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Chapter 1797: Conviction collapse, a big victory is needed to boost morale

After the expedition fleet commanded by Nathrezim collapsed, Draenor can basically be said to have completely escaped the shadow of the Burning Legion.

Because Draenor's location in the universe is too remote, the Burning Legion is too lazy to send troops to attack this barren and remote place unless necessary.

For the Burning Legion, Draenor's only value is as a springboard for the Legion to attack Azeroth.

Kil'jaeden's people are currently secretly intensifying negotiations with Suramar's senior leaders. Once successful, they will receive invitation tickets to directly enter Azeroth.

In view of this, the value of Draenor, an underdeveloped springboard world, can be ignored.

With the Black Temple led by Illidan in charge, and powerful organizations and forces such as Free Will, Mag'har Orcs, Gruul, and Shattrath assisting in the defense, the Burning Legion would not be able to capture Draenor with only a partial force. realistic.

Although there were many objective factors in the failure of the invasion of Draenor that just ended not long ago, Kil'jaeden could still see that Draenor was a tough nut to crack.

Kil'jaeden clearly distinguishes the importance of Draenor and Azeroth. At this juncture when the Legion is about to launch a new round of large-scale expeditions, he will not bring trouble to drop cannon fodder on Draenor.

If Sharlayan's overall plan can be successfully realized, Draenor will no longer have to worry about the Burning Legion from now on.

It was precisely because of predicting this in advance that Adal was able to leave Shattrath City to develop on its own, and confidently went to Eonar Sanctuary to take over the leadership of the Holy Light Legion before the battle.

However, in order to continue to maintain close contact with Azeroth, A'dal will not take away all the naaru under his command.

He plans to leave Muru as his representative to continue to sit in Shattrath and serve as a liaison between the Legion of Light and Azeroth.

When Sharlayan brought a large number of Azeroth's Holy Light believers to Shattrath, the city of Holy Light, the Naaru headed by Adal were already ready to welcome them.

Sarlayan was originally not interested in setting up such a scene, but considering strengthening the connection and tacit understanding between the believers of the Holy Light in the two worlds, he still acquiesced to the welcome ceremony organized by Adal.

Regardless of the reunion between Alonsos Faol and his disciples who participated in this operation on behalf of free will, after arriving in Shattrath, Sarlayan quickly completed the handover with Benedictus and handed over the subsequent leadership of saving Kara. It was given to the Archbishop of the Holy Light Church who succeeded Faao.

Sarlayan does not intend to personally preside over the ceremony to purify Kara. With such a large number of Holy Light believers taking full action, and with the powerful demigod priests Velen and Adal acting as sea-fixing needles to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, there is no suspense about Kara's return to light. Word.

Compared to Kara, who is about to be reborn, Sarlayan is more concerned about the subsequent progress of the Legion of Light.

After suffering a disastrous defeat in the star field in front of Argus Gate, the remnants of the Holy Light Legion were in extremely bad condition.

Not only was the morale problem after the defeat, but more importantly, the shocking fact that Zera, the Mother of Light, degenerated into the Dark Naaru in public.

Due to Zeira's deliberate concealment, the main force of the Holy Light Legion under her direct control had never known the fact that Naaru possessed the duality of light and darkness.

If it were voluntarily pointed out in a gentle situation, although the Lightcast warriors would find it difficult to accept, at least they would not be forced to shatter their three views like they are now, or even lose the motivation and direction to move forward.

If it is not handled well, even if Adal's fire line is in place, it will be difficult for the Holy Light Legion to continue to function as a surprise force to raid the Burning Legion.

And this was not in line with Sarlayan's prior expectations.

This situation was actually not what Sarlayan expected. He originally thought that Zera would die on the spot under the massive crushing impact of the Burning Legion.

Facts have proved that he underestimated the true God's heritage and also underestimated Zera's influence.

Even the original Naaru like Zera, who has no frontal combat ability, will have the ability to bite when cornered.

After completing the handover of leadership, Sarlayan took Adal to a quiet room to seriously discuss how to revive the morale of the Legion of Light.

"The top priority." Adal was also quite troubled by this issue. He said with a somewhat depressed tone: "We must first tell the Lightcast warriors the truth that Zera has concealed for a long time."

Sarlayan nodded in agreement: "The matter has reached this point, and there is no point in concealing it. Rather than letting them speculate in private, it is better to make the truth straightforward to the public."

"But, after that is the problem."

Sarlayan also had a headache and pressed his temples: "What we are facing now is not just the morale blow of defeat, but a more serious collapse of belief."

"Under the current circumstances, the best way I can think of is to use other major events to divert their attention, such as... a big victory that is just around the corner."

"Oh?" Adal asked with interest: "I would like to hear the details. Where does victory come from?"


Sarlayan said categorically: "After the setback in the Eonar Sanctuary, the Witch Guild's special forces will inevitably seek help from Argus headquarters."

"According to Medivh, the reinforcements from Argus have not officially set off from Antorus... This kind of delay is also the devil's regular style."

Adal flashed his jigsaw puzzle-like body thoughtfully: "I probably understand what you mean. Are you planning to defeat the Witch Guild's frontline troops before their reinforcements arrive?"

"Exactly." Sarlayan analyzed with bright eyes: "The current battle situation in Eonar Sanctuary is in a relatively balanced state, and even the partial division of the Holy Light Legion of Tula Yang's direct line has some advantages."

"If you add in the fresh troops you brought with you from Shattrath, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat the coven's frontline special forces that have not yet received reinforcements and are unprepared for the sudden large-scale counterattack."

"Using this great victory, you can legitimately ascend to the throne of the leader of the Holy Light Army with the momentum of great victory. You shouldn't need me to guide you in the subsequent operations, right?"

"Well..." Adal was silent for a moment before asking with some uncertainty: "From a military perspective, after receiving reinforcements from Shattrath, the Holy Light Legion can indeed surpass the frontline troops of the Witch Coven. But, are you sure that the light-forged warriors under Tula Yang can still show their fighting spirit?"

Sarlayan smiled and nodded: "It's not a big problem. I have confirmed it with Turayan through Medivh in advance."

"It is undeniable that Zera's fall did have some impact on Turayan's direct troops. However, thanks to Turayan's strong commanding ability and charisma, his direct troops were not as good as those who had just returned from the front line. Zera's direct descendants who fled also had their faith shattered, but still maintained a considerable degree of will to fight."

"Huh~" Adal, who obviously didn't need to breathe, let out a heavy breath at this time: "I understand, I will seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I hope Turayan's subordinates can really do what you said. "

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