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Chapter 1852 The “Birth Birth” Plan is launched

Behind Sarlayan's sight, Onyxia rolled her eyes angrily, which was "just in time" noticed by Tyrande who looked embarrassed.

At this point, Tyrande could only nod and admit: "Yes, but I heard it's not urgent news, so you don't need to..."

Sarlayan looked back at Onyxia, who was making faces at Tyrande, as if feeling something. He shook his head helplessly and said, "It's okay if I don't know the news. Even if the situation isn't urgent, in the At this juncture, I must also be on guard in case something unexpected happens."

"That's it." Sarlayan smiled apologetically at Onyxia: "Unexpected circumstances, we can only change the plan."

"Hey~" Onyxia smiled bitterly and sighed: "Well, I can't tell you anything."

Before entering the portal leading directly to the Eternal Palace, Onyxia gave the uncontrollable Tyrande a fierce look when Sharlayan, who was busy opening the door, didn't notice.

After returning to the Eternal Palace, Sarlayan immediately adjusted his mentality and asked the stunned Valeera and others resolutely: "What happened to the Eonar Sanctuary? Please give a brief report."

Valeela, Azshara and the others exchanged helpless glances, and Little Xingxing, who had always been good-tempered, couldn't help but complain: "I said it's not urgent, but who is talking behind my back?"

"Ha~" Onyxia twitched the corner of her mouth with a half-smile: "Who else could it be? A certain Moon God High Priest who speaks freely."


Valeera smacked her lips in displeasure: "Why is it her again? If you fail to succeed, you will fail."


Sarlayan waved his hand to interrupt the family members' complaints: "We'll leave the topic of criticizing Tyrande for later. Let's talk about business first."

"'s really not that surprising."

After listening to Valeela's concise and concise report, Sharlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Did Medivh mention the situation of Eonar? She hasn't been released yet?"

"No." Valeera shook her head: "According to Medivh, although the battle on the front line is fierce, the defense line will not be breached in a short time. Perhaps it is because the situation outside is stable. Eonar has not yet There was no movement."

"Well..." Sarlayan frowned slightly and paced back and forth: "As the trump card in our hand, Eonar's condition is related to the success or failure of the entire plan... We can't wait like this anymore."

Everyone present twitched their brows at the same time, and had some bad premonitions in their hearts.

Azshara asked with an unsightly expression: "You...don't want to rush there in advance to 'stimulate' the birth, right? I advise you to give up this idea."

"Uh~" Sarlayan scratched his head in embarrassment: "Is my intention so obvious?"

Azshara rolled her eyes angrily: "What do you think?"

"All in all, I disagree."

Azshara straightened her expression and persuaded her solemnly: "I don't trust giving the Sagrit Keystone to others for safekeeping, and as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, you must be present in person to boost morale when the army goes out. Don't try to steal it in advance. run."

What Azshara said makes sense. Sharlayan is not the kind of person who is stubborn and refuses to accept opinions.

But because of this, Sarlayan, who was in the middle of the situation, was caught in a dilemma and didn't know how to weigh the pros and cons.

At this time, Valeera, who was watching clearly, made a compromise suggestion.

"Anyway, the Burning Legion's expedition to Azeroth has been defeated. It's better to let Alexstrasza and Ysera lead all the red and green dragons to Eonar Sanctuary in advance."

"As for you, you should stay in Azeroth and take charge of the overall situation."

Sarlayan stopped pacing, and his brain that was a little heated due to concern regained his composure: "Alright... okay."

Although the strength of Ysera and Alexstrasza has been surpassed by the rising star Sharlayan, looking at the entire Azeroth, they still have a pivotal position and impeccable abilities.

Moreover, Eonar can be regarded as the benefactor of Alexstrasza and Ysera.

Due to the intervention of the Azeroth Star Soul, the direct connection between the Dragon Clan and the Pantheon was severed, but the original enlightenment must still be repaid.

Without the protective power of the half-hearted Titans given by Eonar and others, there would be no dragon clan today.

After Sharlayan conveyed Valeera's suggestions to Ysera and Alexstrasza through Melinthera, they received positive responses as expected.

After tens of thousands of years of ups and downs, the red dragons have become the clan with the strongest comprehensive strength among the five-color dragon clan. The red dragons headed by Alexstrasza also shoulder the heavy burden and are always at the forefront of all major events.

Under the control of the Azeroth Star Soul, the five-color dragon clan expanded into seven dragon clans... plus the colorful dragons, there are eight.

However, the newly born Thunder Dragon and Ice Dragon are still relatively weak, and the Colorful Dragon to which Sarlayan belongs is even more useless. The ones who shoulder the most responsibilities are still the most prosperous Red Dragon and Green Dragon.

However, as the establishment of the Aspect Dragon has been completed and new ones have been added, the red dragon, as the dragon's snake oil, no longer needs to shoulder the three important tasks of defense, offense and treatment, and the pressure on the green dragon has also been reduced.

Today's dragon clan has the powerful blue dragon and thunder dragon to attack the enemy, and the support is the bronze dragon and green dragon. The black dragon and the not yet fully formed ice dragon are responsible for carrying the line. The red dragon is the main healer and the green dragon is the auxiliary healer.

With a clear division of labor, the pressure on each of the seven dragon clans is significantly reduced.

In this air battle with the Burning Legion, the Red Dragon and Green Dragon, who were sitting firmly in the center, suffered minimal losses and were ready to fight again soon after the battle.

Since Alexstrasza and Ysera themselves had volunteered with full fighting spirit, Sharlayan did not pretend to say anything that was not nutritious.

"Your Majesty Alexstrasza, Your Majesty Ysera."

Sarlayan explained to the two of them straight to the point the responsibilities they had to bear for this early expedition: "I don't need to say more about the importance of Eonar in this decisive battle. You two should also know it well, so I won't What nonsense.”

"Within three months at the latest, the Azeroth Expeditionary Force will depart for Eonar Sanctuary, join the remaining Legion of Light, Star Saint, Titan Guardian and Loa, and then attack the Burning Legion's base camp. ——Argus.”

"Therefore, we must ensure that Eonar, who has been in seclusion for healing, breaks out within three months. The sooner the better."

"Unfortunately, to this day there is still no movement from Eonar and we don't even know the status of her recovery."

"Just in case, I decided to use what Azshara calls the 'activation' method to artificially help Eonar speed up her healing."

Alexstrasza nodded solemnly: "So, it's the turn of the red dragon and the green dragon who control the power of life, right?"


Sarlayan said categorically: "After you arrive at the sanctuary, you must keep a low profile and don't let the witches who are storming the defense line discover your whereabouts. The first priority is to help Eonar get out of seclusion as soon as possible."

"If there is still energy left after the main goal is achieved, you can provide some help to our allies as appropriate, but you must persuade Eonar, who is interested in revenge, to exercise restraint and wait until Azeroth's army arrives before using thunderous means to sweep away Destroy all intruders."

Ysela tilted her head in confusion: "Why is this?"

Alexstrasza guessed an idea and asked thoughtfully: "It should be to catch the Burning Legion off guard, right? Keep the news of Eonar's recovery until the last moment, and then lead the victory. Conquering Argus in one fell swoop boosts morale.”

"Yes, in addition..." Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "According to the information provided by our new 'ally', even in Argus, the home of the Burning Legion, we still have some things that we may be able to win over. Local guide.”

"The Broken One." (End of Chapter)

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