Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1795 Vashqi, work harder

Azshara's maidens have been following the Light of Light with eyes above their heads all year round, and their views on mate selection are inevitably influenced by Azshara herself.

To describe it in one sentence, it is better to be deficient than excessive.

If they can't find a suitable partner, they would rather digest each other internally than take advantage of those stinky men who make people instinctively uncomfortable.

Yes, Azshara's maids have a very high proportion of members, and almost all of them are madly in love with the most beautiful person they serve - Azshara herself.

There is a well-known unspoken rule in the maid group. As long as someone gets married, she must leave the group. Those who serve the queen must remain "pure".

Of course, this so-called definition of purity... is not decided internally by them.

Although we secretly fantasize about "having sex" with the queen, as long as we don't hook up with foreign men, we are still pure girls.

It's more or less a joke from hell.

In fact, most of the maids know this in their hearts. Unless Sarlayan is the kind of person who can't control his desires, they probably have no hope of gaining the favor of the prince.

What makes the maids feel extremely regretful is that Sarlayan has strong self-control, otherwise Azshara, who is extremely discerning, would not be interested in him.

Of course, this is only for ordinary maids with low status.

A confidant of the Queen like Vashchi, who is the best choice regardless of appearance or ability, is indeed qualified to imagine the future.

The premise is that Azshara herself will not stand in the way, otherwise Vashj, no matter how greedy she is, can only grit her teeth and follow the queen and push hard.

After obtaining Azshara's personal permission, the biggest obstacle in front of Vashj was the "principal queen" in the Queen's words-the chief housekeeper Valira.

Sarlayan doesn't know these unknown secrets within the maid group, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

What Sharlayan valued was the political ability of these skilled workers who had assisted Azshara in handling official affairs for tens of thousands of years, not the public selection of concubines as the barrage joked.

Therefore, of course he would not know how many people within the maids secretly coveted him, the prince that Her Majesty the Queen finally selected after countless selections, including even the head maid who had had many interactions with him. Vashchi.

After having a deep talk with Azshara, Sarlayan had to rush to chat with Caliya, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and then he would end these personal affairs and start getting down to business.

Now that Valeela and others have basically decided to accept Calia, Sarlayan is not going to waste time and words to say some empty pleasantries, and get straight to the point.

"So...about the issue of heirs."

Sarlayan scratched his head in embarrassment: "I can cooperate at any time. It depends on when you announce it to the Lordaeron ministers."

Jialia was still tangled up in thinking about what she should say first to connect with each other after a long separation. Saraian's straightforward words immediately overcame her, and there was a strong gap in her enthusiasm for acting for a blind man. feel.

Fortunately, Jialia already knew that Sarlayan was such a straight-tempered person. It wasn't that he didn't know how to be romantic, but he subconsciously thought that it was not necessary.

The scene where Sarlayan and Valeera confessed their love to each other by the lake in Moonglade is still well-known to this day... Yes, it was Valeera herself who spread the word. She had not yet corrected her mentality at the time and impatiently wanted to declare her love. The status of the main palace, now that I think about it, is somewhat socially dead.

No matter what Valeera's original intentions were, her self-promotion at least let the women of the Deep Shadow family know that Sarlayan also knew romance.

Unfortunately, many affairs in Azeroth took up most of his energy, and Sharlayan did not have time to engage in these romantic matters for the time being.

Perhaps it will be until the various threats facing Azeroth are eliminated one by one before Sharlayan can put aside his official duties and regain the romantic heart of his youth.

[It feels strange to say this, because Sarlayan is obviously still very young now. 】

[You have an old mentality, right? Calculate carefully, how many large and small incidents has he experienced since his debut? 】

[As Xiao Sa himself often said, since he left Quel'Thalas at the age of 18, his experiences in the short dozen years have been more exciting than the long lives of many high elves. 】

[So how old is Xiao Sa? Dragons and high elves would only describe him as less than a hundred years old. I don't even know his specific age. 】

[He had just turned 18 when he left Quel'Thalas (clip sound). It was the 6th year of the Black Gate just after the defense of Quel'Thalas. It is now the 22nd year of the Black Gate, 18+16, 34. 】

[Oh my god, Jiaziyin just turned 18! I committed PTSD! 】

[Give him an 18-year-old, and he can leverage the entire Azeroth, American five-star general MacArthur...]

【Stop, stop, stop! You guys are starting again, right? When playing memes, you have to pay attention to the occasion! 】

While the barrage was busy making jokes, Sarlayan exchanged opinions with Caliya in just a few words.

As the saying goes, if the name is incorrect, the words will not be correct.

As the majestic Queen of Lordaeron, Calia could not suddenly become pregnant for no reason. After all, she had to give the Lordaeron officials some buffering time to accept the big news.

Due to some special reasons at home, Sarlayan will not hold a formal wedding in public with anyone.

And as a Dragon Clan, he has a very legitimate reason, because the Dragon Clan doesn't have such customs at all. If they see each other, they can just go together and live together. The Dragon Clan doesn't like to engage in formalistic red tape.

With Sarlayan... or Valeela and others backing her, Caliya didn't need to waste energy on holding a grand wedding. She just had to find a suitable time to summon the important ministers to tell them the truth.

If an unidentified wild man wanted to take away the Queen of Lordaeron so rudely, the whole kingdom would be in an uproar within minutes.

But...if this person was Sarlayan, Caliya estimated that the ministers would just smile and applaud.

After all, who doesn’t want to have such a giant Buddha as his backing?

Queen Calia and Sharlayan have become a pair. If there is any trouble in Lordaeron, even if they can't provide help publicly in the name of the dragon family, Sharlayan can at least help in the private name of the Deep Shadow family, right?


After the topic was over, Jia Liya smiled bitterly and rubbed her eyebrows: "You are still the same as before, so I shouldn't have any unrealistic expectations for you."

Sarlayan shrugged nonchalantly: "I'm sorry, but things are complicated, and I really don't have the heart to be romantic. I'll make up for it later when I have the opportunity."

"Okay." Caliya smiled self-deprecatingly: "I am already very happy to be recognized and accepted by you and Valila, and I shouldn't expect too much."

"Let's get back to business."

Caliya straightened her face and asked seriously: "Can you roughly estimate when the Burning Legion will officially launch a full-scale attack on Azeroth?"

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