Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1796 Jialia: I can’t keep up with the topic. Did I miss important information?

Including the Kingdom of Lordaeron, all the major forces in Azeroth have been mentally prepared for the decisive battle with the Burning Legion. This time the decisive battle is coming for real. Either you die or I die.

However, considering the terrifying size of the Burning Legion, it is unrealistic to completely eliminate the Legion with the resources of a mere planet.

Therefore, the beheading tactic proposed by Sarlayan is imperative.

As long as the three giants who command the legion are eliminated, Azeroth doesn't even have to worry about the follow-up. The demon army without a leader will fall apart on its own.

After all, demons are synonymous with chaos and disorder. Without a boss with enough prestige and strength to suppress them, the eventual disintegration of the Burning Legion, which once dominated the universe, is foreseeable.

But it's one thing to know in advance. Calia still wants to know more specific information so that Lordaeron can make corresponding schedule arrangements in advance.

Sarlayan spread his hands helplessly: "Even I can't guarantee the specific time. I can only say that it will be within three months at the latest."

"Kil'jaeden has mobilized all the garrison troops in Argus. If it hadn't been for the accidental chipping of a tooth while preparing for this expedition not long ago, the Deceiver would have officially announced the expedition with victory."

"Now...he has to find a way to revive his morale first, and then it depends on when Suramar will relent and give them the letter."

"Although I have asked Elisande to delay as much time as possible, in order not to arouse the suspicion of cunning fraudsters, the time she can delay is limited after all, no more than three months at most."

"Within three months..." Caliya nodded thoughtfully: "As long as you know this, it is enough. I will urge the ministers to speed up the preparations for the war. As soon as the conference is over, the Kingdom of Lordaeron will enter a state of all-out war. .”

"By the way..." Caliya asked jokingly: "At this juncture, you are still in the mood to leave Azeroth for a while? Aren't you afraid that Kil'jaeden will cause some unexpected incident?"

Sarlayan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You might as well be bold. Even if he is unable to launch a full-scale attack for the time being, he will definitely instruct the demons from the Tomb of Sargeras to give us a little 'surprise'."

"But it's okay. I made some arrangements in advance, so they can't make any big waves."

"And I have something serious to do when I come to Draenor this time, and this matter is also related to the final outcome of the entire war."

Sarlayan said sternly to Caliya: "I know that Jaina has always been in contact with you. Has she mentioned the latest news about the Legion of Light to you?"

"Legion of the Holy Light?"

Jia Liya was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "No, at least I haven't talked about this topic recently."

Sarlayan nodded thoughtfully: "That's right. This is considered secret information after all. I'll reveal some of it to you first."

"Remember the setback I mentioned earlier about the Burning Legion? In fact, this matter is related to the Holy Light Legion."

"The details are complicated. In short, the purpose of my trip to Draenor is to send Adal to Eonar Sanctuary, so that he can take over the power of the Holy Light Legion with the support of Turalyon."

"Ah..." Caliya rubbed her brows with a headache: "I can't keep up with the topic. I heard Jaina mention Eonar, the mother of the gods, and why Adal succeeded as the leader of the Holy Light Legion. Heading to her sanctuary?

"And Turayan is still alive?! Why is he related to the Legion of Light again?"

Sarlayan smiled and patted Caliya on the shoulder: "I told you that the situation is very complicated. You can ask Jaina for more details later."

"After you officially join the Deep Shadow Family, a lot of secret information that could not be shared with you before can be unlocked."

Although Jaina often exchanges opinions with Caliya, her best friend, she is still measured in disclosing information and knows what to say and what not to say for the time being.

Caliya didn't know the relevant information about the Sargrith Keystone, and she didn't know much about the political structure within the Legion of Light, so naturally she couldn't understand Sarlayan's informative words.

Now that Caliya has confirmed that she will join the Deep Shadow Family, Sarlayan does not intend to hide it too much.

When he brought Caliya, who was deep in thought, to join Velen and the others, an unexpectedly subtle smile appeared on Velen's face as he matured, making the corners of Sarlayan's mouth twitch.

'Being disrespectful to the elderly...'

Since Caliya, who was in a distracted state, did not show any attitude towards being close to Sarlayan, except for Velen, who had already expected it, no one else was considering that direction for the time being.

Not long after Sarlayan, who was the leader, arrived at the scene, Azshara also appeared on the scene at the right time.

However, since Azshara only wanted to visit Draenor for personal reasons, she did not join in the conversation with Sharlayan, Velen and others.

This time, the person who came to participate in the rescue operation of Kara on behalf of the Kingdom of Stormwind was the Holy Light Archbishop Benedictus of Stormwind City.

Benedictus was one of the personal apprentices of Saint Alonsos Faol. In the original history, he fell into the role of Father Twilight due to the temptation of the ancient god, and eventually stood on the opposite side of Azeroth.

Due to the butterfly effect caused by Sharlayan, Benedictus in this timeline has not fallen. He has been conscientiously staying in Stormwind City to preach for the Church of the Holy Light.

With the great assistance of the influential Gavinrad Doom, who was the first-generation Paladin, Benedictus greatly expanded the southern diocese of the Eastern Continent where the faith in the Holy Light was originally relatively weak.

The reason why Benedictus left his teaching duties and led the team in person was because he heard from King Varian that his mentor, Alonsos Faol, would also actively participate in this operation.

As early as that year after the battle with the Scourge, Benedictus knew the information that Fao was still "alive".

However, Faao, who is already undead, does not want to have much to do with his old friends. In his own words, there is a difference between life and death, and being too close to old friends will only increase the sadness.

As Faol and Solas led Free Will away from Draenor, Benedictus still had not seen his mentor. This time he finally found a legitimate reason.

Among the several direct apprentices of Alonsus, the former Marshal of the Kingdom of Stormwind, Gavinrad Doom, has passed away and Turayan is missing. Uther, Fordring and Dathrohan all followed Calia. Niditas will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity.

"Is everyone here?"

Sarlayan ignored Velen's thoughtful teasing eyes and calmly looked around at the many Holy Light believers present.

Benedictus, who had already taken over the position of Archbishop of the Holy Light Church, stood up as a representative without hesitation: "Except for the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras, where the Holy Light belief is relatively poor, all the Holy Light believers from the six human nations have arrived. ”

Von Delor, the high elf high priest and cabinet minister who had not been seen for a long time, also expressed his position on behalf of Quel'Thalas: "Almost all the followers of the Holy Light in Quel'Thalas are also present."

After the representatives of the three-hammer Khaz Modan Kingdom—Moira, the tauren Sunwalker representative, the paladin leader of Zandalari, and the draenei leader Velen—also spoke, Sarlayan solemnly addressed everyone present. nodded.

"Then, let's set off now. The believers of the Holy Light in Draenor have gathered in Shattrath City and are waiting for us."

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