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Chapter 1711 What kind of network delay are you talking about? so slow

Although G'huun has been around for tens of thousands of years, this man-made ancient god has never left Uldir since the Titans created him in the laboratory.

Even if he got rid of Nazwasa's first seal, the best he could do was to cast his will over Nazmir's territory.

After Atul'Aman, the second seal in Vol'dun, was half-broken, G'huun could gradually extend his tentacles further south to the Zuldazar mountains, and find an opportunity to corrupt Yazma, who was dazzled by the ambition that was about to be realized. .

Compared to the three real ancient gods, G'huun, who was trapped on Zandalar Island, was far inferior in experience.

To put it bluntly, this guy is like a child whose mind has not yet developed. He just wants to break free and see the wider world outside.

However, due to the nature of void creatures eager to corrupt all things, this so-called "child" is extremely dangerous. He will instinctively do all kinds of evil things that are unacceptable to ordinary people's cognition.

G'huun, whose will possessed Yazma, completely ignored the surrounding environment... This was not his true form anyway.

The "eyes" of "Yazma" that had already turned into a strange deep purple were staring at the giant seal that was still functioning normally.

Just when the energy ball on the "Yazma" dagger was about to be charged and released, Sarlayan sneered and aimed at the top of the dagger and popped out a wisp of finger wind - a finger wind containing pure arcane power.

There is no mutual restraint between arcana and void, but in the final analysis, both are one of the manifestations of the six original powers of the universe. The collision of energies will eventually cause conflicts.

Judging from the appearance, the finger wind that Sarlayan popped up at random was less than one-tenth the size of the void energy ball gathered by "Yazma", but this arcane finger wind carrying huge kinetic energy was indeed very powerful to G'huun. Intention has had quite an impact.

Just like a bullet that was deflected before being discharged, the void energy ball fired by "Yazma" deviated from its original trajectory and failed to hit the giant seal at all. Instead, it fired a blank shot into the sky.


The distracted "Yazma" finally turned her attention to the "mortal" who interfered with her actions.

"Ha~" Sarlayan chuckled and pointed his palm at "Yazma" who was a little slow to react: "I don't care if it's because of network transmission delay or something else, just get back to the cage. I'll be there soon." I will take the initiative to come to your door and give you a happy experience."


The golden energy cannon ejected from Sarlayan's palm mercilessly blasted "Yazma"'s upper body, which had been deformed into humanoid form, into pieces.

Without this body that he could barely rely on, G'huun's will was sent back to Uldir.

It was only then that G'huun, who was slow to react due to an inexplicable delay, suddenly burst into anger.

The councilors and ministers in the Zandalari Palace who had been transformed into faceless men instantly lost their will, and invariably, driven by G'huun's will, they launched a death charge in the direction of Sarlayan.

Sarlayan could guess without observing or thinking that these guys must be planning to self-destruct and want to die with him.

Of course, this idea did not come from their original intention, but was influenced by Gou Hu who was hiding behind the scenes and controlling the situation.

"The farce ends here."

Sarlayan held his left hand empty, and a large number of thorny vines full of vitality broke through the bluestone floor in the palace without warning and grew wildly. All the faceless men were tightly bound by these vines that quickly became thicker.

If that was all, this kind of thorn vine specially modified by Fandral Staghelm was still absorbing the vitality of the faceless men.

Under Sharlayan's remote control, in just a few seconds, the faceless men were sucked into mummies by these deadly vines.

At the same time, Princess Talanji, with the assistance of Zul and Vol'jin, tearfully killed Rastakhan, the faceless man, who had lost his self-consciousness.

It was not until this moment that the back-up men arranged by Zul, the war druid Loti and the witchcraft lord Lal, rushed to the scene with Gonk and Paku who believed in each other.

Tokali among Loa Royal Three?

His chief priest was "unfortunately" involved in this coup, and he was one of the mummies.

Tokali, who was deceived by the chief priest, does not know the specific situation yet, and is still waiting for the loyal priests who stayed in the temple to collect information.

Sarlayan only personally killed the faceless men who had been expelled from the army. He did not intend to attack the Zandalari soldiers directly.

As careerists such as Rastakhan and Yazma fell and died one after another, the only person left who has the ability and qualifications to clean up the mess of this farce is Princess Talanji, the legitimate heir to the throne.

Theoretically, Zul, who had made a lot of preparations behind the scenes, also had the opportunity to usurp power while Talanji was distracted.

However, under Sharlayan's close attention, Zul did not do this. Instead, he earnestly persuaded Talanji, who had just completed the achievement of filial piety as a loving father and a daughter, to cheer up as soon as possible.

After losing their leader, the middle-level rebel generals were at a loss, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

In this case, the Voodoo Guards, who had already surrendered to Talanji, easily controlled the overall situation.

In addition, Bwonsamdi also began to exercise his authority as the king's Loa, and all Loa within the Zuldazar Mountains received his emergency summons.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Sarlayan nodded to Vol'jin in a low-key manner, silently disappeared from the chaotic palace, and just as the barrage said, it was over.

After locating the space beacon burned on Onyxia, Sarlayan arrived at the frontline position of Nazwatha where a fierce battle was taking place the next second.

The allied forces of the three tribes, consisting of the foxmen, snakes, and ancestor turtles, are working together to attack. The blood trolls who stayed behind at the pyramid were obviously unprepared. They have been suppressed by the blasters since the beginning of the war.

Of course, even if they were prepared in advance, the current battle situation would not be much different.

In order to cooperate with G'huun's attack on Zuldazar's giant seal, the blood trolls mobilized most of their troops to the frontline camp near Zulgar Fortress, waiting for G'huun to succeed and take advantage of the chaos to advance to the front.

However, due to Sarlayan's behind-the-scenes arrangements and personal actions, G'huun's confident plan ultimately came to nothing.

G'huun, who was unable to leave Uldir, was furious at this moment, hysterically ordering all the blood trolls to march towards Zuldazar regardless of losses.

Although they failed to take advantage of the chaos to destroy the giant seal, the Zandalari Empire had indeed just experienced a coup that was enough to shake the country.

G'huun's order obviously had the implication of seeking personal gain, but it had to be said that in the current chaotic situation, the Blood Troll's onslaught regardless of the cost did achieve some results.

The Zul'gar defenders, who were worried about Zuldazar's situation, had no fighting spirit. They clearly had a solid fortress defense and a large number of defensive weapons, but they were forced into a panic by the blood trolls who were outnumbered by them.

Sarlayan has no time to pay attention to the situation in Zul'gar Fortress at the moment. Even if the blood trolls break through the defense line, even if the blood trolls break through the defense line, as long as Zuldazar's regime is stabilized, Zandalari, who has a deep foundation, will not The enemy may easily break through the layers of defense near the capital area.

The total population of the blood trolls is only that large. Even if all the people are soldiers, the total number of soldiers they can mobilize is limited.

At this time, the main force of the blood trolls is howling to attack Zulgar Fortress, whose military morale is unstable. The number of defenders left to guard the Pyramid of Nazwasa will naturally be stretched thin.

Onyxia didn't even take action personally. Under the venting torture of Toga and Kragwa, who had endured thousands of years of torture, Nazwasa's three layers of defense were quickly penetrated.

"This is really..."

Jibre and Akunda originally wanted to rush to the front line to increase their presence, but seeing the violent postures of Toga and Kagewa, they consciously gave up their previous ideas and took the initiative to stay behind to hold down the battle.

Gible smiled bitterly and complained: "How long have Toga and Kagewa been holding back? This is the first time I have seen these two gentle guys so angry."

Akunda shook his head helplessly: "Who knows, in the words of Sarlayan, don't persuade others to be kind without their suffering, let them vent."

After easily capturing the Pyramid of Nazwasa, G'huun's last military stronghold outside Uldir was also captured.

If the blood trolls cannot break through Zulgar Fortress and establish a new stronghold, G'huun's overall plan this time will be in vain.

But from Sarlayan's point of view, he will soon no longer need to worry about the success or failure of his plan.

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