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Chapter 1799 Titan Star Soul? World Soul?

Ever since Algalon left Azeroth and found Eonar's refuge in the vast universe, the Mother of the Gods, who had been delayed for many years by the coven's harassment, was finally able to calm down and nourish her soul.

All the Titans except Eonar were imprisoned by Sargeras in the most secret coven stronghold of the Burning Throne of Antorus.

As the mother of life, Eonar treats all life equally, but she actually knows in her heart that it is impossible for mortals alone to defeat the powerful Sargeras, even someone like Azeroth who has defeated the Burning Legion more than once The same goes for the world of offense.

This has nothing to do with any racial discrimination or prejudice, but is an indisputable objective fact.

Sargeras's comment that "If you don't become a true god, you will end up as an ant" is a bit extreme, but from a general perspective, it is not wrong. True gods and mortals... or even demigods are not on the same level at all.

According to the information that Sarlayan has learned at this stage, there are only twenty or thirty serious true gods in the entire universe, and there are also some of them who are innately restricted like Zela and cannot exert true god-level combat power under normal circumstances. of individuals.

Regarding this point, many people have a common misunderstanding and believe that the number of true gods in each of the six original forces in the universe is almost the same.

However, this is not the case.

Take the chaotic side as an example. Before Sargeras betrayed the Pantheon on the order side and raised the Burning Legion, no true god was born on the chaotic least not within the known scope of the material universe.

But that was before. Today, the Burning Legion already has two true gods, and maybe half will be temporarily added when Azeroth counterattacks Argus - that is, the incompletely corrupted Aggramar.

In addition to Sargeras, the Titan Argus, who has been completely corrupted by evil energy, is also a strong backing of the Burning Legion.

According to the information provided by the Azeroth Star Soul and Eonar before they retreated, the entire universe is home to Titan Star Souls... or world souls. Although there are indeed very few worlds, they are not as few as three. Not even a few.

Having said this, I have to mention again that Eonar and Azeroth have completely different understandings of the definition of the soul of the world.

Eonar's explanation was from the perspective of the Pantheon. She believed that the soul of the world should be equal to the soul of the Titan, but the soul of Azeroth did not think so.

In her opinion, the soul of the world is just a literal meaning, and does not have any camp tendencies.

Depending on the growth environment and experience, the soul of the world may invest in any of the six original forces after it matures.

If what Azeroth says is the truth, then the set of ideas exported by the Pantheon is somewhat intriguing.

But even so, Sarlayan does not think that the Titans deliberately said this out of bad intentions. They just wanted to increase the order side...or the influence of the Pantheon, so they chose to conceal the truth and export their own opinions.

After all, the true God also has seven emotions and six desires, and cannot be completely selfless.

But this can explain more clearly why the immature Azeroth is coveted by all forces in the universe.

First of all, it is certain that the World Soul of Azeroth does have strong potential. The three relatively decent forces of Order, Light and Life have clearly shown their intention to win over.

The Chaos Side, Shadow Side (Void), and Death Side (Zovar) also extended their black hands to Azeroth to varying degrees, trying to corrupt Azeroth for their own use.

As a citizen who was born and settled in Azeroth, it was natural for Sharlayan to believe the explanation of Ai-chan, who was more closely related to him.

So the question is, since the planets hosting the soul of the world are not so rare that they only have double digits, why are there so few true gods in the entire universe today?

You must know that true gods are not only hatched from the soul of the world. There are also some ancient gods like Zera who were born at the beginning of the universe and were born true gods.

This involves a deeper concept - the First Born.

Sarlayan still knows very little information about the First Born. What is certain at present is that the First Born is not a single individual, but an entire ethnic group.

According to the secret information he learned from the barrage, the Firstborn are the creators of the multiverse, and the six original forces were created and differentiated from them.

There is a saying, but this statement is somewhat outrageous.

If there really is such a group that created the universe, where are they now?

[In Glass Slag’s office. 】

【Grass! 】

[I also think the setting of the Firstborn is very low. After the glass slag is dead, it is forced to use mechanical deity. 】

[But in any case, according to the fragmentary information collected by Sarlayan from the Shadow Realm, the Firstborn does exist in this timeline... at least it can be said that it once existed. 】

As the barrage said, Sarlayan's understanding of the Firstborn came not only from netizens who also knew little about it, but also partly from the information from several Eternals in the Shadow Realm.

In fact, the Eternals don't know much about the existence of the First Born. The reason why this concept is mentioned is because the motivation of explaining Zoval cannot avoid the existence of the First Born.

However, at least under the current environment, Sarlayan will not be exposed to more secrets related to the Firstborn for the time being, so I will not mention them here for the time being.

Let’s talk about the soul of the world.

The fundamental reason why the number of true gods does not match the total number of world souls is that many world souls cannot develop to maturity smoothly.

Argus is a classic example.

The reason why Sargeras is interested in the Eredar civilization is, on the one hand, because the Eredar people have powerful magic and technological capabilities, and on the other hand, because their home planet Argus hosts a precious world soul.

That is what the barrage is talking about now - Argus.

Under the deep erosion of high concentration of evil energy for tens of thousands of years, the Argus star soul has long lost its self-awareness and became a puppet in the hands of Sargeras.

The reason why the demons of the Burning Legion can continue to resurrect is because the star soul of Argus was used by Sargeras as an infinite energy source to resurrect his subordinates.

But no matter what, Argus has successfully grown to maturity.

More world souls in the universe will be stillborn due to various objective reasons. Back then, Sargeras personally chopped down a soul that contained a star soul but had been deeply incubated by the ancient gods. planet.

This situation is not unique in the universe. The growing soul of the world needs to overcome many difficulties.

In the words of Danmu, they need to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties before they can finally achieve the right results.

And these world souls that have successfully grown up will join one of the six original forces of the universe according to their own choices.

For some unknown reason, most of the lucky and mature World Souls tend to choose relatively mild and stable factions such as the Life Side, the Light Side, and the Order Side.

Perhaps due to the continuous publicity of the Pantheon, the most world souls choose to become Titans, followed by the life side, and then the light side.

The Shadow Realm has had no new blood since it was founded by the Firstborn. There are only a few Eternals coming and going.

The situation on the shadow side is unknown for the time being. Sharlayan suspects that it is caused by the infiltration of the Lord of the Void, and the soul of the world will instinctively stay away from them.

As for the chaotic's hard to say what the situation was in the early years. Since the establishment of the Burning Legion, with Sargeras watching eagerly from the side, Sarlayan did not think that there would be a stubborn world soul choosing the chaotic side as a base.

Regarding Ai-chan's camp orientation, Sarlayan specifically asked about her before she entered the death barrier.

No matter what tricks the Pantheon used to promote their ideals, they did help Azeroth, which was parasitized by the Old Gods.

According to the information learned by Azeroth Star Soul, the Pantheon has been committed to maintaining order in the universe since its establishment. It is precisely because of their existence that the universe before the appearance of the Burning Legion could breed in a relatively stable environment. Lots of civilization.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Ai Jiang will most likely choose to join the order camp when he matures, and may even replace Aman'Thul, the current father of the gods, as the new leader of the Pantheon.

Don't doubt it. Based on the analysis of the current situation, Sarlayan believes that this is really possible, and the possibility is not small.

Of course, the premise is that the Azeroth Star Soul can successfully develop to maturity, which requires many Azeroth creatures, including Sharlayan, to work together for it.

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