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Chapter 1716 Onyxia: Oh! I don't want this damn thing

With Onyxia's perfect cooperation, Sarlayan's increasingly proficient spear and sword attacks continued to cause effective damage to G'huun like a dull knife cutting flesh.

Even if G'huun, who has inherited the powerful self-healing ability of ancient divine creatures, is thick-skinned and thick-skinned enough, he will not be able to resist Sarlayan's continuous powerful attacks.

In barrage terms, Sarlayan finally reduced G'huun's health to the point where he could kill him. He didn't want to waste time slowly pressing down the blood line anymore, so he simply ended it with a big move at once.

G'huun also realized that he was about to be in disaster, and frantically tried to break away from Onyxia's grasp.

However, the black dragon may be lacking in attack power, but in terms of difficulty, there are only a handful of species in Azeroth that can compare with them.

At this point in the battle, Onyxia didn't care whether she would be injured or not. No matter how hysterically G'huun struggled, she could still cling to this big white insect. A few wounds as a price.

After a short period of energy accumulation, the surfaces of the weapons in Sarlayan's hands glowed with a dazzling golden light.

Without Sharlayan's special instructions, Onyxia shrewdly stepped back while Sharlayan cut off the X-shaped crossed golden light blade with his wave of his hand.

The seriously injured G'huun's reaction speed was more than a beat slower. By the time he dragged his broken body and tried to dodge, it was already too late. He could only curl up and try to eat the attack with his tough skin.

However... the outcome of this conflict was not beyond Sarlayan and Onyxia's expectations.

The colorful guardian light blade of the same-level supermodel was only blocked for a moment before it blasted into G'huun's body with devastating effect. Sarlayan detonated the power contained in the light blade at the right time, leaving G'huun relatively vulnerable from the inside out. His body exploded into bloody pieces.

At this point, G'huun actually had no ability to resist. Sarlayan and Onyxia, who had returned to their dragon form, raised their heads and inhaled sharply in perfect understanding.

"Ang!!" X2

The two golden and purple dragon breaths completely submerged the dying G'huun, and the two of them sprayed for about a minute before coughing and stopped.

"Ahem!" Onyxia, who returned to her human form, rolled her eyes at Sarlayan angrily: "This is the first time I have breathed dragon breath for such a long time, and it almost choked me to death."

"Cough~" Sarlayan's throat also felt a little uncomfortable. He smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "I didn't expect this guy to be so resistant to fever. Fortunately, the final result was not bad."

The raging flames ignited by the dragon's breath in the sealed hall were still not extinguished, but G'huun's huge flesh-worm body had disappeared. Only some charred body tissues and his originally covered body surface could be seen at the scene. Tough white skin.


Sarlayan looked thoughtfully at the skin that remained intact despite the dragon's breath burning: "How about we take this skin back and process it? The defensive power of this thing is really no joke."

Onyxia waved her hands in disgust and complained: "Don't look at me, I don't want to use the materials dropped by G'huun."

Sarlayan smiled helplessly: "Don't judge a book by its appearance. It doesn't matter where it comes from, as long as it is practical."

Onyxia kept shaking her head: "Whatever you say, I don't need it anyway."

"Okay." Sarlayan didn't force it, and sucked the white skin that was still the same from the air, shaking off all the "clutter" remaining on the skin: "I'll take it back and show it to Azadas. Look, maybe he has a way to process it into finished armor."

After all, G'huun is just an artificial ancient god simulated by Titan. His body does not really inhabit Azeroth, so there is no need to consider the possible damage to the planet when killing him.

After the battle, the Virgin Mary who stayed in the control room to watch the battle rushed over immediately with Tarok.

Yes, Tarok, who was previously stripped down to his torso, has recovered.

After restarting Odile's main control system, Our Lady of Purity took advantage of Sarlayan and Onyxia's joint efforts to eliminate insects, and controlled the robotic arm to replace Tarok's spare parts.

This is the convenience of the original Titan creation. If something is broken, replace it. As long as the core is not damaged, it is just a minor problem.

Although G'huun is dead, Odile has been eroded from the inside by this artificial ancient god for tens of thousands of years. It will take some time to completely clear out G'huun's legacy.

This is the next job for the Odir guardians, headed by the Holy Mother of Purity and Tarok. Just the corrosive black water sprayed by G'huun on the battlefield ruins of the Sealing Hall is enough to give them a headache.

After successfully capturing Odile, Sarlayan briefly chatted with the Virgin of Purity. Tarok had already arranged for the new batch of structures that had just been produced to be put into the cleaning work.

Previously, due to the urgency of matters, Our Lady of Purity was unable to spare the time to contact Ulduar.

Considering the fact that G'huun almost succeeded in escaping from prison, the Pure Mother, who possesses advanced wisdom, is worried that she will be punished by the guardians if she resumes contact with Ulduar.

It's not surprising that she thought too much. The former Titan Guardians were all mechanical beings who acted according to the rules, especially brainless generals like Odin and Thorim. They didn't consider this concept at all.

As time has passed, the Titan Guardians who have gone through hardships have also become much smoother under the baptism of time. Odin is a typical example.

After understanding the concerns of the Virgin Mary, Sarlayan took the initiative to take over the task of contacting Ulduar, and sent Onyxia out to investigate the latest battle reports.

Onyxia has always been lazy, and going out with Sharlayan this time can be said to have used up a whole year's worth of activity at once.

Although she was quite dissatisfied with Sharlayan's behavior of catching her gathering wool alone, Onyxia reluctantly followed his instructions and temporarily left Odile with her tired and injured body.

The changes in the battle situation outside did not exceed Sarlayan's expectations.

After receiving the joint help of the four Loa, Odile's outer defense line could be said to be impregnable. The blood trolls who frantically returned to support were never able to break open the defense line.

House seemingly endless rain.

Zulga Fortress, which was originally panicked due to the domestic coup, soon received reinforcements led by the Voodoo Guards themselves.

After learning that Zuldazar's coup had basically subsided and that Princess Talanji had naturally taken power in place of Rastakhan, who unfortunately died in battle, the uneasiness of the Zulgar Fortress defenders finally calmed down.

Encircled and suppressed by the Zandalari and the three tribes' coalition forces, the blood trolls, who were already at a numerical disadvantage, were quickly defeated.

Although these crazy guys did not give up the fight until the last moment, the gap in hard power will not change based on human will.

The Zandalari army, which was already full of anger, vented all its anger on the blood trolls who already had a feud. With the cooperation of the foxmen, snakemen, ancestor turtles and Hades priests, G'huun died. Not long after, the blood trolls that were once so prosperous also came to an end.

At this point, the Zandalari Empire's biggest enemy on the archipelago was finally completely wiped out. The Zandalari soldiers on the front line turned their scrutiny to the three-community coalition that had worked together to fight the enemy not long ago.

People who are not of my species must have different minds. This idea is not limited to humans.

During Rastakhan's reign, the concept of the entire Zandalari Archipelago was deeply rooted in Zandalari.

As leaders of the coalition forces, Kotek and Sulsis noticed the malicious looks from the "allies", but they immediately assumed a hostile posture without any reaction... Anyway, there were four Loa in front of them, and they did not believe Zanda. La dared to start a war directly at this juncture.

Sursis and Kotek's restraint proved to be correct.

The Voodoo Guards, the main force on the front line, soon received the latest order from Zuldazar. Princess Talanji, who had not yet been officially crowned, strictly prohibited the Zandalar people from conflicting with their neighbors on the island.

After confirming this, Onyxia turned around and returned to Uldir with confidence.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Sarlayan restarted the communication equipment that had been idle for many years in Ulduar and regained contact with Ulduar.

The ones responsible for connecting the contacts were the mechanical gnomes under Mimiron. They were obviously shocked that Odile contacted him again after tens of thousands of years. For this reason, they also specially called in Freya, the guardian of life.


When Freya saw Sarlayan standing opposite through the visual screen, several big question marks seemed to appear on her forehead.

"Salayan? Why is it you?"

Sarlayan smiled and shrugged: "Apart from me, who else has the spare time to fill in the gaps all over the world?"

"Putting aside any gossip, let me first report to you about the situation in Odile's laboratory."

"Let's get straight to the conclusion. The man-made ancient god G'huun who was actively preparing for the jailbreak has been killed by me personally. The person in charge here is worried that you will punish her for this." (End of Chapter)

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