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Chapter 1800 Adal’s pre-war speech

No matter how much contribution the original Titan, the Father of the Gods Aman'Thul, made to the establishment and growth of the Pantheon, he did make a major decision-making error when dealing with Sargeras, the traitor to the Pantheon, which led to the Pantheon almost As a result, the entire army was destroyed.

Fortunately, Norgannon hid a trick in the end and used magic to save the souls of the Titans at the critical moment, thus retaining a glimmer of hope for the Pantheon's resurrection.

To put it more seriously, Aman'Thul was also to blame for the fall of Sargeras. If it weren't for his passive and perfunctory attitude, Sargeras would not have gradually gone to extremes under the catalysis of anxious emotions.

From this perspective, if those civilizations destroyed by the Burning Legion have spirits underground, part of their resentment should also be attributed to Aman'Thul.

Sarlayan has not met Aman'Thul yet, and does not know what his character is like, and whether he will really resign and take the initiative to retreat behind the scenes due to a series of problems caused by neglecting Sargeras.

But if Ai-chan really wants to compete with Aman'Thul for the throne of the leader of the Pantheon, Sarlayan will definitely support his children...or should we say Planet Mother?

At a time when the souls of other Titans were captured by Sargeras, no matter how much Eonar disliked fighting, she could only stand up and carry the banner of counterattack against Sargeras.

Just like Sharlayan said before, it's up to Titans to deal with Titans.

Eonar's previous tired and scarred state was obviously not enough to compete head-on with Sargeras.

Since the arrival of Algalon, the dilemma faced by Eonar has finally turned around.

And as Turayan led a partial division of the Holy Light Army to come for reinforcements, Eonar was finally able to rest in seclusion and leave all the worries of the outside world to the children from Azeroth.

After using the Sargrith Keystone to send away Adal and his direct subordinates, Sarlayan did not plan to attend the grand banquet held by the believers of the Holy Light.

In addition, the leaders of various countries, including Calia and Velen, did not stay to attend the meeting. Only the relatively idle second-in-commands such as Benedictus and Yrel were left as their respective representatives, and then they followed them around. In a hurry, Sharlayan returned to Azeroth together.

There is nothing they can do about it. It’s not that the leaders don’t want to take the opportunity to relax. The conference of all races in Azeroth is about to be held. They must return to their respective countries as soon as possible to make final preparations for attending this unprecedented scale... I don’t know if it will be unprecedented. .

Just as Sharlayan began to sprint for the convening of the conference, deep in the starry sky far away from Azeroth, a long-planned counterattack was about to officially begin.

Thanks to the power of the Sargrith Keystone to cross the stars at will, Adal and his direct troops arrived at the Eonar Sanctuary that had been built into a defensive fortress by the Legion of Light without anyone noticing.

Under Adal's deliberate suppression, although the members of the Holy Light Legion in the sanctuary were very surprised, they did not make any big noise, mainly to avoid alerting the enemy.

Since Zela's fall, the light-forged warriors who were originally under the direct control of the Mother of Light have all fallen into confusion. They can't figure out why Zela, who talks about words like the glory of the holy light all day long, Degenerated into a powerful entropy demon who knows no difference between friend and foe.

The huge impact on their outlook on life made these once brave and fearless light-forged warriors lose their will to continue fighting, and they always looked confused before A'dal arrived.

As the second-in-command of the Holy Light Legion and one of the original Naaru with roots in Hongmiaozheng, Adal's status and influence are unquestionable.

When Zela was struck by thunder, his timely arrival brought a glimmer of new hope to the confused Lightcast warriors.

Facing those eyes full of questions and longing, Adal, who was floating in the center of the crowd, sighed softly.

"Comrades of the Holy Light Legion, you should all know me, or at least have heard of my name. I am Naru'adal."

"I know that your hearts are full of doubts and confusion about the 'fall' of the Holy Mother of Light...or transformation. Here, I will tell you the truth that Zera has hidden for many years."

Adal kept his agreement with Sarlayan and unabashedly informed all the light-forged warriors present about the secret of Naaru's duality of light and darkness.

Medivh, who was standing outside the crowd watching the show, looked at the soldiers with surprised expressions with great interest: "Turalyon, you know these light-forged soldiers better than I do. Do you think... they will be able to do this after learning the inside story? Get back on your feet?"

Turayan, who also crossed his arms and waited for further progress, shrugged: "I personally think it is okay."

"You have to know that those who can pass the light casting ceremony are without exception those with a strong will."

"They may be temporarily confused due to the collapse of their faith, but as long as a backbone stands up and gives them a reason to continue fighting, I believe... and hope that these strong warriors can regain their fighting spirit."

Medivh smiled and took over the words: "Is this reason the truth from Adal's mouth?"

"No." Turayan shook his head: "The reason is Adal himself. As long as he, the original Naaru, is still alive, the Holy Light Legion will not lose hope of resurrecting."

"As for Zella... I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, many people within the legion have long been dissatisfied with what she did. Before, they just dared to be angry but dared not speak out."

"From a certain perspective, Zella's fall helped the always popular Adal to boost the morale of the Holy Light Legion and once again unite the Lightcast warriors with different ideas."

The fact is, as Turayan said, Adal did not make any impassioned speeches, nor did he deliberately use some chicken soup literature to deceive his own people. He just informed everyone present about Naaru's characteristics in a calm manner.

But it was Adal's calm attitude that calmed those restless Lightcast warriors.

As he spoke in a leisurely and unhurried manner, many people's emotions went through a process of depression, shock, enlightenment, and relief.

"If one day in the future, I exhaust my reserves of Holy Light on the battlefield, unfortunately, I will also degenerate into the Dark Naaru... which is what you commonly call the Entropy Demon."

Adal said in a calm and soothing tone: "Of course, I will try to avoid that situation."

"Once Naaru falls, he will lose his sense of self and become indistinguishable between friend and foe. This will inevitably have a great impact on our comrades who were standing with us against the enemy just a moment ago."

"I think you should already have a deep understanding of this."

After listening to Adal's words, many people nodded in agreement.

Although Adal was one of the first Naaru along with Zeira, his personal strength was not as good as Zeira at his peak, and he had not entered the realm of the true gods.

But even so, Adal has long been stuck at the peak of demigods. However, because of the racial characteristics of Naaru that cannot directly participate in the battle, his sense of existence is not very prominent. Most of the time, he will hide behind the army and provide various powerful weapons. Gain effect.

According to the first-hand information provided by Zela's direct troops, the Burning Legion's aggressive attack was only one of the reasons why the battle was so tragic this time. On the other hand, it was also because Zela was too overconfident and she did not stay behind. He honestly performed his duties as a buff machine, and instead rushed to the front line to try to boost morale.

The final result... everyone knows it.

The shot was the first to hit, and under the impact of the Burning Legion's corpse-piling tactics regardless of casualties, Zera, who was not in the best condition, really lost it.

But looking on the bright side, facing the almost overwhelming Argus demon garrison, the defeat of the Holy Light Legion, which is already insufficient and exhausted, is inevitable.

Even if Zeira stays behind to sort out the army, the Holy Light Legion will still be unable to reverse the inevitable defeat, and there is a high probability that the entire army will be annihilated.

Zera's thunderstorm gave the lightcast warriors far away from the center of the battlefield a chance to escape from the battlefield.

The corrupted Zera wielded the pure power of shadow to kill everyone, causing huge damage to the unprepared Burning Legion.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the bewildered defeated soldiers were able to successfully evacuate, piloting the Zenidal, the flagship of the Holy Light Legion that narrowly escaped disaster, to escape to Eonar Sanctuary to meet up with Turalyon. .

At the end of the speech, Adal's tone finally rose: "The Legion of Holy Light will not be paralyzed by Zera's fall! As long as I am alive, we will continue to fight to the end against the Burning Legion that is ravaging the universe!"

"If you still have the will to continue fighting, please follow me to participate in this raid to counterattack and destroy the Witch Guild!"

"Glory will surely belong to the Holy Light Legion!"

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