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Chapter 1853 The Eredar split into four

The Broken Ones are the draenei... or the twisted form of the eredar that mutated after being corrupted by evil energy.

Unlike Man'ari, who draws evil energy into his body through formal means, the Broken One needs to constantly fight against the evil energy that erodes his will. Once he relaxes, he will quickly lose his mind and degenerate into a killing maniac who can't distinguish between friend and foe.

According to accurate data provided by Kil'jaeden before his death, only about 70% of the billions of eredar on Argus chose to join the Burning Legion, about 10% followed Velen to escape from their home planet, and 10% were killed by the Legion of Light. Picked up, the remaining 10% of the Eredar who were unwilling to submit to the Burning Legion were forced to stay in the wilds of Argus to fight guerrillas.

As we all know, the Burning Legion does not breed idlers.

In this environment where whoever has the bigger fist speaks louder, the competition between demons is very fierce. The 70% of the Eredar who took the initiative to join the Burning Legion at the beginning may not even have 30% today.

What? Can the Burning Legion be resurrected? Why were there so many casualties?

This is indeed the case, but in the more than 20,000 years since the Eredar people joined the legion and became involved in the madness, there are definitely not a few unlucky demons who were played by their own people until their souls were driven to pieces, and a considerable number of them were Man'a who actively strived for progress. Rui.

The draenei who fled Argus with Velen also suffered heavy losses during their long escape. According to the latest official census of New Shattrath City, including some of the tribesmen who are still in Draenor, the entire draenei tribe There are only more than 2 million people left.

The Eredar people taken away by the Holy Light Legion were not much better. Just a light-forging ceremony filtered out 80% of the 10% of the population, and they continued to suffer losses during the long war career.

According to Turalyon, after the sudden incident that caused Zera's fall, the remaining Lightforged Eredar population among the remaining Legion of Light was only a few tens of thousands, which was 20,000 more than those hunted by the Burning Legion. The draenei over the years have been even more miserable.

Finally, there are those Broken Ones who were unable to be taken away by Velen and were forced to stay in Argus.

You can guess with your buttocks that under the influence of the increasingly harsh wild environment of Argus, the life of the Broken Ones who can only survive by hiding from the Burning Legion will definitely not be easy.

Even Kil'jaeden and Talgath don't know how many people are left in the sewer gophers hiding everywhere, but Talgath is at least certain that, except for the Antoran Wasteland, which is the headquarters of the Burning Legion, In addition, Krokuun and Eredas (Mac'Aree), the only three remaining areas of Argus, all have traces of Broken activities.

In contrast, the Eredas region, which is less affected by fel energy, has more Broken ones.

When he learned about the current situation of Eridas, Sarlayan felt very confused for a time.

Why is Eredas, the former ruling center of the Eredar civilization, the least affected by evil energy?

Logically speaking, this place should be under the focus of the Burning Legion.

The answer is actually very simple - it comes from the containment of the power of the void.

Ever since Narulula exhausted the Holy Light and turned into an entropy demon, various strange void creatures have been entering Eredas centered on the seat of the Archons.

This is mainly because the atmosphere of Argus has long ceased to exist due to the long-term erosion of evil energy, and various creatures from the universe can easily reach the surface of Argus.

However, under the strong control of the Burning Legion, apart from the equally tough Void forces, no third-party force has been able to gain a firm foothold in Argus so far.

It is precisely because of the neutralization of the power of the void that the natural environment of Eridas is still well maintained to this day. The two highly aggressive forces of evil energy and the void have reached a delicate balance on this land. No one can Nothing can be done about anyone.

Among the broken ones who lived in Eredas, some were parasitized by the power of the void and turned into strange forms similar to the white ghost orcs.

These mutated Broken Ones will also lose their minds and have no value in winning over.

But even if you exclude the mutants who are repeatedly pulled over by the power of the void and the power of evil, there are still many Broken individuals living in Argus who have retained their sanity.

After all, the Azeroth Expeditionary Force is an outsider who does not know the local environment. Even Velen, who was once very familiar with Argus, dare not say that he knows everything about Argus today.

Therefore, it is necessary to find some local indigenous guides, so that the Azeroth expeditionary force who have come from afar and are unfamiliar with the place can avoid many unnecessary traps.

But it's not easy to convince the Broken Ones.

According to Talgath, although Krokuun and the Broken Breakers of Eredas hated the Burning Legion who made Argus a mess, they also had no good impressions of the Draenei who abandoned them and fled their home planet alone. .

In comparison, the Broken hate the Burning Legion even more strongly, and this is where Sharlayan plans to start.

As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

At least when it comes to defeating the Burning Legion, Sharlayan believes there is still room for cooperation between the Broken Breakers of Argus and the Azeroth Expeditionary Force.

As for the problems after the war... it depends on the skill of Velen and the Council of Bishops.

Thanks to the efforts of Fandral Staghelm, an expert in cultivating Arkandor, the new Arkandor used to blend evil energy has been successfully completed.

Theoretically, a Broken One who consumes this Arcandor Fruit should be able to escape the current state of being continuously corrupted by evil energy.

Sharlayan is not sure whether the Broken Ones whose appearance has changed drastically can still be cured into draenei, but at least they will no longer have to endure the pervasive corruption of evil energy from now on, and they will be spared this never-ending pain.

At this stage, all the conjectures about the new type of Arcandor are still in the theoretical stage, because the first tree species sent by Fandral has not yet been cultivated and mature, at least until the end of Argus's expedition, no actual results will be seen.

But no matter what, this new type of Akandor can be used as abduction... ah, an important bargaining chip to convince Argus Breaker.

Alexstrasza and Ysera don’t know the details of Sarlayan’s subsequent plans. In view of the fact that Sarlayan has never made major mistakes in his past layouts, but has made great achievements many times, they have gradually become accustomed to giving up strategic considerations. , simply follow orders.

Just like what Sarlayan often says, there are specializations in the arts, and the dragon kings will not force themselves to do things beyond their capabilities. On the contrary, they will focus on the areas they are best at. This achieves the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

At this stage, Alexstrasza and Ysera only need to remember Sharlayan's instructions and put the task of awakening Eonar first.

As for other things, after achieving the main goal, they can make reasonable choices based on the actual situation on site.

The red dragon and the green dragon were lightly damaged in the previous air battle. After receiving the queen's call, the elites of the two races, who were already in a state of combat readiness, quickly began to assemble towards Nazjatar.

But before that, the two dragon kings who are about to travel far have to attend the grand celebration banquet to be held in Suramar City tonight. (End of chapter)

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