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Chapter 1719 Freya’s 3D printing technology

At the moment when the three ancient gods have been sealed one after another, even the last hope of the ancient gods - the artificial ancient god G'huun has been killed. Even if a mere Xeraki is really resurrected, it will not be able to change the world.

However, it is always a good thing to deal with the threat of Misraks in advance, and Sarlayan is also happy to see it happen.

Freya's character is the gentlest among all the Titan Guardians. Ever since Sarlayan met her, he has never seen this good-tempered Life Guardian as angry as he is now, even when he faced the traitor Luo It won't happen at all times.

After destroying the remains of Mislax, the group continued on the road under the leadership of Sulsis, and unfortunately encountered a small sandstorm.

For demigods like Sharlayan, Onyxia, Ryzan, and Freya, sandstorms are not an extreme climate that they cannot cope with, but Sulsis and other snake-men are only mortals after all.

In order to take care of them, the team could only carry an "egg shell" forward in the dark, and after a little delay, they finally arrived at the Temple of the Devotees located near the west coast of Wharton.

As the Three Clans Alliance occupied more than half of the territory in the northern part of the Nazmir Swamp, both the foxmen and the snakemen began to move their people to Nazmir, which has richer natural resources. Onyxia was much less beautiful the last time I saw her.

Most of the snakemen who remain in Wharton's hometown today are very devout priests to the snake god Setaris.

Surses was the head of the three priests of God's Favorite left behind by Setaris. Under the respectful welcome of the priests, Surses guided Sarlayan and his party to the uppermost floor of the Temple of the Devotees. In the sacred hall where Setaris's fang is enshrined.

Setalis did indeed pull Mishrax to self-destruct together, but the self-destruction only destroyed her body, and her soul did not suffer much least at that time.

The two fangs placed on the stone platform in the center of the temple are the last relics left by Setalis, and they are also the medium for her soul to reside.

As Sulsis and Warwick mentioned before, Setaris's soul is still in a dormant state, only occasionally waking up for a moment to guide the way forward for the next few decades or even hundreds of years. .

When Sarlayan and others came to Venom Fang, Cetalis's sleeping soul showed no reaction.

Under Sulsis's expectant attention, Freya stood up without hesitation and once again opened her unique skill - the field of life.

This time the realm of life is so large that it includes the entire temple of devotees.

This is because Freya can vaguely feel that Setaris is still protecting her people even if she is unconscious, and many snake priests retain very few fragments of Setaris's soul.

Perhaps, this snake god with a strong sense of responsibility wants to protect his believers in this way.

It's a pity that Setaris is not omnipotent after all, otherwise Sursis, as her chief priest, would not have been almost assassinated by Kotek.

After opening the life realm, Freya looked very focused. She spent a lot of time and used rough methods to collect all the soul fragments scattered in every corner of the temple.

Under Freya's full efforts, using the two fangs as the reference point, a huge snake body gradually took shape like the 3D printing mentioned in the barrage.

There is a saying that although the body Freya built did come from Setaris, it had some subtle differences with the snake god in Sulsis's impression.

The Setaris in Freya's memory was at the peak of his glory, but the Setaris in Sursis' knowledge had many hideous scars on his body.

Thinking of this, Sulsis felt a little complicated.

As the most trusted chief priest of Setalis, he could easily think of the reason for those ugly scars on the snake god.

In order to watch Freya's great work of reshaping Seitaris's body up close, the arrogant Rezan shrunk his size for the first time and turned into a pocket devil dragon standing on Sarlayan's shoulders.

Along the way, Sarlayan would find opportunities to unlock Raizan from time to time.

As we all know, Lezan's brain is not very easy to use, and Sharlayan can only patiently describe the current world situation in Azeroth to him over and over again.

Although Lezan is stupid, he is not stupid. What Sarlayan repeatedly emphasized finally began to play some role. The grumpy Devilsaur King finally figured out Zandalar's replacement of the kings Luo. A reason.

But being able to understand the reason is one thing, being able to accept it is another.

The hard-headed Lezan is still very dissatisfied with the betrayal of the God King family without even saying hello. In his opinion, if Rastakhan, like Sarlayan, has the patience to discuss it with him, he, Lezan, is not People who are greedy for power and have no regard for the overall situation.

If necessary, he could take the initiative to give way to Bwonsamdi, so why bother to engage in such a face-breaking and self-esteem operation.

Lezan did have reason to be aggrieved, but from Sharlayan's perspective, he could not understand the reason why Rastakhan was eager to make a choice.

Rastakhan, who was eager to reverse the situation, had no intention of patiently discussing with Lezan.

Sarlayan himself has a lot of say. It is not easy to convince this single-minded Devilsaur King. Rastakhan, who is eager for success, can only bite the bullet and take risks.

After Sarlayan's patient persuasion, although the depression in Lazan's heart has not completely dissipated, it is much better than when he first set off. At least now he is in the mood to focus on things other than himself.

Under Lezan's amazed gaze, Setaris's body restored to "factory configuration" was quickly completed.

The next work was not something that Freya could complete. Sarlayan consciously handed over Lazan to Onyxia and began to take over the remaining processes.

As the guardian of life in Azeroth, Freya's attainments in the field of life are even higher than those of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza.

But her shortcoming is also as obvious as Alexstrasza - lack of healing methods in the soul realm.

The Pantheon's Mother of the Gods, Eonar, certainly had this power, but when the Pantheon first assigned power to Azeroth's guardians, the original Azeroth had no need for the ability to channel souls.

It wasn't until the Titans infused the Guardians through the air for the second time that Ysera, Queen of the Green Dragon, obtained permission from Eonar to go to the Emerald Dream to manage souls. This could be regarded as a remedy after the Titans realized the problem.

Interestingly, the original Emerald Dream was created by Freya under the remote guidance of Eonar.

However, the early Emerald Dream did not have the special function of nourishing the soul that it later had. It was simply a reflection of the original Azeroth...or a mirror world.

If Sharlayan guessed correctly, when Eonar commissioned Ysera to further transform the Emerald Dream, she should have referred to the unique abilities of Ardenweald in the Shadow Realm.

As the first perfect colorful dragon in the history of Azeroth, Sharlayan inherited the unique power of the five-color dragon, including the green dragon family's ability to heal the soul.

Setaris's body has been reconstructed, and it is still in the most perfect form in Freya's memory. The next thing that needs to be done is to awaken Setaris's soul, allowing her to complete the final step of integrating body and soul independently.

The interaction originating from the soul level is not as grand as the life realm opened by Freya. From Lezan's subjective perspective, he can only see Sarlayan stretching out his right hand towards Cetalis' body through the air, and he can vaguely feel it. There is a special energy flowing.

But that's all, Lazan was unable to observe more detailed conditions.

This principle can also be applied to Onyxia, but as Sharlayan's pillow, the Black Dragon Princess is very aware of her man's abilities.

Even though she couldn't see the specific operation process, she firmly believed that Sarlayan could successfully solve all problems.

Among everyone present, only Freya could clearly observe every move of Sarlayan.

Under the operation of the power of dreams, the main body of Setaris' soul residing in the fang gradually appeared in front of Freya's eyes, and the soul fragments she had collected before were also integrated into the main soul by Sarlayan with exquisite techniques.

In Sarlayan's own words, this step is like putting together building blocks. He must concentrate on ensuring that every soul fragment is put into the place where it should be on the soul body.

It has to be said that this will be a precision project that consumes extremely energy and time.

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