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Chapter 1718 The New Order of the Zandalar Islands

After Talanji ascended the throne, Zandalar still had a lot of troubles to deal with internally. They still needed some time to take care of their internal affairs before they could really start to implement a new foreign policy.

Sharlayan understood this and was willing to serve as a mediator to help Zandalar reconcile and establish diplomatic relations with other countries and races in Azeroth.

During his stay in Dazar'alor, Thalayan helped Onyxia heal the injuries she sustained in the Battle of Uldir, and Freya also comforted those who went on a "pilgrimage" to Uldir one by one. Loamen.

When Sarlayan brought the refreshed Black Dragon Princess back to the brand-new Odile, all the Loas who had gathered here had returned to their respective posts, except for the still confused Demon Tyrannosaurus Lezan who remained. Be inspired by her mother by Freya's side.

Anyway, Lazan, who has resigned from his position as King Loa, has nothing to do for the time being. Freya plans to take him to Wharton by the way, just to change the environment and relax.

As Bwonsamdi said before, Raizan was only nominally imprisoned in Zuldazar. If he wanted to escape, even Bwonsamdi was not completely sure that he could keep this powerful devil dragon king.

Although Raizan's title of King Loa was abolished, this did not mean that Zandalari would form an undying hatred with him.

Talanji and the others turned a blind eye to Lazan's departure.

No matter what, Raizan dutifully guarded Zandalari for tens of thousands of years.

The reason why he was kicked off the throne of the kings of Loa was not because Lazan did anything wrong, but because his method of protection was no longer suitable for the current era, that's all.

Lezan himself can understand this truth. He just doesn't understand how he should make changes to adapt to this new era.

Lazan must have resentment towards Rastakhan's ruthless betrayal, but now that Rastakhan is dead, Lazan is too proud to vent his anger on his daughter Talanji.

Although the process was somewhat dramatic, Lazan and Zandalar finally broke up peacefully.

Lazan, who had nothing to do, left the sad place of Zuldazar as a matter of course, and shamelessly stayed with Freya, hoping to get guidance about the future from his mother.

But in fact... Freya knows how to guide. This seemingly gentle guardian of life is very similar to Sarlayan in some aspects. They are both typical hands-off shopkeepers. They have always been responsible for setting the general direction and never Will be involved in detail management.

It cannot be said that the Titan Guardians are all heartless cold-blooded machines, but as inorganic life forms, their emotional systems are indeed not as delicate as those of flesh and blood creatures.

Freya really didn't know how to guide Lazan's confusion. In desperation, she could only turn to Sarlayan, who grew up in the mortal kingdom and understood people's hearts better than other guardians.

"This is really..." After receiving Freya's request for help, Sarlayan smiled bitterly and rubbed his eyebrows: "Okay, I'll give it a try, but I can't guarantee that I can definitely relieve his knot."

Freya let out a sigh of relief: "As long as you are willing to help, as for the final result... it will not be worse than me personally enlightening you."

While Zandalari was busy enthroning the new king, the snakes and vixen took this opportunity to consolidate the alliance between the two races... No, it was the territory that the three-race alliance had already occupied in Nazmir.

As a vulnerable group in the Zandalari Islands, Toga and his ancestor turtle relatives also joined this friendly and mutually beneficial alliance.

Although Zandalari has introduced a foreign policy of good neighborliness, it is necessary to guard against others, and forging iron still requires one's own strength.

No one dared to set foot in what was once the Heart of Darkness and now the Titan stronghold that restored the name of Uldir.

With the acquiescence of Freya...or Sarlayan, the Three Tribes Alliance took advantage of Zandalar's busy internal affairs and swallowed up a large area of ​​territory including the Pyramid of Nazwatha, and also took over the concubine and the husband Youqing. The intentional frog Loakagwa is also incorporated into one's belief system.

At this point, except for the Hades that belongs to Bwonsamdi, the northern territory of Nazmir with Uldir as the dividing line is almost all in the hands of the Tri-Tribe Alliance, while Zandalari has only taken over the land south of Uldir. For the time being, there is no intention to seize territory northward.

The resources of the Great Desert of Volton are poor, and the resource output of the desert area alone is not enough for the snakes and vixen to increase their population.

Although Nazmir is full of swamps, it is still better than Walton, which only has sand.

Zandalar, who are sitting on the rich resources of the Zuldazar Mountains, actually don't think much of the land of Nazmir. The reason why they attack this place all year round is just to eradicate the blood trolls that have always been against them.

Anyway, the new god-king Talanji has ordered to live in harmony with the three-tribe alliance, and the Zandalari officers stationed in Zulgar Fortress are too lazy to go deep into the swamp to draw up territory. In the eyes of the pampered Zandalari, Nazmir is just a land of little value. Just a barren land.

The blood trolls who had been feuding for many years were finally completely wiped out. As long as the alliance of the three tribes did not actively provoke them to seek death, Zandalari did not want to conflict with them in the muddy swamp.

After confirming Zandalari's attitude, both the snakemen and the vixen began to shift their development focus from the barren Great Desert of Vol'dun to the newly occupied territory of Nazmir in an orderly manner.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Pyramid of Nazwasa will become the future political, economic and cultural center of the Tri-Tribe Alliance.

Of course, this does not mean that the snakes and foxes will completely abandon Wharton. After all, this is their hometown and place of origin.

Warwick, who was better at government affairs, stayed behind in Nazivasa to handle internal and external affairs. Sulsis, who had a higher theocratic status, personally guided Freya and Sarlayan and their entourage to the Holy Faithful near the western coast of Volton. temple.

When passing the Attu Aman Pyramid, Freya and her party stopped in for a visit.

Freya couldn't help but feel a little emotional when she revisited her old place. She even felt the weak energy fluctuations that remained from the war that year.

The snake god Setaris sacrificed his life and blew himself up, finally reluctantly dragging the dismantler Mythrax with him.

But... as we all know, the vitality of ancient divine creatures is extremely tenacious.

Mislax is the same Xeraki as Zakaz and Kisix. After years of self-repair, Mislax, who seems to be dead, may actually be resurrected.

On this trip to Volton, in addition to assisting Freya in resurrecting Setaris, Sarlayan also planned to solve the hidden dangers left by Mislax once and for all.

Sarlayan did not stay with Freya to accompany her in her sorrow. Onyxia had already taken out the Blade of the Dark Empire, triggering the resonance of the void power of this magic weapon to search for the remains of Mythrax. approximate location.

Under Lezan's puzzled attention, Sarlayan and Onyxia circled the pyramid for more than half a circle, and finally determined the location of Mislax in the northeast corner of the inside of the pyramid.


Sarlayan stepped on the sand in front of him with his feet, and the Blade of the Dark Empire in Onyxia's hand was constantly vibrating.

Princess Black Dragon nodded: "This should be right here, digging?"

"Wait, let me confirm first."

Sarlayan raised his right foot and stomped heavily on the sand, and the majestic arcane power fanned out into the ground like water waves.

"found it."

Sarlayan's move used the sonar principle mentioned by Danmaku to confirm the underground situation through the feedback of arcane ripples hitting objects.

Normally, sonar can only be used in the sea where there is no media obstruction.

After all, Azeroth is a world where magic exists. Sarlayan has made some improvements to the sonar principle, and can also use this special detection spell on land to find abnormal objects buried deep underground.

In Wharton, which is full of yellow sand, the remains of Mislax with physical tissue are extremely "conspicuous".

Just as the Blade of the Dark Empire pointed out, the remains of Mislax were buried about 20 meters below the feet of Sarlayan and Onyxia.

For Sharlayan and Onyxia, who have the power of the earth, digging holes is easy.

By the time Freya recovered from her nostalgia, the two had dug out a complete "corpse" of Xeraki from the ground.

"Sure enough." Sarlayan checked Mislax's recovery status with a serious expression: "If there is no external intervention and we leave it alone, this guy will be back to his original state in 20-30 years at most."

Freya stared at the unresurrected Misraks with a gloomy expression: "Is it the one that forced Cetalis to blow himself up to kill the enemy?"

Sarlayan shrugged: "Who else could it be? I'll leave this guy to you."

Without saying a word, Freya opened the realm of life that she had taught Sharlayan.

Excessive "poisonous" vitality was poured crazily into Mislax's body in a very short period of time, completely cutting off the "digestion" of Xeraki's strong body from the inside out before it even regained consciousness. Its resurrection is possible.

Sarlayan twitched the corner of his mouth and commented silently: 'It's cruel enough, but this is how you should deal with ancient divine creatures. ’

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