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Chapter 1854 Manfrey’s transformation progress

Sarlayan is not interested in formalistic products like celebration banquets. After all, the war is not over yet, and having a celebration banquet now feels like opening champagne at halftime.

But from a practical perspective, this celebration banquet is indispensable.

Azeroth is a new civilization that has not yet left the embrace of its home planet. The first time he left his hometown was the hellish difficulty of an expedition to the Burning Legion's lair. Sarlayan could completely understand the soldiers of all races who felt at a loss about what to do.

Therefore, taking this opportunity to defeat the Burning Legion expeditionary force, a timely celebration banquet can just relieve the tension and uneasiness of the coalition forces.

There are many people who have the same idea as Sharlayan. For example, Illidan, who has always been known for his pragmatism, has no interest in this celebration banquet.

In Illidan's opinion, instead of holding a banquet, it is better to use the time to double the training of soldiers. As long as the training intensity is strong enough, he ensures that those weak guys will not have extra energy to think wildly.

However, Illidan's views were not shared by most leaders, and his brother Malfurion mercilessly criticized this move as inhumane.

Sharlayan finally knew why the relationship between Illidan and Malfurion had never been good.

Malfurion always had an elegant and easy-going attitude when facing outsiders, but in front of Illidan, he would put on a sharp and stern expression.

Perhaps in his own view, doing so is fulfilling the responsibility of an elder brother like a father. Only strict discipline can ensure that Illidan can listen to his instructions.

However, it turns out... Illidan, who has a strong self-esteem, doesn't accept this at all.

But Malfurion never changed his ways, which was the root cause of the two brothers drifting apart.

What? Tyrande?

Don't be ridiculous, Illidan is the ultimate form of a dog licker. As long as Tyrande can live a happy life, Illidan can accept that the person accompanying her is not herself.

Tyrande, who was caught between the two brothers, was just a trigger that intensified the conflict. The irreconcilable ideological differences between the Stormrage brothers were the core reason why they parted ways.

Sarlayan partially agreed with Illidan's point of view, but he could not adopt such a Spartan decision. Otherwise, before the expedition was officially launched, there would be a wave of civil strife within the coalition forces.

After Sarlayan's earnest persuasion, Illidan finally agreed to attend the banquet as a way to boost morale before the war.

Although there were many big names attending this banquet, there really wasn't much to say at the core. It was just that big guys from all walks of life came to Sarlayan one after another to learn more about the plan, so as to alleviate the uneasiness of leaving Azeroth and heading to a strange planet. mood.

As for those conventional slaps in the face that the barrage mentioned... they don't exist. With Sarlayan's current identity and status, if someone really dares to jump in front of him and act like a monster, it doesn't even involve Sarlayan himself. If he takes action, the leaders of various ethnic groups who have the same interests as him will take the first step to get the guy who is trying to cause trouble to be removed.

That night, Suramar completely became a city that never sleeps. High-level people from various races and countries gathered in the Dark Night Fortress, and the soldiers were arranged to party all night long in the square outside.

Sarlayan was not interested in investigating how many pairs of wild mandarin ducks of different races were created that night. Just appeasing the leaders of the various races who took turns to fight consumed a lot of his energy.

After this banquet of unprecedented scale, the mood of the soldiers who had accumulated a lot of pressure during the war became much calmer. Just by being able to do this, this expensive banquet was worth it.

money? This thing is really just a number to Sarlayan.

Although the dragons in Azeroth are not as greedy for money as the Western dragons mentioned in the barrage, tens of thousands of years of accumulation are enough for the dragons to have almost inexhaustible wealth. Holding a banquet is just a sprinkling of water.

Besides, the cost of this banquet does not need to be borne by the Dragon Clan. All the participating tribes and countries are very interested in sharing part of the resources.

On the third day after the banquet, Sharlayan used the Sargrith Keystone to open the remote portal and sent the red dragons and green dragons to Eonar Sanctuary with ease.

Excluding the solo operation of Medivh, this is already the third batch of reinforcements sent by Sarlayan.

If nothing else, this is also the last batch of reinforcements before the Azeroth Expeditionary Force is dispatched.

While all of Azeroth was busy preparing for war, Sharlayan followed Jaina to a temporary factory outside Nazjatar.

The Manfrey flagship captured from the Burning Legion is hovering above the factory, and a team of technicians led by Mimiron is working overtime to transform the energy supply pipeline of this giant warship.

This was the first time for Sarlayan to enter the interior of the Manfrey, and he was very uncomfortable with the overall pale green interior decoration.

"How is the situation?" Under the leadership of Jaina, Sarlayan found Mimiron who was busy in the engine room: "Can you make it in time for the expedition?"

Mimiron still uses the body of a mechanical dwarf. This short and weak body often makes Mimiron feel helpless, and is far less useful than his original guardian body.

For example, now, he had to step on the shoulders of two stone giants to reach the core power furnace built based on the height of the Eredar people.

Mimiron has complained about this problem more than once, but now he really can't find a body that is more suitable for the guardian's soul, so he can only place his hope on the reconstruction of the Pantheon.

"Well... the time is a bit tight, but it should be completed before the expedition starts."

As the main person in charge of the project, Mimiron did not need to do it himself after completing the design of the energy pipeline. This was originally an area that Azadas was responsible for.

However, Azadas had already rushed to Eonar Sanctuary with other colleagues. With years of training, the high elves and draenei technicians could barely reach the standards of Mimiron.

When it comes to the professional areas that he is good at, Mimiron talked a lot.

"Your decision to transform the fel energy supply pipeline into an arcane pipeline is correct. This thing..."

"Dang!" Mimiron stretched out his mechanical arm and knocked on the outer wall of the power furnace, making a crisp sound: "When running at full power, its corrosiveness is really no joke. As long as a mortal appears within 100 meters of the power furnace, it will start. Suffering erosion.”

The initial work was done by Mimiron with Titan creations with strong corrosion resistance such as mechanical gnomes and earth spirits. High elves and draenei technicians were only allowed to join in the second stage.

After the transformation of the energy supply pipeline, the Manfred will be powered by arcane energy instead of fel energy. Sarlayan has applied in advance from Quel'Thalas for a large number of arcane lattices that store the pure energy of the Sunwell. This battleship was supported to operate independently for half a year.

Of course, this is on the premise that the weapon system is not used.

All the weapon systems of the Manfrey were completely dismantled by the Azeroth Air Force headed by the Dragon Clan in the previous war, and it was impossible to completely repair them in just three months.

Sarlayan did not require Mimiron and the others to repair the weapon system while completing the energy pipeline transformation. The warship's fel cannon was originally incompatible with arcane energy supply.

As long as this giant battleship, originally Kil'jaeden's flagship, appears on the battlefield, it will greatly damage the morale of the Argus defenders. Even if Sargeras tried to control the intelligence of the Deceiver's defeat, it would be useless. After all, seeing is believing. .

As for replacing the new adapted weapon system... this depends on Mimiron and the others' construction schedule, but there is no need to force it.

"Let's stop talking about the Manfrey problem here." Saryan interrupted Mimiron's long and enthusiastic speech, and then changed the topic and continued to ask: "How is the transformation of the Enterprise? Can new technologies be used? How is the debugging of the main gun?"

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