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Chapter 1717 Wo'jin: Get rid of your troll status! (fog)

The contact from Uldir surprised the Titan Guardians, including Freya.

Since Raiden and Odin returned one after another and Ulduar brought order to the chaos, the Guardians are orderly recovering Titan strongholds scattered around the world, including Uldaman and Uldum.

Among all the Titan strongholds, the Uldir Laboratory, which was decided by the Pantheon himself, is undoubtedly the most difficult one.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and even Great Guardian Raiden doesn't know how far G'huun, the man-made ancient god, has grown.

When Sarlayan reported to Raiden before setting off from Northrend, the Great Guardian didn't take it seriously, because Sarlayan said at the time that he just planned to go to the Zandalari Islands far away overseas to see the situation of Uldir. You may not necessarily deal with the problem immediately.

Leiden still underestimated Sarlayan's mobility. He did not expect that when he heard the news about Odile again, Sarlayan had already easily solved the problems that troubled all the guardians.

In this case, what kind of bicycle is needed?

After hearing the good news, Freya had no intention of pursuing the Virgin Mary for her negligence. After all, the source of this bad debt still had to be blamed on Ulduar.

If the guardians had not neglected to monitor Yogg-Saron, Loken would not have succeeded so easily, and Ulduar would not have been in chaos for tens of thousands of years.

After completing the connection with Odile, Freya immediately relayed the news to Great Guardian Raiden.

Sharlayan and Onyxia eliminated G'huun in the early morning. In the afternoon, Ulduar, who always had a slow pace, hurriedly sent a batch of Titan creations over to help the Virgin Mary and Tarok clean up the mess.

The person responsible for leading the team is Freya, the life guardian who is worried about her "pets".

Yes, pets.

Whether they are wild demigods or Loa, all the first generation nature spirits in Azeroth were inspired by Freya.

Even the always solitary black panther Ashaman will restrain his wildness to a certain extent when facing Freya, and other natural spirits will also be close to the "Mother of Life" who gives them wisdom to varying degrees.

It needs to be emphasized here that not everyone in the existing Loa has had direct contact with Freya. Loa also has the concept of second generation. The most typical example is Bwonsamdi.

But no matter what, at least on the Zandalar Islands, except for Bwonsamdi, a humanoid Loa who is not a spirit of nature, all other Loa have had a close relationship with Freya, including those who have betrayed their mission. Shirik the bat on a dog leash.

The news that Freya had traveled thousands of miles to Zandalar quickly spread among Loa circles.

Except for Bwonsamdi, the king of loa who still stayed in Dazar'alor to protect Princess Talanji who had just experienced a coup, even the Devilsaur King Raizan, who had been self-imprisoned before, temporarily put aside his depression. Emotionally, I rushed all the way from Zuldazar to Nazmir to "pilgrimage".

Although they are all the first generation nature spirits, not all the Loa on the Zandalari Islands have good relations with each other, and there are also some who have private conflicts and ideological differences.

But at least when Freya is around, all Loa accept the comfort of the guardian of life like a good baby.

Freya's expression was a little complicated after learning from the Loa's mouth that Sirik died a few years ago for betraying his oath.

According to Freya, all nature spirits are her children.

It would be difficult for any mother to accept the fact that a child rebelliously takes a wrong path due to lack of education and eventually leads to death.

But things have happened, and Freya can only force herself to accept the reality.

Now that they are here, Freya, who has long thought of resurrecting the snake god Setalis, plans to take a side trip to the Wharton Desert.

In response, the snake priests Sulsis and Warwick, who were waiting for news in the distance, naturally welcomed it with both hands.

However, because the Loa who reunited with their "mother" after a long separation had a lot to say, Freya's plan could not be carried out in the short term. She decided to stay in Nazmir temporarily and listen to the children's confessions after tens of thousands of years. Also take care of the Titan stronghold of Odile.

Sharlayan and Onyxia did not stay with Freya to watch the show. They had just experienced a major turmoil, and the future direction of the Zandalari Empire was not yet clear.

Based on the diplomatic decisions made by Talanji after he ascended the throne, Sarlayan will also selectively come up with appropriate responses.

Fortunately, this large-scale internal fighting just happened to clear out the ultra-radical Rastakhan and the trouble-making members of the Zanchuli Council at once.

With the joint assistance of Zul, Bwonsamdi, and Vol'jin, Talanji, as the legitimate heir to the God-King, gradually took control of the highest authority in the empire in just one month.

Considering the poor diplomatic environment and current situation of the Zandalari Empire, Talanji's enthronement ceremony is destined to be impossible to organize in a grand manner.

At Bwonsamdi's suggestion, Talanji went against all odds and invited representatives of the snakemen, foxmen, and ancestor turtles who had previously been regarded as aliens by the Zandalari trolls to participate in this ceremony.

Anyone with some political literacy can see that Talanji deliberately took this opportunity to send a signal that she would change her overly tough diplomatic approach during Rastakhan's rule and that she planned to use a gentler approach to treat the people on the Zandalari Islands. neighbors.

Taking this as an opportunity, Jibul, Akunda, Krag'wa and Toga also set foot in the Zuldazar Mountains again after many years, escorting their respective family representatives to safely reach the Zandalari capital Dazar'alor.

By the way, Sharlayan and Onyxia also disguised themselves and blended into the delegation to witness Talanji's enthronement ceremony.

After all, the Zandalari Empire is the oldest mortal nation in Azeroth. Although its national power has declined in recent years due to Rastakhan's perversity, a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.

The "simple" ceremony that Bwonsamdi and others described was not simple at all in Sharlayan's opinion. It had all the necessary steps, but it was not as extravagant and wasteful as the people of Zandalari imagined.

After completing the ceremony and officially ascending the throne, Talanji finalized a new diplomatic strategy before Vol'jin retired.

I don’t know if Bwonsamdi and Zul had the ears open, but Talanji did not disappoint Sharlayan. She decided to completely abandon the Zandalar Empire’s past power strategy and open the door to all aspects of Azeroth. to re-establish normal diplomatic relations.

Of course, this is just a preliminary intention, and achieving the goals set by Talanji will not be achieved overnight.

But it's at least a good start.

As the source of troll civilization, Zandalari has taken the initiative to change its foreign policy, and the enfeoffed troll empire has sufficient reason to change its ancient traditions.

The Gurubashi Empire, headed by Senjin, has long wanted to abolish some outdated traditions, but it did not dare to take drastic action because it had only been in power for a short time and its foundation was unstable.

With the endorsement of the overlord Zandalar, Vol'jin and Sen'jin could finally proceed with the reform boldly.

What? Don't you agree with reform?

Then you must have something evil in your heart, I will remove you as a troll!

In addition to the Gurubashi Empire, which has long been planning to fully open up, the Drakkari trolls, who have been waiting for news, can finally put down their arrogance and seriously establish diplomatic relations with other races in Northrend.

However, considering Dakarai's territorial expansion needs, the border friction between them and the grey-throated furbolgs may continue for a long time.

Among the three former troll empires, the Amani Empire, which represented the forest trolls, had long since fallen apart and was completely unable to recover under the relentless attack of Quel'Thalas.

There is a saying in barrage that there must be a Lich King after all, and the same is true for the three major troll empires.

The forest trolls are indeed on the verge of collapse, and there are sandfury trolls coming to fight against them.

The Sandfury Trolls were once just a branch of the Gurubashi Empire. However, after thousands of years of reproduction, the Sandfury Trolls who settled in the Tanaris Desert have already developed a unique culture that is different from their jungle troll ancestors.

Talanji's foreign policy towards the feudal empire was more moderate than that of Zul.

Zandalari will continue to recognize the legitimacy of the three feudal empires. As long as they still respect Zandalar as their suzerain, Talanji does not intend to interfere too much in the internal affairs of the feudal empires. Just keep consistent with Zandalar in the general direction.

After personally confirming Talanji's foreign policy, Sharlayan could finally leave Zandalari with confidence.

But before that, he had to accept Freya's invitation and follow the Guardian of Life to the Wharton Desert to participate in the ritual of resurrecting the snake god Setalis. (End of chapter)

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