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Chapter 1712 Tarok and the Virgin of Purity

After capturing the Nazwasa stronghold, Sarlayan did not let the coalition forces rest on the spot, but asked them to divert to the Heart of Darkness while their fighting spirit was high.

At the same time, the death priests of Hades also received Bwonsamdi's latest order from Zuldazar, and almost all of them rushed out to surround the Heart of Darkness.

As expected, Talanji did not disappoint Sharlayan. Under the comfort of Zul and Vol'jin, she quickly cheered up and began to dispatch troops and generals on behalf of the God King.

The top leaders of the rebel army were wiped out by Sharlayan not long ago, and the remaining mid-level officers did not know the real plans of their superiors. They only knew that the Zanchuli Council had a cooperative relationship with Princess Talanji.

At this point, with the comfort of Princess Talanji, the rebels took advantage of the situation and put down their weapons.

With Bwonsamdi also controlling the actions of the loas, Zuldazar's coup was basically over.

As Sarlayan had predicted in advance, no Loa took a clear stand in this coup, and without exception chose to sit back and wait.

Now that the situation has become clear, Talanji, who already has the legitimate right to inherit, has effortlessly been recognized by all Loa.

At this time, the urgent military situation at the border happened to be transmitted back to Dazar'alo.

Ignoring the preparations for Rastakhan's funeral and his own coronation ceremony, Talanji immediately ordered some of the Guards to "escort" the newly surrendered rebels to the front line for reinforcements.

The death priests of Hades got stuck at this moment and cut off the blood troll's retreat, forming a double-team with the Zandalari reinforcements who were rushing towards the border at full speed.

On the other hand, the Death Priest happened to surround the Heart of Darkness together with the allied forces of the fox-man, snake-man, and ancestor turtle tribes that marched from the other direction.

At this point, Sarlayan's entire Uldir strategy plan has successfully entered the final stage.

The closer one gets to the Heart of Darkness, the more obvious the corrosive effects of G'huun's soul become.

The death priests from Hades are protected by Bwonsamdi's power and will not be broken through by G'huun in the short term.

Compared with Bwonsamdi, the Loa behind the three clan alliances are a bit unsatisfactory... Of course, this is mainly because they are not good at offensive and defensive battles at the soul level.

Sarlayan personally blessed all soldiers with dream protection. No matter how much G'huun behaved, he could not break through this layer of defense. This was a gap in hard power.

Sarlayan does not expect this group of mortal soldiers to accompany him into Uldir. The intensity of soul corrosion inside the laboratory is far beyond comparison with the outside world. Their mission is to block the gap between the interior of the Heart of Darkness and the blood trolls who are trying to return. contact.

The only people who are qualified to join this final hunt, apart from Onyxia, who is inseparable from Sarlayan, are the Loa who possess demigod status.

In order to successfully achieve the purpose of this trip to Zandalar, Sarlayan specifically asked Leiden for a copy of the Great Guardian's authority that he was already familiar with before setting off.


When Sharlayan placed his right hand on the closed door of Uldir, as the authority of the Great Guardian came into effect, eye-catching blue and white arcane patterns began to appear on the surface of the steel door that had been sealed for tens of thousands of years.

After some complex mechanical operations, the door finally opened slowly, and a disgusting putrid smell immediately rushed out.


Onyxia retched twice in disgust: "Isn't the stinking void breath here solidifying? It's so disgusting."

Sarlayan also frowned and temporarily closed off his sense of smell: "The power of the void accumulated for tens of thousands of years is all accumulated in it. The concentration is indeed too high."

Kragwa and Toga were not satisfied with the previous revenge against mortals. After the door of Uldir opened, the two people ignored the harsh environment and took the lead into the laboratory following Sarlayan and Onyxia. internal.

Jibre and Akunda looked at each other and could only follow suit with grimaces.

Uldir has never been reopened since it was sealed from the outside by the Titan Guardians tens of thousands of years ago.

The Titan Guardians are not stupid, there is no way they would leave corruptible materials for G'huun in this dangerous laboratory.

However, this does not mean that G'huun has no helpers within Ulduar at this time.

In order to monitor Odile's situation at all times, Leiden and others deliberately left a batch of structures made of void corrosion-resistant materials in the laboratory, and specially arranged a high-level Titan creation to lead them.

The Titan Guardians originally planned to regularly change the defenses of the Titan creations stationed in Uldir to prevent them from being corroded by being exposed to high concentrations of void power for a long time.

However, God is not as good as man, and the internal fighting in Ulduar completely disrupted the plans of the Titan Guardians.

Loken, the traitor who seized power in Ulduar, could not take the initiative to defend Ulduar. This extremely dangerous laboratory had been idle for tens of thousands of years.

So, of course, the group of monitors who stayed in Odile were all corrupted without exception, including even the high-level Titan creation - the Virgin of Purity.

But... as we all know, Titan creations that are not fleshed out are difficult to corrode and easy to remove.

According to the information provided by the barrage, the Virgin Mary had successfully regained her sanity in version 9.0 as they knew it, and also appeared in the most important heart chamber of the Azeroth Star Soul.

This is not the first time that Sharlayan has fought against titan creations corrupted by the power of the void. Those low-level creations of little value were mercilessly demolished by him on the spot. This elite team destroyed everything all the way to G'huun's third level. The first hurdle in the line of defense.

Through the information Raiden had given him before, Sarlayan recognized the name of the giant titan creation in front of him, Tarok.

In layman's terms, this giant construct holding a sledgehammer is Odile's security captain.

Without Sarlayan's orders, Kagwa and Toga volunteered to rush forward. The two of them fought back and forth with the irrational Tarok, one on offense and the other on defense.

Uninterested, Jibre and Akunda continued their fringe OB, boringly cleaning up the corroded low-level Titan creations.

To be fair, Tarok's strength is not bad, even if he fights the demigod-level Loa head-on, he will not fall behind at all.

But...that's in a one-on-one situation.

With the help of Toga and Kragwa's mixed doubles, Tarok was finally defeated in frustration. All his limbs were violently torn off by Kragwa's tongue that popped out of his mouth, and he fell to the cold ground in embarrassment like a broken doll. On the metal floor.

Sharlayan silently glared at Kragwa, who had gone too far, and used the authority granted by Raiden to completely format Tarok, whose mind module had been corrupted.

"Formatting completed, respected Great Guardian Leden, individual ad002, codename Tarok reports to you."

After the formatting and restarting were completed, Tarok, which was originally glowing with a strange red light, regained its sanity. Through the magic power injected into it by Sarlayan, the blue arcane radiance replaced the power of the void that previously drove the body.

"Ah this..."

Tarok's return to sanity made Kagwa, who had previously tried his best to dismantle the machine, look a bit confused. Only then did he realize that he had gotten into trouble.

"never mind……"

Sarlayan sighed and said, "It's my fault that I was distracted and failed to remind you in time."

"Taloc, can you restart Odile's main control system?"

Tarok: "No, the system restart permission is only owned by ad001 - codenamed Our Lady of Purity."

"Sure enough..." Sarlayan scratched his head: "There is no other way, just keep moving forward."


Sarlayan carried Tarok with only his torso on his shoulder with one hand, and glanced sideways at Kragwa, who did not dare to look at him: "Thanks to you, I am temporarily inconvenienced until the second line of defense is secured. Take action, so..."

Kagwa hurriedly volunteered with a smile: "Please don't worry and leave it to me, I will definitely make up for it!"

Although Kagwa was full of words, when the team came to the second line of defense to face the Virgin of Purity, he was full of confidence and suffered a big loss in front of this high-level titan creation.

If Toga, Gible, and Akunda hadn't joined the battle in time when the situation was bad, there was a high probability that Kagwa would have been severely damaged by the merciless attack of the Virgin Mary.


Sarlayan, who was hanging at the back of the team, looked at the Virgin of Purity thoughtfully. Judging from the blue arcane light flashing on her body, the Virgin of Purity did not seem to be completely corrupted by G'huun's void power.

Onyxia, who was cleaning up the soldiers, was also aware of this problem. She tilted her head and asked uncertainly: "Did this Holy Virgin mistook us for flesh-and-blood creatures who obeyed the orders of the ancient gods?"

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