settled in Zuldazar absorb the faith, Sirik was naturally unconvinced.

In the end, he made a decision that went against his ancestors - to seek refuge in G'huun to earn a living.

Kragwa, on the other hand, still kept in mind Freya's original order to all Loa in the Zandalari Islands. Even if he had to sleep frequently to maintain his condition, he was unwilling to give in to G'huun.

Now that the traitor Sirik is dead, the once arrogant blood trolls have long since faded away, but Krag'wa's lack of faith has not been fundamentally improved.

When Sarlayan arrived near Krag'wa's lair, he could clearly hear a loud snore.

In order to reduce the loss of power as much as possible, this frog Loa is still in a dormant state.

Sarlayan did not force his way into Kragwa's territory. He maintained his dragon form and politely raised his claws and tapped the void in mid-air a few times.

Substantial power ripples slowly spread in the direction of Kragwa as Sarlayan struck.

Even in a dormant state, Kragwa is very sensitive to changes in the external environment.

He had no choice but to fear that the blood troll would turn around and launch a sneak attack on him. Toga's embarrassed posture after being attacked crazily for many years was still vivid in his mind.


After being awakened by Sarlayan's "knocking on the door", Kagwa, who fell asleep in a half-crouched position, quickly opened his eyes and glanced around alertly.

"Who are you……"

After discovering that Sarlayan had returned to human form, Kagwa was stunned for a moment. He always felt that he had seen this "mortal" somewhere.

Before Kagewa could search his memory to find the answer, Sarlayan smiled and stroked his chest and saluted the confused Kagewa: "Welcome back to the material world, respected Kagewa."

Putting aside the messy thoughts in his mind for a moment, Kagwa asked angrily: "Who are you? Why do you want to break into my lair?"

Sarlayan did not pay attention to Kagwan's implicit threatening attitude, and still said with a smile: "I am Sarlayan Deep Shadow from the Dragon Clan, the current speaker of Wyrmrest Temple, and I have important matters to discuss with you. "

"Dragon clan..."

Kragwa's frog eyes shrank: "I didn't expect that the Zandalari Islands, far away from Northrend, would actually welcome a dragon guest. I wonder why you are here?"

Sarlayan didn't use riddles and told the answer directly: "In order to solve the so-called blood god G'huun and the blood troll, I wonder if Lord Kragwa is interested in this?"


Having been trapped in the lair by the blood trolls for thousands of years, it is impossible to say that Krag'wa has no resentment towards the blood trolls.

"Tell me more, what is your specific plan?"

When Sharlayan arrived at Krag'wa's lair and began to use his sharp tongue, Onyxia had already successfully convinced Loatoga the turtle.

Toga and the Ancestral Turtle have been fighting the blood trolls for a long time, and they are looking forward to someone willing to help.

The harsh environment is only one of the reasons why Nazmir has fallen to the point where no one cares about it. The bloodthirsty and cruel blood trolls are the root cause.

The reason why the blood trolls are so crazy is that G'huun, who is hiding behind them and using remote control, "contributes a lot" to it.

If it weren't for his own lack of strength, Toga would have wanted to attack the Heart of Darkness once and for all.

Toga and Kragwa also proposed to join forces with Zandalari and the Loa they worshiped to completely eliminate the threats of the Heart of Darkness and the Blood Trolls.

As long as Zandalari expands its sphere of influence to Nazmir, their native Loa will also benefit from it.

Unfortunately, several previous cooperation negotiations ended in failure due to the obstruction of Sirik, who had long betrayed his responsibilities.

Now that Sirik is dead and the blood trolls are not as powerful as before, it stands to reason that this is the most suitable time to solve G'huun's problem.

However... there was a big problem within Zandalar at this juncture.

To say that there was no push from G'huun, Toga would rather believe that Sirik was reincarnated.

The Zandalari were temporarily unable to call for an army to attack, so Toga could only focus on other native races.

This was one of the reasons why he was willing to lend a helping hand to the foxes and snakes, as an early investment.

It would be best to help them gain momentum. Even if they fail, it will not cause much damage to the Ancestral Turtle Clan.

As the alliance between snakemen and foxmen develops better and better, Toga, who has been under the attack of the blood trolls for many years, finally sees hope of reversing the situation.

Therefore, when Onyxia came to propose a joint effort to destroy G'huun, Toga, who was still injured, agreed to join without saying a word.

In his words... Nazmir has been a bitter blood troll for a long time, and it's time to bring a new order to this land.

By the time Sharlayan finally convinced Krag'wa to join the plan to jointly destroy G'huun, and returned to Hades with the frog Loa to meet the others, Onyxia had already brought back the eager Togo. add.

Toga and Kagewa were quite sad to see their old friends again after so many years.

Strictly speaking, the Loa are rivals with each other for the faith of mortals.

But with Nazmir looking like a dick now, there is no point in thinking about competition. Finding ways to join forces to make the cake bigger is the top priority.

As for the distribution of the cake after success...that's a story for another day. Everyone will have to rely on their own abilities.

After calling Gible and Akunda from the Vol'dun Desert, Sarlayan briefly explained the situation to Krag'wa and Toga, who were not yet familiar with the current situation of the internal strife in the Zandalari Empire.

"Today's situation sounds complicated, but you don't have to think too complicated."

"To put it simply, as long as Zandalar's coup is launched, our plan will be officially implemented."

"Before that, I will sneak into Dazar'alor alone, thwart G'huun's conspiracy to take advantage of the chaos to destroy the giant seal in the capital of Zandalari, and cut off his delusions of further regaining his strength."

"As for Nazmir..."

Sarlayan turned to look at Onyxia: "Onyxia, I will notify you as soon as possible through the soul link."

"Before I rush back, you must take the last blood troll stronghold outside the heart of darkness, the Pyramid of Nazwasa, before the blood trolls have time to adjust their troop deployment."

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